New filing on ecourts re MB

wow…didn’t get what you wanted so the blowback is this? A very angry man


I am only up to #5 and all I have to say is Jonathan Kanarek you are a very sad man. Very sad. I am sorry your life has turned out to require you to act this way.

Time to continue to read.


It was indeed a righteous manifesto!

(I should always know to trust a pony’s instincts).


And finally…for Trubanloki…why did I find it funny that MB might end up homeless? Because lying texts were provided in the pleadings. LK did not text “let’s turn off the propane!!!” It was Barisone.

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Not what I spied with my little eye, but you know I am just a


scratching head: Didn’t this little nugget come out in the criminal trial? Could have sworn I heard Blinkas ask LK about Finishing the Bastard.

Do I need to clean the wax out of my ears?


Both Lauren Kanarek and Rob Goodwin said yes when asked about it. Both of them.


Wait, so you are saying the texts were falsified? That is hilarious. You are getting funnier and funnier.


As happy as I am that this nightmare is over for MB, it somehow does not seem fair that LK can put him through so much and just walk away. How can one be so stupid as not to realize that EVERYTHING in your life is fair game in a civil suit? Whatever they had on her must be a doozy if it made her turn tail and run away as fast as she can. The whole Kanarek family is absolutely dreadful and the good thing to come out of this is that they have been exposed as the grifters and horrible people they really are. The equestrian community is now aware of just how AWFUL they are and hopefully that name won’t be heard again for a long. long time. Best wishes to Michael and I hope he is home sooner than later.


It’s a wonder why anyone would stay when everything was so bad.


All of this comes down to credibility.

Lara & MB vs. Lauren Kanarek & her enablers.


Really, all that long post by @Inigo-montoya posted does is prove that it is very true that no one in the Kanarek family knows how to be honest.

I believe it was daddy-o (@Inigo-montoya, Jonathan Kanarek) who said more than once on this very forum that Lauren would train with Michael again. So strange that if he is so very horrible that this would be said. I wonder which one of those is a lie?


Sell it on Ebay to the highest bidder?

they wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked them upside the head and pulled their nose hairs


IM’s post is laughable. What a pile of rubbish.


This reminds me of a few people…


It does make it very clear why Lauren Kanarek turned out the way she did.


Awww @Inigo-montoya can you come back so I can play you a sonata on the world’s tiniest violin? You sound so…crushed…and desperately scrabbling to hold on to your “truths’ and sad pathetic attempts at insults. And I can’t believe you’re still trying to say there are bombshells to come out, ever hear the parable of the boy who cried wolf?
So sad, you’re mad, too bad, we’re glad.


For anyone who was wanting to believe item #3 on the list of lies by @Inigo-montoya/Jonathan Kanarek, here is a screen shot of the court transcription of the criminal trial. Lauren Kanarek herself says it.

FOUND IT, Jonathan, Found it.



@trubandloki, I’m kind of bummed IM didn’t mention standing you up on the 8th, but I guess he did answer your question, sort of.


You’re very angry, very sad, and still lying, Mr. Kanarek. Your whole family is vile, and a stain on whatever community you taint.

You and your wife are to thank for the toxic mess that is your daughter. Oh, her drug use has exacerbated her most evil traits, but your enabling as well as actual encouragement to be the worst she could be has made her the monster she is today.

I wish you peace, because I don’t think you’ll ever have it during whatever years are left to you. You’re too angry, hateful, untruthful, and self-absorbed to actually become decent human beings. You very strongly remind me of someone who is in New York today, having to face his own sins come home to roost.