New filing on ecourts re MB

Oh, they are not that much. There are some for less than $10K/person.


How many months of your Social Security did you have to save for those seats at the dressage event this year? I know those seats are expensive. I think the number is something like $350 each. Darn. Did you make the lovely wife work some overtime to pay for those?


BS - no one here actually believes that.

But, let’s humor you and say that a “friend” or “relative” recently came into a lot of money. Isn’t that money supposed to support that person in compensation for the injuries received? If it is the relative we all know it is, her chosen hobby would require every cent of any possible settlement that you have said she has received if she is going to continue to train at the utmost level for the next 20 or 30 years.


Um no.
There is all the talk about Lauren having a sponsor, it has come up again today more than once.

So maybe Lauren used funds from her sponsor to gift Daddy-o and his lovely wife a cruise.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Right back at ya buddy.


I love how Currently thi nks RCs insurance Co. Was “deep pockets” what are these people doing, glad-handing themselves over 200k? What a bunch of losers. He only has a small pension from EFHutton? Or wherever he worked? There’s a financial genius for you. No wonder they’re ambulance chasing old lady’s for 200k. Gotta pay for that retirement shack and horse board in Florida somehow. You gonna live in Lauren’s guest bedroom in the winter? What a joke.


OMG! This is a direct quote from Godfather II by Hyman Roth! No one believed him either! Wow! Was that a plea for pity? Maybe your daughter will share her “cool quarter million” with mommy and daddy or tell you to go to “The bank”.


Oh wait, was that in those transcripts that Kirby Kanarek has been saying she made that she refused to produce in discovery in the civil case that Lauren brought?

Hard to believe that Judge Taylor and the prosecutor did not use that horrible evidence at the criminal trial if it really existed, no? What a strange decision on their part. That would have proven their slam dunk case right there but yet they did not even mention it.
Darn, it almost makes it not believable.
One of those bombshells that only appears to exist when no proof is needed to back it up?

You are asking others about having no shame? Interesting thing for you to do.


Give it up. It’s not going to fly.


If that conversation actually occurred and LK had proof of it - it would have been used during the criminal proceeding and RC/MHG/MB would all be in prison.

edited to add - I’m going to step back to just lurking. It is a better look for me. But some of what IM says is just so outrageous it has to be called out.


Boy, this family was the dregs of society before, they really cleared that misconception up today.


Prove it.


Me thinks now the civil suit is over, IM is sweeping in to get the thread shut down.

That’s the only rational reason I can conjure as to why he would be arguing nonsense with people he thinks so lowly of and who do not believe a word he says.

I wonder if he checks COTH between golf swings? He might be out most enthusiastic member yet.


More things that don’t add up. That quote with:

Mr Silver didn’t sound like they were on better terms than we’d like to believe.

But then again, maybe it does add up in the same way the insurance fraud adds up. Or, Finish the Bastard doesn’t exist, wait it DID exist, but MB didn’t know about it, to, know we are back to, it doesn’t exist.

It’s getting deep in here.


Please do not pretend this was a strategy. It’s insults YOU that YOU would be foolish enough to think that we would buy that for a second.

Face it, you’re out all alone in left field trying to watch dandelions grow in Astro Turf.


Gosh I watched the whole trial and I don’t remember this “Murder Plot” being brought up at all and certainly not by anyone having heard/said that MB he would do it.

If I overheard such a thing I would been at a new barn asap, not plotting sabotage to generators, stalking around in ninja wear or taking time to post on Facie Spacie, but then again I never wanted to Finish the Bastard so there’s that.

I do know what I hear now and that’s the Choo Choo Karma Train.

AH, but I am only a horse of course


I’m not trying to convince you of anything, @Knights_Mom!

You’ll go to your grave saying you saw a post about a Ruger, the NGRI verdict was “vindication” for MB, and LK accepting the settlement of her case was because she feared sitting for a deposition.

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No one was charged with conspiracy, so why would it have come up in the criminal trial?

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Really? Did Schellhorn bring that up in the trial? I wonder why not?