New filing on ecourts re MB

It means the plaintiff LK withdraws her case and claim regarding the defendant SGF and only that defendant.

A settlement could be any mutually agreed upon dollar amount and maybe action. An example would be Def SGF shall pay to plaintiff Kanarek within 30 days of the date of this stipulation the sum of $275,000. Both parties agree that neither shall discuss the other either personally, in the press, on TV or on social media. Failure to comply shall result in a motion to renew the case for a violation of the stipulation of settlement.

The money is paid to her attorneys and they distribute the balance after taking their cut, usually one third.


Doesn’t that set up a potentially delightful scenario. I see one side as lacking the discipline to keep their mouths shut.


Yeah but will SGF want to pursue anything should a Kanarek call them a name?


I’m sure they couldn’t care less, but it sure won’t help her case with MB, now would it?


Just my opinion but I can imagine LK saying let the old folks go, it’s MB who is the main prey anyway.


I can too, but didn’t sfg have a counter claim? We really have no idea what the settlement entails.


Even if they don’t talk about the settlement publicly, I would not be surprised one bit if the K-Klan use the SGF and RC settlements as “ammunition” to prove LK’s claims against MB. IOW, if MB hadn’t done what they accuse him of doing, then SGF and RC wouldn’t have felt compelled to offer (or accept) a settlement.

It will be interesting to see how long it is before the K minions assure us that that is exactly the strategy of LK/GAS. :roll_eyes:


I believe that MB had the only counter claim. Someone please correct me if I am wrong


The conference with the mediator from the 17th (I think) was rescheduled to yesterday, where all this happened.


My guess is that she agreed to settle with SGF because 1) She was (finally) convinced that her claims against them didn’t hold water; 2) She was terrified of being deposed by Silver; 3) GAS absolutely did not want to go up against Silver in court; and 4) GAS convinced her that her show of “compassion” for the Lundbergs would play well in the court of public opinion.


No, that’s not clear. I think that SGF was bluffing that they had devastating evidence of LKs harassment that would establish she had comparative fault, and Stone called their bluff.

If they had powerful evidence of her harassment and thought they could prevail on the comparative fault argument, why would they settle?

All we know is that SGF settled, paying LK a nonzero amount. We don’t know whether it was a “victory” for either side since we don’t know the amount of the settlement.

At some level, both sides are better off since they don’t face the drain of legal fees and the risk of a jury decision.

It will be interesting to see if Barisone now settles.


That seems like a pretty steep hill to climb for her at this point. Like, the size of Mount Everest.


I have no idea what the settlement is in this case but a settlement does not necessarily mean that one party pays another. Parties can agree to drop their claims and walk away as a settlement. Or a plaintiff can agree to pay a defendant who has a cross claim as a settlement. Settlement does not necessarily mean the defendant pays the plaintiff.


I must have missed something. How does everyone know that SGF settled?

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Regardless of any current or future settlements or the outcome of any civil trials, the entire world has seen the Kanareks for exactly what they are. Nothing can change that fact.


Thanks, IMO Lauren settled/withdrew her complaint against SGF once she was aware of the overwhelming evidence that SGF had that was going to come out in court and her deposition. What a tangled web she has weaved. I don’t see Micheal settling, so it’s still ALL going to come out.


So does that mean that LK doesn’t have to sit for a disposition anymore?

Or are they still waiting for the judge to rule on limiting her disposition for MB’s counter-claim.


We can only hope Deininger has the same evidence Silver has and that the judge allows it in!


I’m still questioning if the Cox and SGF settlements will be held until Michael’s suit has been decided.