New filing on ecourts re MB

GAS referred to it as a “settlement.” Would he have used that specific language if she had withdrawn her complaint?


I would assume it is still on since Weaver signed the order stipulating that her deposition must be completed on or before March 30, 2023 - which is tomorrow! And that makes me now wonder if she has already been deposed, and if so, was Silver involved, and those facts are what convinced her and GAS to take the settlement with SGF.



Why is collateral estoppel being at issue rather than res judicata?

IMO the events that caused the situation on 8/7/19 are definitely of interest to a jury as well as prior behavior?

Interesting! Has Chris Deininger or anyone representing him arrived in FL or has a Zoom deposition been scheduled for tomorrow? Perhaps @Inigo-montoya will advise since he continues to check the thread for some reason.


Also regarding LK’s deposition - does the fact that SGF is no longer in the picture now preclude any evidence gathered by Silver from being used by MB’s defense team? For instance, will interrogatories drafted by Silver or info from LK’s deposition by Silver (assuming it has occurred) be barred from being used as evidence? Or does all that stuff make it into the record anyway?


I surmise that IM is checking this thread because he is desperate to know who knows what. As I have postulated before, he may be hoping someone will out themselves as having a telepathic or other type of connection to MB, LO, Deininger, etc. - and will spill the beans on what is going on behind the scenes.


New donation on the GFM. :laughing:


I thought we had discussed that this was not a collateral estoppel situation - curious about your question.

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I wonder if it helps that MB is part of SGF?


It doesn’t matter if they settled for millions, LK and her family is and always will be known (in the horse world) as toxic, beyond disturbed and to be avoided at all costs.

Good luck with all the money, K family. They still have no real friends and people avoid them like the plague, that they are. What fun is it to have all kinds of money to brag about when everyone rolls their eyes and talks behind your back? That’s a pretty sad and pathetic existence… for them all!

Eta (bc I’m feeling a bit salty) Psst…LK… you don’t have any talent and you were never going to the Olympics.


I’m assuming since the recent claims from SGF was that their information was taken from the public record, that Michael’s attorneys already have the information in some form or fashion….possibly from the PI report.

It doesn’t look like SGF ever got any real discovery except for what MCPO turned over. And anyway, the majority of the damage done was to Michael. He was the target and subject to the Finish the Bastard/drive him insane plan. Well, he’s got expert psych witnesses and a jury’s agreement that he was driven insane…and so far the evidence available to the public shows which group of people were behind that….


I very much doubt that LK got much, if any, money from the settlement.


I doubt it too but just in case IM comes on here again bragging about some disgusting settlement for a cool quarter of a mill (what a joke) I just wanted to put that out there. They will always be the same disgusting family that they are right now. No amount of money will ever change that.


LK will be deposed by Deininger and Bilinkas, apparently on the 13th of April. It won’t be fun for her that’s for sure.

Barisone is the only one that has a counterclaim in this mess. SGF and Ruth Cox did not file counterclaims.


Yes, I agree but there are some who continue to bring it up making me repeatedly curious.

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It’s interesting to think about how the negotiations/attempt to reach a settlement is going. I can imagine that LK is hoping at this point in time not to have her deposition go forward and is trying to find a way out.

Good luck on getting MB to settle for anything but all attorney’s fees and a big chunk of money from LK as well as a public admission of guilt.

I think MB did not take a plea and agreed to the filming of the criminal trial because he wanted people to see the K’s for what they are and I don’t believe that he’ll change his attitude in that respect. MHO only.


Thank you for the calendar update. It really has been hard to keep up with all the intentional delay after delay by the plaintiff and her frigging family.


Thanks, I forgot that they had postponed it until April 13. It will be interesting to see if that date holds or if it will get postponed again for some reason.


Remember the judge’s handwritten note? I doubt the deposition will be postponed.


Lawyer types….

Does Michael have to depose LK? They already have a crap load of evidence, witnesses, etc….

Can’t they just drag all the evidence back out and ask her their questions on the stand at the trial?