As a reminder, someone with “unlimited means” surely could’ve bought their own place to move to and take care of their horses themselves. They also could’ve bought their own truck and trailer to haul their horses, like many, many, many riders do.
Money can’t buy talent.
Someone with unlimited means would not have needed to negotiate a bargain basement deal to move onto the property in the first place.
Any reference to wanting that bastard finished…in ANY context……was unknown to Barisone until way way after he shot LK.
So Schellhorn not objecting was because anything Barisone heard AFTER the shooting could not have any bearing on what happened the day of the shooting so it was irrelevant and not worth an objection.
Some legal person correct me, but isn’t the above statement tantamount to libel? Seeing as Barison was adjudicated NGRI. That would be Not Guilty - i.e., acquitted. The reason therefore is moot.
Again with that problematic issue of not keeping track of what he’d (JK/IM) already written about why they did not want to continue to pursue the litigation.
or good character
or work ethic
or kindness
I think the K’s forget that money does not solve anything, or make you a decent person.
Doesn’t matter Einstein. It still showed plotting and a plan in your corner. Other elements of the plot were known to him. Try again. The vacuumer is still winning.
Who has unlimited means?? I’m a retiree living off social security and a small pension.
Maybe you should tell your daughter.
Also, does that mean you’re working your way across on your 33 day cruise? Cleaning cabins, perhaps?
Nothing says “we have nothing to fear or hide” like ignoring subpoenas and trying to limit relevant questions during deposition.
As if that is something to mock. I know who the parasites are, and it is certainly not that working class person, you flaneur.
That was a quote from your spawn who declared herself a “woman of unlimited means”. And if it’s not from you then she either has a sponsor, a sugar daddy or buried treasure absent lottery winnings.
I think you have how all that works backwards.
I guess your lawyer skills are lacking on that front too, hu?
Lets see, sending letters to judges, ignoring subpoenas, the list is getting long.
But now Finish the Bastard did happen, but it can be ignored since it was not known by Michael?
Doesn’t exactly square with:
Either it doesn’t exist, or…it does exist in some context that Michael learned of at some point after the shooting. But it can’t be both. (not to mention your daughter and her dude testified to it).
I feel sorry for the other passengers.
It’s Schrödinger’s bastard?
More pesky logic! Lol.
So, just thought I would share that I haven’t dropped my cyberbullying charges against LK…perhaps IM will let us know when LK will allow herself to get served???