New filing on ecourts re MB

Funny how Jonathan Kanarek, aka @Inigo-montoya, came here to slam this “echo chamber”, but he and Kirby Kanarek, aka @Seeker1, have stalked this forum like crazy for the last year!

And he just had to come here to respond!

Not an echo chamber, but a highly effective forum for getting the word out to the equine industry about what baggage the KKlan is dragging with them, like a grossly bloated albatross around their necks!


No, Unforgettable, I’m not wrong at all.

I said that the fact of the dismissal itself did not establish that zero money was awarded to LK from MB. The dismissal was one part of the settlement, but there could have been payment from MB to LK, zero payment either way, or payment from LK to MB.

According to LO, there was zero payment between LK and MB in either direction. That was always a possibility, but it was not established by the dismissal filing, as Sdel claimed.

Here is what I think happened. SGF wanted to settle with LK with a significant monetary award, possibly millions. However, even if LK accepted the settlement with SGF, SGF is not totally out of the picture until the entire suit is dismissed.

I think the SGF settlement was of the form: we, SGF, pays LK $$$$, and in exchange LK agrees to drop the entire suit against all defendants, with prejudice. Having received $$$$ from SGF and RC, LK wanted MB to dismiss his counter suit as a condition for her dropping her suit.

I said from the beginning that I thought the suit would be settled, and that any large monetary award would come from the insurance company for SGF, as opposed to actual people like MB, RC, or the Lundbergs.

If LK got her monetary settlement from two insurance companies, and MB agreed to drop his counter suit, how could LK do any better by continuing the suit?

What good would it do to pursue a million dollar award from MB in the civil suit when he doesn’t have millions, and the jury might decide that he wasn’t responsible for shooting her due to the insanity?


One of the few things they corroborated. Much of their testimony did not match up.


:rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy: :grin: :laughing:

Off to donate again!


It’s crazy isn’t it?


Sure, that’s why Olympic athletes show up to speak in his defense. He’s clearly a horrible human being.


I wonder if they also dropped the CBS/48 Hours suit or the one against USEF/DF over the mix up over her Bronze medal or the one against The Chronicle of the Horse for whatever? Gosh, so frigging many lawsuits. It reminds me of the fellow indicted on 34 felonies this afternoon. Such bigly wins. You know, they really do behave a lot alike, don’t they?

Oh, did anyone see any SM posts of celebrations at hotels with champagne like they had after the criminal trial. Nah, I didn’t think so. Too bad. Again, the only winner is poor Kirby not having to testify about her transcripts.


Nah, not enough !!! and emojis for her.

The only bombshells to speak of have been the extent of your family’s conspiracy to FINISH THE BASTARD. Aren’t you embarrassed as a former attorney to have participated in so many crimes?


Well, when a little sod of a mini gelding was refusing to be caught yesterday… all 29 1/2 persnickety inches of him… I threatened him with being skinned alive if he did not get caught in a low, Darth Vader-esque voice and projected a mental picture of that happening. Amazingly enough, he believed me and stood still and allowed me to catch him. After which, he was praised and rewarded.

Oh - he does not have a clue what halt, halt means.

A few weeks ago, I got after a 17HH mare who was agitated and trying to go over me in her haste to get out of her paddock… even rearing. I may even have said I was gonna kill her. I was firm but fair with the attitude adjustment. I backed her halfway across the paddock and worked on her respecting my space - and none of it involved cooing halt, halt. Once she relaxed, she was praised and scratched and rubbed and we calmly walked back to the barn together.

IM would likely say I beat the 17HHer and traumatized the almost-30-incher.

That was an incredibly sad IM post.


Oh frick! I threaten to send mine to the infamous New Holland Sale all the time for their bad behavior. How many have actually gone to New Holland? That would be a big fat ZERO!

But then again, I am the woman who threatens to tie her husband naked to a tree, coated in bacon grease, for the coyotes to eat!

Apparently none of the KKlan are well aquatinted with the meaning of the word “truth”, despite Kirby’s quaint Bible quotations and Christian spoutings!






People with bombshells don’t run from depositions and subpoenas in a case THEY started. And they don’t cave if they truly believe they’re right. Please don’t insult us by trying to convince any of us that you followed the attorney’s advice and shut the case down with prejudice for any other reason besides being afraid of what would be exposed about your daughter and your family.


Aw, what did I miss?


This reminded me of two statements Mark Silver made in a court filing last year in September, when he was trying to get LK to show up for her deposition.

Unless we hear from Silver - or an equally reputable individual - I doubt most people on this forum will believe the claims made today regarding satisfactory settlements.


Just scroll up a bit. Most have been QFP

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@Inigo-montoya In case your family members have not checked and for future reference, Florida’s wiretapping law is a “two-party consent” law.


You make very good points.

We did read on the GFM this morning that Millions didn’t happen.

Also, this tidbit I find interesting from IM’s own words:

Ruth Cox’s insurance company didn’t think the claim was worth maxing out her policy. They paid out less.

Things are not quite adding up the way some would have us believe.

(And a reminder- Mr Silver, in the beginning, answered the question re: SGF’s insurance as NONE)


Not much… IM’s desperation to continue with the K family’s attempts to appear anything but ugly. Continued attempts to besmirch MB, jibes at various posters here.

Just picture a gasping goldfish flapping it’s lips.