New filing on ecourts re MB


Mostly because it’s in writing, that [u]Just to be crystal clear this was NOT a settlement, NO monies exchanged hands. “Millions” were not and never were awarded to the plaintiff.[/u

Now the repeated banging of the false narrative drum can stop.

But I am just a horse of course.


You have a very active fantasy life IMO.


Te he

“We were approached by the plaintiff’s attorney and were told she was willing to have the case dismissed with prejudice if we would agree to do that as well.”

“Just to be crystal clear this was NOT a settlement, NO monies exchanged hands. “Millions” were not and never were awarded to the plaintiff.”

Twist that in the wind whydon’tcha!


I have cited the crimes by name many times.


For someone who has been saying all along how much she wants to tell her story and all her bombshells and all that, it is funny how quickly she ran when push came to shove.


Dang, well once again one of our all time favorite posters was wrong. No money exchanged hands!

And then we have the likes of @Inigo-montoya, who bragged about LK’s settlement with RC for that “cool quarter million”!

Really @Inigo-montoya, was the plan to “FINISH THE BASTARD” actually worth it for that “cool quarter million?

Was the attempt to destroy a man’s life and leave him homeless truly worth the effort for such a minuscule amount? Was it worth ruining your name, your wife’s name and your daughter’s name?

You realize the entire equine industry is a small, small world, and your reputations will always proceed you, and there is no hiding from that.


hmmmmm maybe they should legally change there names???


Congratulations Michael and Lara for this part being put behind you. We are still with you for what you are facing going forward.

Onward and upward.


I had the same thought. (fixed the spelling :wink: )
Really it would be the only way for her to continue in dressage sport. Enough people in the small community know who she is. I wouldn’t have her in my barn - you couldn’t pay me enough.


Hmmmm. So it would seem there is no NDA involved in dropping this entire suit?

Well THAT’S interesting.

I wonder what made Lollypop’s attorney approach MBs team? My wild a$$ guess? It was a result of pressure from the long rumored ‘sponsor.’ Questions during a deposition might have dug into the issue of where PRECISELY Lollypop’s money comes from.


That’s my read on it too. Assuming a suit is not absurdly frivolous or one party is not afraid of the light, usually settlements involve some money changing hands - even if it’s a nominal amount or something towards fees.

I’m quite surprised that for all the yapping about how awesome the claims were, they (well she) agreed to a walk away.


I don’t think it will make a difference, plus I’m not sure these people understand the concept of shame.

Horse people, on the other hand in addition to knowing it is not necessary to bow your head to the horse or say “Hear, hear”, also know manure when we see, hear or smell it.

They could change their names, but they will as be identified as exactly who they are. Lipstick on a pig is just lipstick on a pig. It does not change the actual pig, just like changing a person’s name!

My bet will be that given the opportunity to grift again, they will take it in a hot minute. These people do not seem capable of learning from past experiences, especially since they are legends in their own minds!


The GFM update says it all doesn’t it! I’m not generally one for crowing, but I think this news warrants it for once :flushed:
The clearest case of a scaredy cat tucking her tail between her legs and running to the hills I ever did see. Couldn’t see her for dust once she knew her nasty twisted little game was up.

Bye Lauren you EPIC LOSER! May karma serve you what you deserve.
Sending all the best to MB moving forward and hoping he’s soon out and able to rebuild his life


Currently Right $10

Has this Horse all about rolling in the pasture with laugher.



You are so thoroughly acquainted with wrongness I’m surprised you still offer predictions.




Speaking of crowing, this was shared with me


Now the question is will the Kanareks continue to interfere and inject themselves writing letters to the Krol judge or attending hearings or other obnoxious acts done with the intent of prolonging MBs time at Greystone? How about when MB returns home? Will there be renewed midnight ninja-ing?


She still has a few rabid supporters in the Pro Dressage community, who are happy to take her father’s money and put up with her presence. She’ll pop up again, probably back in NC, where she was before.


Again… just my wild guess… but there is someone in the background who wishes to preserve their privacy. LK had a choice… keep going forward with her suit, which had the potential to unveil whatever it is that has been kept private up until this point… or… keep her existing good deal, and just go forward with her life.

She chose to keep her existing good deal. Whatever it is.

I hope everyone watching notes that this very likely means that any future threats of lawsuits against other people in the equestrian community or beyond on Lollypop’s part? Uhhhh… they’re 100% meaningless barking. She can’t/won’t follow through on any of it. Because she can’t/won’t ever sit for a deposition. Because she has secrets to keep, and some sort of good deal to protect. :smirk: