New filing on ecourts re MB

Maybe IM is just leaving that little icon “typing away” to irritate everybody. Actually, nothing is being typed at all. . .


But we won’t get fooled again!


Whether illegal or not, I would hope they wouldn’t agree to keep that information to themselves no matter the money involved. It was more a thought, wondering if the Ks would offer money to keep it quiet. Although for a moment I did think getting the money would hep MB rebuild his life but there are better ways to do that than taking hush money and protecting these despicable people.


More enthusiasm rather than the ability to complete a sentence. Age takes its toll on all of us.

(April’s tally so far - $70)


Maybe he was mid way through typing his reply, and then…


“I” can’t remember all the people here he has to blast


You know what’s interesting?

CH has gone quiet again.

I’m going to miss Sock Puppet Masterpiece Theater.


Goes to show you how much that Google Law degree is worth.


I’m sure all the discovery probably cost Michael a fortune in attorney’s fees. Perhaps they should offer it for sale to help recoup some of the cost?


Speaking of Law degrees… I wonder if @SierraMist will come online to share her two cents?


We were approached by the plaintiff’s attorney and were told she was willing to have the case dismissed with prejudice if we would agree to do that as well.

Wanting the case dismissed smells of fear.
Wanting it dismissed WITH PREJUDICE smells of terror.

It boggles the mind to think of what secret(s) that family didn’t want exposed.


Good idea Minnie.


Goodness gracious.

Are we awaiting War and Peace?


I wonder if they are fighting over the keyboard?


Aww. They look cute in that context.

The noise made my dog twitch, though. Lol.


I laughed out loud at that!

Then I had to explain to my father why I was laughing, which led to a summary of the entire case.


Or a Manifesto?



But I’m an insider so I’ll give you some facts which in your abject ignorance you will ignore.

  1. your lying insults concerning the Kanarek family are just that …lies. [edit]
  2. here’s who knows MB went to the barn to kill LK and RG and shot LK intentionally, without warning at point blank range…the jury, Bilinkas, Deininger, Silver, Judge Taylor, MHG, USEF, SafeSport…on and on. Only you, in your fantasyland say there’s no proof. I guess all the parties that settled without the trial you thought would expose everything had more information than you.
  3. FINISH THE BASTARD??? It does not now or has it ever existed. Find it…ask you friends to help. Maybe they can find it along with the equally dimwitted KM"s claim that LK once posted she owned a Luger. Pure BS. There was lots of texts, etc., in the pleadings. There was no Finish The Bastard because it is just a lie.
  4. There were lots of bombshells…just not for the eyes of you…yet. But the defense attorneys saw them and that’s why they settled.
  5. I’ll give you an example…Bart Anderson…his texts to Barisone and Lundberg were just subpoenaed 2 weeks ago. Warnings to Barisone that the temperature in the house at Long Valley was too low and the pipes were gonna burst. [edit] Wonder why SGF settled?
  6. What the defense attorneys understood, and which you and your minions refuse to accept, is there was always a tit for tat going on in the last few weeks before the attempted murder…and MB was always the tit and LK the tat. There’s an easily provable chronology to the events and the defense saw that.
  7. Did you hear Maryhaskins testify at trial about what Barisone does when a horse argues with him? [edit] Not surprising that you horse lovers admire him so much.
  8. LK could not be happier with the settlements she received. RC settled for 3/4 of her insurance policy and LK chose not to go after her individually. SGF’s settlement is confidential but quite satisfactory.
    MB is in a mental institution. He was deeply in debt in 2019. He even owed his farrier and vet. Why waste 2 more years pursuing a verdict and a judgement that would likely never be paid?
  9. All the defense lawyers never denied MB shot LK. They realized their defense that LK has had arguments on social media with lots of people was never gonna be a winning argument to defend an attempted murder.
  10. Didn’t you post some comments from your own lawyer strongly advising you (or anybody) to stay off social media. Why don’t you repost that and take your lawyers advise? Have you forgotten.
    Why don’t you read the NC statutes regarding harassment and cyber bullying? The lawyers did.

Just to be clear, the Equestrian community goes far beyond this echo chamber. People have known all about MB and his horrific temper for years. LK and her family have more friends and supporters in that community than you’ll ever know.

So go ahead and believe what you want. Both sides of the lawsuits know the truth and were on much better terms than you’d like to believe.

And I won’t embarrass you further by discussing the texts between MHG, MB and RC. I was always surprised that none of the “legal eagles” ever wondered what texts and emails LK’s lawyers got through discovery.

And finally…for Trubanloki…why did I find it funny that MB might end up homeless? Because lying texts were provided in the pleadings. LK did not text “let’s turn off the propane!!!” It was Barisone.

What LK texted was “Michael says this on the audio. We can turn off the propane. I’ve done that before quite effectively.” You see pleadings can be cut and pasted as an attorney chooses.

