New filing on ecourts re MB

SafeSport is linked to his being found to be not a danger to himself or others and released fully from mental health institutions not the civil trial. The civil case has nothing to do with it except that his past will come up as well as LK’s and if he has had violent episodes in the past that could be a problem with SafeSport. If not, then great, but the key is what happens with Greystone.

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What if, after all this time, MB has regained some or all of his memory surrounding that incident. So he not only knows what happened, he can prove it. Wouldn’t that make the K’s suddenly decide settling was the best course of action? And if they did, would MB pursue his counterclaim for big bucks? (If it was me, I sure would.)


Or, what if MB has texts from LK, Rg and JK talking about what really happened. And if he does, wants to pursue his Counterclaim for big bucks. Or at least for a cool 250k.


Or maybe, just like Deininger said, they have evidence of a plot to physically harm him or others on the farm?


I’m sorry to say that amount would probably represent just a tiny fraction of what this whole thing has cost him.

And as others have said, who knows how much would even be recoverable, or whatever the term is.


The way I’m reading this, I don’t think it’s about the money.

Right now, he is the hospital and safe from the “Klan” (K). In this sphere of safety, he’s probably doing quite well, as far as his mental state goes.

There is the chance, and I think a good one, that if he were to be released before the K is completely outed and demolished, they would go on the attack, again. That would not be good for his mental health and healing – actually, it would be quite the opposite.

So, IMHO, I think he wants to take this to trial, and smash them to the ground, legally, so that in the future, he can be safe from them when he is out in the world.

My 2¢


I’d like to thank everybody for their willingness to pay their “fines” here…the GoFundMe is $500 richer because of it. :slight_smile:


Plus the thread is so much more pleasant these days. Total win-win!!


So 23 days until the next Krol hearing. Hopefully MB will be allowed to move up and allowed to take day trips.
Does anyone know if the trips are supervised and part of a group from the hospital? I wonder where the patients are able to go and if they are allowed to include family and friends.


I was reading the wellington/Ocala duel thread. Wouldn’t it be fun if all the BNTs in Welli gton sell out and move to Ocala, and MB starts over in Ocala, selling out in Wellington, and LK is left all alone in Wellington, unable to afford Ocala, and becomes the nothing she is destined to be. Okay. Well. I can dream.


If I were MB, the problem with settling would be the gag order. I wouldn’t be able to NOT tell the world what this family was capable of. So a settlement would be out of the question.

Part of rebuilding is reestablishing his reputation. A gag order would hinder that.


I think LK would be the first to break this rule given her history…


I think @Inigo-montoya would actually beat her to the punch. Restraint doesn’t seem to be one of his strong suits.


He wouldn’t be bound by the gag order as he wasn’t a party to the case.


Neither is honesty.


While good ole @Inigo-montoya is very excited at LK’s “cool quarter million” settlement, what he doesn’t realize is that amount is nothing for serious competitors like his daughter claims to want to be. Not that she would ever put in the required work!

If I were Michael Barisone, they would never get a dime from me. They have taken more than enough.

But, I am not Michael Barisone, and he needs to do what he needs to do to recover and go on to live his best life. We all know that living well is the best revenge!


Regarding settlement awards - the check goes to the litigant’s attorney, who first takes his or her cut before doling out the remaining amount.

Assuming there was a settlement amount in LK’s favor - how does any payment to Nagle figure into the equation? Even though he wasn’t the attorney of record when the settlements were reached, his firm did put in a certain amount of effort (the quality notwithstanding). So is he entitled to any of the award? Or does that depend on the nature of his agreement/contract with LK? If he “fired” LK, then I can see him not being entitled to an award but what about the other way around? IOW, if LK fired him, then does that make him eligible to get a piece of any award?


That would be between Nagle, LK and GAS.

Considering Nagle was GAS’s attorney who successfully sued so that GAS got part of a settlement for being the initial attorney who did all the work in a case, they probably worked that out at the changeover. Or at least there now is a precedent.


That’s my view as well.

We can all imagine what we would do in his shoes, but he is the only one who knows what will work best for him.


Wouldn’t LK have to break the gag order to tell IM the settlement terms so that he could spill the beans? He can’t break the gag order but in theory would not have access or knowledge of the terms of the settlement unless LK revealed it to him. Or is it assumed that you (g) are allowed to discuss the terms of a settlement with immediate family and that doesn’t “count” against the gag order?

If there is a guardianship/trustee/POA relationship between IM and LK is he subject to the gag order? If that relationship exists could the gag order be worded so that anyone acting on LK’s behalf as a guardian would also be bound by the order? Since they are acting in her place at least regarding finances and a settlement may involve a monetary component either paying or receiving they would need to have parts of the settlement agreement revealed to them- especially if Daddio needs to get money from the bank.