New filing on ecourts re MB

You are incorrect. There was a settlement. At a minimum, it involved his dropping his counter suit.

We don’t know what the agreement was in terms of monetary payments or confidentiality agreements.

One aspect was that all parties agree to drop their cases, but the agreement itself was not disclosed.


There is always the FBI dear.


Nope, not a settlement. Agreeing to drop claims is not a settlement. If it was a settlement, the order would have been stylized as a settlement, not a request for dismissal. It would have been stylized that way to implicate that LK “won”.


And you know this, how? Still not an insider, eh?


Wow! It could actually have been one of many, but you please do go ahead with your wild assumptions presented as fact, mkay?


What is the alleged crime in which the FBI would have jurisdiction?

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How do I know that we don’t know the monetary terms of the settlement? I know that because the actual settlement agreement was not made public.

I suppose you might know the terms via your insider contacts. But no, I’m still not an insider. I thought you’d figured that out by now.


Indeed, that faux NY Times write-up that they orchestrated was part of the plan to control the narrative early on and 48 Hours was going to be the next step in that, but because of the pandemic derailing the trial and Michael’s refusal to accept a plea bargain, paired with the subsequent gathering of Anti-Kanarek intel to use against them and with the ceaseless online rantings and ravings of the Kanarek family providing much fodder, fate pretty much destroyed any chance they had at getting things done their way, especially when Lauren Shay Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin made it clear in their trial testimony that they are both drug addicts with nothing to their name, beyond whatever Lauren’s father chooses to give them and they can take from others, for themselves.


Epic fail means “ a notable, obvious, and usually public failure .” There’s a curt efficiency in the use of fail to mean “failure” that makes epic fail sound like the newish and hip expression that it is.

Indeed Epic Fail definitely applies here. LK and her family, in all their infinite wisdom, rushed to file suit long before the criminal trial was held, gleefully assuming a slam dunk guilty verdict. Karma stepped in, along with the ridiculously sad performance of LK and RG and the 100% lack of forensic evidence, and showed the jury exactly who and what they were. With the NG verdict her dreams of a huge financial settlement went up in smoke. All she could do was delay, delay, delay, post more promises of bombshells all over YouTube and make a complete fool of herself repeatedly. Yeah, I’d say all of her actions have been epic fails all of her life. Sad, isn’t it?


No. You’re incorrect.

The dismissal of the court suits was a part of the settlement. Conceivably, that was the whole agreement, but it’s extremely likely that there were other aspects of the settlement such as monetary compensation and confidentiality agreements.

Read the posts by I_dratherbe.

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Absolutely, NO ONE knows the details yet you are the only one posting as though you know it all, nothing unusual, after all that is your posting style. BTW, I know nothing of the details and was as surprised as everyone else! So much for being the presumed “insider”.


LOL. I’ve deleted that post, but before I deleted it, it was a simple question.

How is a question “a wild assumption presented as fact”? LOL.

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No. Sdel is the one insisting that there was no monetary compensation going to LK as part of the settlement.

I’m just saying that we don’t know the amounts of any monetary settlement.


Why are posters engaging with CH again? The thread was going great.


I am disappointed to see people once again going around in circles with a certain poster.



Remember, just because the civil suits are dropped doesn’t mean no fines for replies to nonsense…it seems the MB fund is owned a few contributions based on this morning’s replies. :wink:


Trust me, I’ve gladly paid up to say my peace with CH this morning. Sometimes the arrogance is stifling and steam must escape.


Yes and thanks…and there are a couple of others who need to make their contributions for engaging.


Google Law Degree for the Fail


Things I have been pondering since the stip to dismiss was filed…based on court rules and procedures, Lauren Kanarek could not withdraw her claim without Michael Barisone’s agreement…this stipulation screams to me of that taking place.