[edit] Dude (and I use that term very generously)! I just asked a question. Sorry if you couldn’t understand that, or figure out how to use the function properly. Let’s not get into yours or mine lack of pension, though one would hope a NYS barred lawyer would have planned his life better.
In just this thread TODAY @rothmpp also stated they saw the Ruger post.
LK won nothing worth all of this. On winning (for example) $250,000 her take home would be $167,000.
She’ll blow that in a year.

That is sarcasm right?
Um no.
There is all the talk about Lauren having a sponsor, it has come up again today more than once.So maybe Lauren used funds from her sponsor to gift Daddy-o and his lovely wife a cruise.
I believe that about as much as you do.

It’s getting deep in here.
Where’s that famous shovel?? 🪩
(No shovel emoji, so I’m using the disco ball.)
Well, we know that he made a previous date with @trubandloki but stood her up.
Don’t pack your suitcases just yet!

I’m a retiree living off social security and a small pension.
OMG! This is a direct quote from Godfather II by Hyman Roth! No one believed him either! Wow! Was that a plea for pity? Maybe your daughter will share her “cool quarter million” with mommy and daddy or tell you to go to “The bank”.
Here’s a link to the Hyman Roth scene from Godfather II. Hmmmmm…

That is sarcasm right?
Well daddy handles her money. Why wouldn’t they reward themselves with a 200k vaycay for getting her out of this one. I’m surprised they confessed to that.
But hey, no class.
I say this everytime he comes around, but man, IM has good jokes
I’m certainly chuckling at the Godfather II reference.
There are some gems some of you don’t catch sometimes! Or it’s just a bit delayed. I mean, myself included at times.
Okay, I’m even with my GFM penalties. Effective right now, I have added IM to my penalty card. He’s got nothing to say that I need to respond to.
Bon Voyage Jonathan!
I am kind of sad that Tony didn’t get a mention
Just a horse of course.
I’ve memorized the dialog to that film and The Godfather. I knew it sounded too familiar and completely out of character for a Kanarek.

I’m a retiree living off social security and a small pension.
OMG! This is a direct quote from Godfather II by Hyman Roth! No one believed him either! Wow! Was that a plea for pity? Maybe your daughter will share her “cool quarter million” with mommy and daddy or tell you to go to “The bank”.
Here’s a link to the Hyman Roth scene from Godfather II. Hmmmmm…
Wow, that didn’t end so well for Hyman Roth did it???
@Inigo-montoya, maybe you should quote another movie that ends more positively!
Aww, I sure miss James Gandolfini.
That top of that page won’t load for me. Are those prices for month long trips?
I have to say I’ve never really understood the appeal of a cruise. Particularly with the thought of some of the people you might meet on them.
And the diseases you can catch! That said, the Viking River cruises are 5*.

Wow, that didn’t end so well for Hyman Roth did it???
I’m sure I must have seen that movie at some point, but I was taken completely by surprise there. Lol.