New filing on ecourts re MB

I thought it was funny he thinks they have plenty of “supporters” in the equestrian community. Chronicle of the Horse IS the equestrian community. I mean, isn’t that why you are here? CurrrentHorseless and Hut Ho are not “the equestrian community”. Buying a ticket to a dinner and plunking yourself at a table which positions you to one by one approach a witness at the up coming trial does not warrant “acceptance” by people too polite to or disinterested to ignore you in public does not make you welcome. Just because nobody objected to your presence at an event doesn’t mean you are “supported”.

COTH is the equestrian community. You aren’t supported. Your presence may be tolerated sometimes but that isn’t support. But let’s see how long that lasts.

And why do you care if MHG told people not to take your horrible daughter into their barn? You and Michael already negotiated a high end facility for her down the road without her help or interference. Or did you forget that in your quest for victimhood?

If MHG’s word of mouth bad mouthing you bothers you still, just wait till your reputation catches up with you in Wellington. You and your horrible daughter may not be persona non-grata yet-or are you?

I think RC should have sued you for elder abuse.

What you say is meaningless. Enjoy your 200k. And I don’t believe for a minute IM isn’t LK.


It must be Schrodinger’s Finish The Bastard LOL


Out of my brain!!


Eh, even if @Inigo-montoya finds that recipe for Humble Pie, do we actually believe he could get it made?

From what we have seen from him here repeatedly, I think we all understand why he never actually practiced law!


My heart bleeds for you …not. Tell your darling sprog to act like a normal human going forward and life will be easier.

Oh yeah, FWIW, kudos to MHG if (and that’s a biggie) if what you posted isn’t a load of 🦬 crap.


That’s actually incredibly insulting to people who are actually living off SS and a small pension. You just boasted about the 33 day cruise you just booked less than 50 posts upthread.

But at least we have yet another example of where the delusion of LK comes from. Apple/tree and all.


This is the one that made ma laugh the hardest. After I stopped crying, of course, that our eyes arent good enough to be privy to all those bombshells.



Maybe Lauren is paying for their cruise with her unlimited means/sponsor.


If you’re going for a monetary settlement or verdict, you make sure you sue the party with the deep pockets — SGF with its liability insurance.

She can hardly sue SGF and RC without also naming MB as a defendant, given that he was the one who actually shot her.

That MB was one of the three defendants, and not the one with the deep pockets, doesn’t mean she ever expected a big monetary judgement or settlement from him that was collectible.




All I can think of is what are they going to do with 200k? 200k isn’t going to go far power washing the mold off the roof and landscaping that sad little house in Loxahatchee. It isn’t going to go very far when Wellington moves to Ocala. 200k will pay for her board for what, half year? What a joke. “I sued an elderly woman and her insurance company paid out to get rid of me”. The equestrian community is flocking to invite you to tea, baby. You’re part of the in crowd now.


Oh, that would be funny. Lauren wins 200k from an insurance company and mummy and daddy take a cruise with it. Well aren’t you special.


That is sarcasm right?


What does that even mean? You filed a complaint against he for cyber bullying. Was she charged with a crime by LE? How do you get to “charge” people?

Did you not watch any of the trial? It was about MBs state of mind. This came up a thousand times. Putting aside the context of the words for a moment……how could MB claim he was driven to distraction by things he heard after the shooting?
I hope you weren’t serious.
You keep bringing up a letter to the judge. Interesting that the judge didn’t seem to have any problem with the letter……he must be another one of my golf buddies. Otherwise, surely he would have reprimanded me.
Or perhaps I know what private citizens can do when subpoenaed and you’re totally clueless.

My God in heaven, you really are smitten with me! I sure as hell hope you aren’t planning on taking me with you on your 33 night cruise! Kirby might be upset. Oh, does the settlement cover your cruise? It is easier to leave the country without subpoenas hanging over your head I expect.



Well daddy handles her money. Why wouldn’t they reward themselves with a 200k vaycay for getting her out of this one. I’m surprised they confessed to that.

But hey, no class.


So anyway… the finish the bastard thing is real now. Got it.

I seem to have gotten far more from watching the trial than your lovely wife did. Have you read the things she missed? Oh my. She must have been napping. Oh, but you missed the part where both Lauren and Robert Guy Goodwin said they did want to finish the bastard too.

Not clueless, but thank you for pretending you care.


I do live totally off social security and a small pension so save your crap.
How I can afford a cruise isn’t your business……maybe I have a friend or relative who has recently come into a lot of money….hmmm

Well, on this I actually don’t have a clue. If MH actually called anyone, she didn’t need my permission or clear it with me. Sorry. Your lovely daughter’s nasty reputation precedes her everywhere she goes, so I’m not too sure MH, or anyone, needed to call anyone. Or it could have been Lars, couldn’t it?! You know Lars don’t you and his lovely wife Melissa?