New filing on ecourts re MB

its over? settled? MB & LK have settled - that’s it?




The suit and counter suit have been dismissed with prejudice.


Her history is pretty clearly showing that her issues will continue to get worse instead of better.
(and yes, I’m kicking in my $)


There are still lots of expensive lawyers to pay, all because of the whole finish the bastard plan, so you might as well comment and donate.


Well, LK did say that she was going to sue 48 Hours.


It should be much harder to take anyone by surprise the next time.


I doubt very much that the K’s can afford to take on another lawsuit. Especially against someone or some entity whom are not intimidated.

I hope they have learned a lesson. I doubt they got one red cent out of this. The thought of being deposed obviously terrified them.

Good riddance to the K’s and cheers to MB.


I’m playing the odds that she will sink back into the obscurity from whence she came (in terms of her riding accomplishments) but will never escape the notoriety.

At least I hope not, for any future trainers.

Anyone whose goal was to “finish the bastard” personally and professionally has earned my undying disdain and hostility. I wouldn’t want her, her family, her dresser (RG) or anyone who counts her as their friend or confidante anywhere near me or those I hold dear.


Speaking of, can MB do an interview with them, setting things straight


I pity LK and all those like her. How miserable must she be in her own skin to find joy or satisfaction in attacking and tormenting others? How sick to enjoy others’ pain? Delighting and gleeful over the thought of destroying someone? Appearing to never enjoy or be happy with what she has and her life, always envious or hateful or greedy or wanting more. What a terrible way to live. Never TRULY being happy or content.

I don’t hate anyone. Hate is a poison that only hurts the person who hates. It can consume them to the point they can never truly enjoy that which is good in their life. I’ve known people like that and it makes me sad for them.

I would wish for her that at some point in her life the “light would come on” and she could find peace with changing her outlook. I had thought maybe this tragedy would have made her reflect on what brought her to this point, but so far there is no indication of that. But, maybe someday.


I don’t know what type of claims are involved in what you are going through. There are certain types of claims where the court does need to sign off on any settlement - class actions and some bankruptcy claims come immediately to mind, as do EEOC claims which affect a group of employees. For the vast majority of cases, the court does not need to sign off on a settlement, and in none of the lawsuits my corporate clients were involved in did we need to get the court’s sign off on the settlement agreement, and the settlement agreements were not filed with the court.


Yes and No. It depends on the stipulations of the agreement reached between the parties to dismiss the civil suit with prejudice. Most certainly, the Kanareks would insist on a gag for MB, with regards to public statements about her, her behavior, and what went on/happened and MB would want the same. We just don’t know what was agreed to between the parties.


This is why I do not care for redemption stories in general. They play well to audiences who were not harmed by the person who declares themselves redeemed/reformed.

I see the trail of misery in their wake and so often when asked, “What have you done to mitigate the harm you did to others along the way?” the questioner is met with a blank stare or a weak declaration that (insert deity of choice) knows they are sorry and they are forgiven.


All parties have settled and agreed to dismiss their court suits with prejudice.

The civil suit is over.


I was being facetious. While you don’t “come to it with hatred for LK” you do support her, to some extent, yes? I don’t think that I’m entirely off here.


Whatever her flaws, I empathize with LK. Also with MB, MHG, and everyone involved in this tragedy. Standard issue empathy is not “love”.

You were taunting me with the reference to my supposed “love and support” for LK. I don’t care, but why bother?


“Standard issue empathy is not “love”.”

Did someone say that it was?

As if you don’t taunt people.

Jesus H, I don’t know why I gave you the time of day. :joy:

Edit: what I’m getting at here, is that I don’t care to get into a “twisting match” and you can take whatever from what I said at this point. That’s on you though.


Excellent news. Now they can go forward without this particular issue hanging over their heads.


She’s always been a nobody despite her claims.