New filing on ecourts re MB

No. SGF filed an answer previously saying that they were going to pursue the issue of LKs alleged harassment in incidents other than “the NC incident”. Stone requested any documents on those other incidents known to SGF.

SGF at first declined to produce them, but in this answer says they have turned over 120 pages of documents to LK. There is another 60 pages of a report drawn from public records that SGF is not turning over on the grounds that it is attorney work product.

So SGF has turned over some but not all of what Stone requested, in the hopes Stone will withdraw his motion to compel discovery.

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Just remember all- it is not worth the wasted typing strokes! Think of all the peace we have recently enjoyed!


LK could’ve left and then sued MB for the money she felt that she was owed. Or RG could’ve sued for the money that he felt he was owned. Especially if she felt so unsafe. You G the F O and then go back for your money. Not play games. Not stick around. Not push, poke, and antagonize. Then again, neither side seemed to go about this in the smartest of ways, regardless of what some may think of themselves.

I think that’s a great strategy though. I’m an unlicensed contractor, so I’m going to see what a licensed contractor bids on a job, then see if I can get in on some somewhat sketchy verbal deal of sorts, half-ass it, not complete the work, then claim I’m owned the amount that the licensed contractor would’ve been paid (bid amount).


If you know who that poster is, it’d all make sense though.


Stone asked for the texts and emails to and from Bart Anderson for the time period 12/1/2018 to 12/1/2019 — which covers the period of the pipe freeze, insurance adjuster activity and renovation planning.

If he’s the Lundberg’s contractor, the water damage and renovations may well have been discussed.


Has it been established who Bart is is this whole bid thing just speculation?


Well that’s it in a nutshell. Plus, how does any idea of owing RG money relate to LK. She doesn’t get to sue for it. We’ll just have to wait and see what comes out in the filings. THis seems less than not a whole lot of nothing.


Complete speculation on everyone’s part. Not worth the time.


This is all we know about Bart - that he and the Lundbergs have no texts or emails about the property in question during the timeframe GAS asked for.


OK. So that’s that. There aren’t any.


Yes, in 20/20 hindsight, obviously she should have left. But she probably did not know MB was delusional. She probably thought not leaving until she was paid was an effective bargaining position.

Don’t forget that MB hired an unlicensed contractor in a sketchy verbal deal. I don’t think RG represented himself as licensed.

The unwritten, sketchy, half-assed deal contributed to the mess — and MB was a party to the deal.

A sane businessman doing things by the book would not have entered into either side of the deal.


Of course it is speculation- coming from a poster who swears no relationship with LK, and likes to refer to the movies in their own head!


We have to remember that without MB himself testifying about various events, any event put forth solely by the the Kanarek is likely to be wholly wrong, misrepresented and as far from truth as words can be.


It certainly is shaping up that way, even in her own case. What really is a head sratcher is just how much she didn’t think anyone is going to look for substantiation of her claims. I mean, I am no attorney, but even I know that you can’t just say somebody did something, you have to prove it. You can’t just say you have damages, you have to prove them. You can’t just make it up.


This is the crux of all of it! The Kanareks have never been held accountable for anything and now that they are in the position of having to prove their story they are running into how to make the Finish the Bastard Plan into a tea party and all fun and games. Everything that has happened and will happen is 100% on the Kanarek’s bad behavior. Just as no one deserves to be shot, no one deserves to be destroyed just for the fun of it!!!


Imagine having to have real proof behind the things that you claim. Wild.



civil_rights_complaint_form (1).pdf (335.0 KB)

Can someone in MB’s position file one of these forms as institutionalized person rights directly against a judge if the judge’s decision is depriving them of their civil rights?


Don’t forget - dare I say it - delusional. IOW, massaged and tweaked in whatever way and to whatever extent needed to feed the delusions of her own grandeur.


Didn’t LK prevent RG from submitting an invoice for what he thought he was owed, because it would ruin her plan? That shoots down CH’s rambling theory pretty convincingly.