I thought it was funny he thinks they have plenty of “supporters” in the equestrian community. Chronicle of the Horse IS the equestrian community. I mean, isn’t that why you are here? CurrrentHorseless and Hut Ho are not “the equestrian community”. Buying a ticket to a dinner and plunking yourself at a table which positions you to one by one approach a witness at the up coming trial does not warrant “acceptance” by people too polite to or disinterested to ignore you in public does not make you welcome. Just because nobody objected to your presence at an event doesn’t mean you are “supported”.
COTH is the equestrian community. You aren’t supported. Your presence may be tolerated sometimes but that isn’t support. But let’s see how long that lasts.
And why do you care if MHG told people not to take your horrible daughter into their barn? You and Michael already negotiated a high end facility for her down the road without her help or interference. Or did you forget that in your quest for victimhood?
If MHG’s word of mouth bad mouthing you bothers you still, just wait till your reputation catches up with you in Wellington. You and your horrible daughter may not be persona non-grata yet-or are you?
I think RC should have sued you for elder abuse.
What you say is meaningless. Enjoy your 200k. And I don’t believe for a minute IM isn’t LK.