New filing on ecourts re MB


I am trying to wrap my head around a couple of things and started to post a couple of times, but when I went back and read what I had written, it made no sense.

There is a snake in the woodpile somewhere.


The Ks walked away from a civil suit they brought - after spending God knows how much money on lawyers - penniless. Only IM would try to make that seem like a victory.


Guess they blew that cool quarter million on stupidity, huh?


And yet - they STILL can not move on.

Iā€™ll take ā€œPATHETICā€ for 1000, Alex.


Remember when IM said SS/USEF knew all of our identities and were gonna come after us? Still waiting on that.


Ooh! Had a loading issue with the app!


What Silver said in his was that SGF and LK had reached a confidential settlement.

Since itā€™s confidential, he wonā€™t be publicly disclosing any dollar amounts.



All parties settled, with monetary payments from SGF and RC, in all probability.

What else would LK have been seeking?

Who here has embarrassed the sport on 48 Hours? Show of hands?

Also, could someone please point me to the Safe Sport rule about ā€œembarrassing the sportā€?





(I donated earlier Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m sorry)


How I imagine IM when I see the bubble of him typing a response:



Endless, what part do you disagree with?

LK received monetary settlements from SGF and from RC.

What assets does MB have or is likely to accumulate in the next 10 years? What could she hope to get from him other than dropping the counter suit?

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And you have to take (and pass) the SafeSport training. Which makes it clear that bullying and harassment, etc. are forbidden.


Did I miss something? I canā€™t recall anything, anywhere, that indicated SGF offered a monetary settlement? I thought the settlement was confidential?


The math does not work for me. The value that @Inigo-montoya is claiming that RCā€™s insurance policy was for, to make 3/4 of it be the ā€˜cool quarter millionā€™ just is not working out to a number that I have ever heard of an insurance policy being.
One would think that a person who claims to be an as smart as Jonathan Kanarek would pay attention to the details when he is making up his lies and exagerations.


Perhaps youā€™ve disregarded the point that LK wanted the truth told, you know, her story. She wanted all the bombshells and murder plots exposed at all costs. They wanted MHG charged. She wanted vengeance and a platform. Remember, money was not important to herā€¦it was the truth. Yet, she refused to be deposed, her parents refused to turn over subpoenaed evidence and she approached Barisoneā€™s attorneys to drop the suits. Why? What made her decide her story no longer needed to be told? What changed that she no longer wanted the world to know what a monster Michael Barisone is (see her fatherā€™s earlier post)?

The vast majority of us know why she dropped everything, at least we logically know. The question is why is her father continuing to dig his hole? They canā€™t shut up can they? This ā€œvictoryā€ for them seems anything but!


Youā€™re right. Someone is just trying to spin a BS narrative.

If LK dropped the suit because Mb doesnā€™t have assets, they would have never initiated the suit to begin with only to spend 5-6 figures in legal fees.


You did not miss anything.

Some posters like to toss out their over a million number to be dramatic. When you do not have any good facts to go on, you just exaggerate and make things up. I meanā€¦ look at @Inigo-montoyaā€™s posts they are full of such things.


Please donā€™t insult us by insinuating there is something out there that we havenā€™t heard a 100 times these past 3.5 years. We feared absolutely nothing!
How many people here suggested JK or KK would be brought into the case as defendantsā€¦ā€¦or that these legal matters were costing the K family lots of money?
Those were just the stupidest thoughts imaginable and the ā€œlegal eaglesā€ should have explained how stupid those thoughts were. Hereā€™s what LK paid in out of pocket legal feesā€¦ā€¦ZERO!

Ruth Cox had insuranceā€¦ā€¦SGF had insuranceā€¦.MB does NOT have insuranceā€¦.it was an easy decision to not pursue a lawsuit for monetary damages against a guy in a mental institution and whose closest friends think he needs a GoFundMe page.

But you all go on telling yourselves LK was afraid of anything going forward.

And while you all fall over yourselves praising the brilliance of Mr Silver and Mr Deininger did they ever once claim in any pleading that MB did not intentionally shoot LK or it was self defense??
And do you know why? Because they ARE brilliantā€¦ā€¦unlike Eggbutt and others who continue to insist thereā€™s no proof. Their defense was provocationā€¦.they were never dumb enough to claim Barisone didnā€™t intentionally shoot LKā€¦ā€¦only Eggbutt and friends insist it didnā€™t happen. [edit]