New filing on ecourts re MB

I am bummed to. He promised me we would see each other and he stood me up.

I am saddened that his explanation makes no believable sense too.


Hey @Inigo-montoya , congratulations to all for getting through this. Great result. Onwards to more pleasant endeavors. I hope Lauren is enjoying her horses and her parents are back to traveling. MB can concentrate on his issues. Everyone is alive. It’s got to be a relief. Best wishes to all.


Well there you have it - a manifesto of an enabling father. Its all really quite sad. The behavior of LK and RG on the stand in the criminal trial speaks for itself. And I suspect that for the very minor portion of the dressage community who are in the K corner will always wonder if they are next. And those in the K corner will get smaller and smaller.


MB did not go to the barn, he went to the house. He did not shoot LK at point blank range, no gun shot residue on LK’s shirts.

Relying on what little forensic evidence was done that came out in the criminal trial.


Re: #7. Anyone who has been around horses for a long time knows this is common levity, be it cowboys, trainers, or riders. I say such things myself when I bring up the old retirees for shoeing. And occasionally say it about my own horse, who is so calm and well-behaved she’s used to make veterinary teaching videos.


Yes, that is true. His answer for you is unbelievable.


but ummmmmm there was not a settlement with MB. LK’s attorney approached MB’s attorney, where it was said she was willing to have the case dismissed with prejudice if MB would agree to that as well.

Why was this done? Was it only a case of money and LK not getting any from MB? Was it really because she felt MB had no money? Or was it because the bombshells were in MB’s hands?

Questions. So many questions. So many things that don’t quit add up.


I LOVE that he thinks so highly of us that he feels the need to post here. Our opinions must really matter to him!

This was one of my favorite parts:

“Just to be clear, the Equestrian community goes far beyond this echo chamber. People have known all about MB and his horrific temper for years. LK and her family have more friends and supporters in that community than you’ll ever know.”

So @Inigo-montoya claims to have so many friends in the “Equestrian” community, yet rather than spend time with his “supporters” he comes on here to set us peons in our echo chamber straight. Its just too hilarious. Yea, I’m sure that the equestrian community give a rat’s ass about Kirby and Jonathan :roll_eyes:


What about the gobbleteegook regarding “Bart” (allegedly) saying in a text to SGF that the temp in the house was too low and the pipes were going to burst? IM seems to imply that’s suggestive of insurance fraud.

I thought the insurance rep for SGF testified that there was no evidence of insurance fraud. :thinking:


He did testify to that.


Nope, no evidence that SGF or MB offered any money. My suspicion just based on the KKlan not wanting to produce the evidence they had and not wanting to be deposed is that she was offered nothing but a mutual withdrawal of their suits. Considering the illegal recordings, it may have been agreed that MB and SGF would refrain from pressing charges.


My money is on the “transcripts” and the potential exposure of Kirby’s burning pants



If this was all true, there would be no reason to agree to a dismissal. I’d think the ability to stand up to everyone and say “See??? Here is all the evidence that MB was plotting against LK and y’all need to apologize immediately” would trump any and all concerns about collecting any financial award. Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman’s families sued OJ, even though they knew ever getting paid on any award was unlikely. They wanted, and got, vindication.

And in the interest of accurate and honest postings - I was the initial poster about the Luger. And I immediately owned the mistake. But to be clear, LK did post on SM about owning guns - it was just a Ruger rather than a Luger.

You might want to take better notes if you’re going to accuse posters of things.


Too little, too late. Also, nobody believes anything anyone in your family says. You had every opportunity share you “bombshells” and air your side of the story. You chose not to be deposed and / or turn over transcripts that supposedly would have vindicated Lauren. I wonder why


Details don’t matter when you are lying.

So what if the insurance company looked into everything, has all the evidence, and knows there is no fraud and testified to that at the criminal trial.

Like the testimony of his daughter that @Inigo-montoya (Jonathan Kanarek) forgot about regarding the whole finish the bastard thing, the insurance testimony clearly did not happen either.


As for #8 (LK could not be happier with the settlements). I’ll bet - now she doesn’t have to divulge those terrible secrets that her family was terrified would be made public.


Awww someone didn’t want their little Cuppy Cake to get deposed, huh @Inigo-montoya?? Scared of what Miss Loose Lips might say in her rookie chess game?

We see through you like glass. Give it up.

And put a muzzle on it, why don’t you? Keep commenting like you are and you can bet on a gag and/or protective order getting issued


Because “She only wanted to tell her side of the story”
Whatever one of the day that would be.

No worries daddio on the patio rushed in to set it all right.

Choo Choo Karma Train has pulled out of the station and has a southern destination.

I am of course just a horse.


And now someone is going to spend the rest of their days pontificating to the EIM? Seriously weird. I guess I missed the part where 70 is the new 13.


I would expect that MB and his family and supporters have enough class to not go rolling around in the mud with the KKlan.
Though they might be gracious enough to offer it gratis to any subsequent victims.