New filing on ecourts re MB

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I wonder how much the eyes of COTH being on this case and witness to the evidence that could come out about Lk is driving this settlement?

I get why SGF would settle, but that doesn’t seem like something it would be easy for Lk to do based on her online activities.


That’s probably the most relevant one.


Deleted… I goofed and opened the wrong file :blush:

I only see March 31, 2023 on the opening page and throughout the document. Where do you see 2022?

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I think I just opened the wrong file after downloading, my bad :blush:


There are a lot of files!


My gut says there won’t be a settlement between MB and LK. I do agree that the timing is very suspicious that the KPopians are quaking in their boots (however fancy they may be).


It has also been my experience that, if you are not logged on, the thread will start with the first post and you have to remember where you were and scroll down to it. :grimacing:

(Or I could be soooo technically challenged that it only happens to me :crazy_face:).


I’m sure that’s true. If you’re not logged in, COTH’s system doesn’t know who you are, so it wouldn’t know where you were last.


Re MB/LK settlement there has to be some realism factored in. From MB’s perspective he is out potloads of income, and his business will notbuild back up overnight. Provable by tax returns etc. BUT suppose that number is $2 million just to pick a round number out of the air. His lawyers need to determine whether or not that amount of collectable assets/insurance exist on LK’s side. Wasting time a legal expense to be awarded damages that you wont ever see is not productive for him (Think familes of Sandy Hook who “won” $billion from a man who is bankrupt. ) SO if he wants $2 million but can realistically only hope to actually collect $1 mm then he should settle now at a collectable #.

Its expensive to drag her over the coals as much as he might want to do and it will drag out a long time. Why bother when you can’t get blood out of a rock?


Because I think at this point it is not about the money, or getting blood from a rock as you put it, from Lauren Kanarek, but it is the desire to show the world exactly what the Kanarek family can and will do to ruin someone and to show how Lauren Kanarek and company have been lying all along.


I just scrolled down to latest comment and if the same conversation is going on hundred of post later as when I logged off….know I didn’t miss much.


I think that may be the feeling/thinking of most of the Coth members that have followed this travesty/tragedy. We don’t know how MB feels about this.


And the emotional me agrees with trubandloki. But the pragmatic me thinks about his health and the bills that have been run up and the stress of lawsuits and how long it will drag on… I do believe part of this is and has to be about the money.


If ever there is a settlement, maybe it could include something like this in the wording. (This is from California)FAM190.pdf (236.4 KB)


The sensible solution for him is to settle, continue to heal, get released from Greystone, and get back to work while he still has a farm and hopefully, a loyal clientele that will return.

Right now, everyone has negotiated a settlement except MB. I understood why he didn’t accept a plea deal. It would have left him barred from his life in the horse world. He had nothing to lose by going for NGRI and everything to gain-reinstatement by SafeSport and back to his life at the top of the dressage world.

Settling is a win. It is how business is done whether in a court or prior to going to court. He has everything to lose by going to court in this instance and a very slim chance to win. The entire jury believed the prosecutor met the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt that MB shot LK in the criminal trial. It is not nearly so difficult for a jury to find the same by a simple majority on the preponderance of evidence. He had the gun. She was shot by the gun. No other weapons found.

If he continues the court battle, he will be completely immersed in that time. it will be very stressful. He will likely have to testify which can be very stressful even if you are a witness for facts and do not have a dog in the hunt. He could have setbacks in his mental health struggles. He could lose badly. His own past is as fair game as LK’s. His money will continue to go out to his lawyers. His business will continue but how much can JH bring in on his behalf? Even if he wins in court, if she doesn’t have the funds to pay him, he has only lost time and money regaining his life. It will not help him get out of Greystone. It will not help him with his legal bills, well maybe, but if she can’t pay then who does? Is his defense team just left unpaid?

He made the worst decision before when he shot her instead of evicting her. He may be incapable of making a sensible decision now and instead try to go to court anyway but it may be trying for a Pyrrhic victory. He had good advice from MHG and Tarshis before to evict her and didn’t listen. I hope he is getting good advice now and listening.



In my opinion MB became a rider at the top of his sport by pursuing his dream against the odds. I imagine his drive and ability to stay focused on a goal is assisting his desire to seek “justice”.
For some of people money is not the be all, end all.
I realize many believe capitalism is the American dream but for gifted individuals seeking truth and justice can feel like the most pressing need. An internal drive to succeed cannot be just turned off.