New filing on ecourts re MB

Yes. I can think of at least one.


Yes - Michael Barisone. i’m sure there are other but not many unless they are major crimes - shootings, theft or fraud convictions, drugs. Google Clare Bronfman for a bizarre mess.
Safesport’s major focus is the protection of minors.


The one I’m thinking of did not involve any crime at all, but behavior between consenting adults with a power imbalance involved. So it doesn’t always involve crimes or minors, although that is probably the exception and not the rule for them.

I will say I’m guessing safe sport has maybe not seen anything like MB’s situation before, so there might not be any precedent for it in their relatively short history. The organization only started in the last five or six years, as I recall.

They’ve been very busy during that time, but it’s still not a very long stretch in the big picture.

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It wouldn’t surprise me to hear about this sign in front of the Lanarek FL abode. Where could they go in this country where they might escape scrutiny? I hear there are economy board barns in the mid west that could economically house her herd of horses, maybe with a hut attached for her and her groom.

She can crow all she wants but it won’t take long for the truth to come out about their behavior whether they want it to or not. What a shame about that criminal jury verdict that ruined all their plans! Karma.


Page one of the USEF Code of Conduct. This is separate from SS:

Edit to add pages 2 - 3 as well:


I, for one, was looking forward to testifying. It would have been gratifying for me to share everything that was done/said about me and my business to be proven wrong and to help show her history of cyberbullying. I know everyone knows LK lies, but to have it proven it court…
I wish only the best for Michael and his recovery, with this closed, now attention can be focused on his release.


Exactly! All of us who have been one of Lauren’s victim in any way were anxiously awaiting her day in court for all the ugly truth to come out about this family. As it is, Barisone can resume his life without the bleed of $$ due to her expected future delays hoping to prevent the exposure of their behavior. Regardless, she is totally ruined in the sport she fantasized Olympic glory.


I glanced and did a double-take because I saw ‘fetishized’ where you had written “fantasized”.

removes & cleans glasses


So what about the bills?

What bills?

I wonder if a criminal case will be brought against all the Ks and RG. The lawyers have evidence of illegal activity (recording devices at minimum) plus a conspiracy against MB. Hopefully they turn over their evidence to the DA and the FBI or whoever will pursue this.


Neither side is getting legal costs or court fees paid by the other.

The Morris County prosecutor has had the recordings and other evidence since the criminal trial. The MCPO provided the material to the lawyers! They are obviously not pursuing criminal charges.


Now LK is free to pursue her lawsuit against CBS.

I still cannot fathom that the K’s legal counsel condoned their appearances on 48 Hours. [Edit]


We do not know the terms of the settlement between SGF and LK. It could have been millions.

We do not know the terms of the settlement between MB and LK, other than it involved dropping his counterclaim.


MB has dropped his counter suit, they’re not paying his extensive legal fees, and you have no idea what the monetary settlement was.

You are completely making up the characterization as an “epic fail”, which is utterly predictable.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

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No settlement with MB. Just running away scared with a dismissal.


Wow - good old CH must be bored with the lack of drama, talk about stirring the pot.

Disappointed, but not surprised.


Well since her counsel at the time also appeared, it seems they just wanted the exposure.