New filing on ecourts re MB

Ruth Cox’s lawyers.


Today was the first day to consider the motion to compel SGF and MB to produce things. Since SGF settled, that just leaves the Motion to compel MB.

They could be discussing all of the outstanding issues though, yes.


If a settlement happens would there be any indication of it on the court site?

Wasn’t there something on the website for the settlement for that just happened with the Klan and SGF?
That is your answer.


My understanding is that courts don’t call for status conferences over settlement negotiations.

It’s for issues pertaining to the flow of the court case and its timelines.


I wondered that because no other parties would be left if a settlement was reached.
I suppose they would submit something to the judge.

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Even if nothing is ever filed publicly, if everything is resolved, all of this will change.


Thank you @ekat. Of course the court would submit something to all of us directly since we are following the case right? :smile:


Of course!


Hey Jonathan Kanarek, I see you are here. Why not update us on what the hearing was about today and what happened at it.


Maybe we’ll see a filing on ecourt stating Lauren has dropped her suit! :laughing:


I think one of my “favorite” parts of these threads is that the K’s do not log off to lurk…


Honestly, I think they want people to know they are lurking. Who knows what they think they will find here.


As I recall, when GAS filed a request that the deposition exlude questions about LK’s past actions, he requested oral arguments if the defendants opposed that request. And of course they did, and most eloquently at that! Is it possible that today’s case management conference is about that?


Yes, it appears that Kirby Kanarek has been around too. I did not mean to limit my question to Jonathan. I am fine with Kirby telling us what went on today too.


Maybe GAS personally handed over the Kirby transcripts in front of the judge so there would be no question they were received. Gosh, I wonder if those original two separate lost mailings were ever found or returned to sender?


I wonder if they’re still sharing just the one keyboard.


Now that SGF has settled what happens to the long unanswered subpoena between SGF and Jonathan Kanarek? Does team Michael get to turn around and ask for the same information?




If MB and LK have settled, I can’t help but think the K’s were very worried about the upcoming depositions as well as all the “dirt” that was going to come out if the case made it to trial. And if (as has been hinted at from time to time) there were criminal shenanigans happening (like illegal recordings, trespassing such as unpermitted entry into MB’s office, forging of documents, taking photos of documents found lying on MB’s desk or in his desk or file cabinets, willful destruction of documents found in MB’s office or otherwise related to his business, willful destruction of evidence such as videos, audio recordings, transcripts, etc., or stalking, bullying, intimidation, threats, or other types of coercion by JK against MB, etc.), and there was evidence of such in text messages, then it could be that they were worried about triggering criminal charges against themselves. If that were the case - and I am saying IF so certain parties don’t get their shorts in a wad - then I can certainly see how they would be very compelled to push for a settlement.

And to give JK and KK the benefit of the doubt - it could be that they were previously unaware of some of LK’s past horrible behavior and the info contained in the PI report and that CD and MS dug up was a bit of an eye-opener to them.

It will certainly be interesting to see what happens regarding a settlement between MB and LK. I agree that it would be a big weight off his shoulders to have the lawsuit settled so he can focus all his energies on getting released and moving forward with his life.


I would have fallen for this before, but now that we have read a small sample of the texts it is very clear that Daddy - Jonathan Kanarek - is smack dab in the middle of her planning and doing these things.

Let me remind you that Jonathan Kanarek thought it would be funny to make Michael and company homeless.