New filing on ecourts re MB

Like Secretarial, in the Belmont.


I think I missed that one. Thank goodness.

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Please don’t insult Secretariat with any comparison. Lol.




Her parents are already spending it.



Family Resource Handbook Final_230404_223245.pdf (496.9 KB)

@trubandloki, is this what you were asking about yesterday? It looks familiar so it probably has been shared in the past. It does mention the levels of supervision and what they mean.


The deep pocket defendant was SGF, not RC or MB. We don’t know the amount of the settlement from SGF.

You must be pretty rich if you think the net $167,000 from RC is chump change.

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Maybe LK is now in a position to buy an equestrian estste in Loxahatchee or Wellington.

You couldn’t buy a small run down equestrian property in rural AL for 250k. You can barely buy a small house for that here.


Oh please. Trainers do that all the time. We even have a Facebook page in my local area just for trainers to warn each other about nightmare clients. If your daughter didn’t want anyone telling other trainers what a nightmare she was, perhaps she should have tried not being a nightmare. I love how you blame Mary for warning others about Lauren’s behaviour, but you don’t seem to blame Lauren for the behaviour.


You can’t actually believe that.

If audio tapes existed ti confirm that theory, you would have made certain they were entered into evidence at the criminal trial. But you didn’t.

So all we have to go on is sweet Lauren’s word. Is that the version of the story she told you? Perhaps you could remind us again of her track record with telling the truth


They’re still trying to convince everyone LK won a million dollar settlement from SGF.



100xs this.


In a situation where LK and JK thought she’d win millions and you figured she did win millions and posted such just today I would say $167,000 is Chump Change.

It’s tripping on a sidewalk crack. It is not the touted solid gold murder plan, center mass at point blank range award.

We know they are not happy with this though the sidewalk crack award but figure it’s better than nothing.


Is there any independent confirmation of that number? From an actual reliable source?





LOL, I have to laugh at @Inigo-montoya’s notion of being horrified and surprised trainers and barn owners bad-mouth undesireable clients, or even blacklisting them. In my neck of the woods, all you have to do is bounce a check and no farrier or vet will show up for your horse. Imagine what would happen if you left Suboxin trash in the dumpster, if you tried to bully kids on the property, if you had a dog which bit someone on the property. Which is why her claim that MB left a trail of unpaid bills in his wake is so laughable. The farrier sure showed up to shoe everyone’s horse at the barn but yours, didn’t he! Talk about black listing. You didn’t like getting black listed because of your behaviour at MB’s barn, as though that was the first time anyone said anything bad about you to other horse professionals, but you’ve left a trail of trainers and barn owners in your wake who talk about you like you’re poison, so this one shouldn’t have surprised you. Just wait until you start to hear how they are talking about you in Florida. Now who will you ruin next?


It is just a random number I threw up after deducting the standard 33% for lawyers fees on a personal injury case. My beginning figure was $250,000. Again, just a random number.


Yes, Deininger actually did.

See? There it is.

Except your daughter was caught in many lies and then testified that she does lie. You and Kirby have demonstrated that you lie as well, so you have no credibility.

Did you burn the transcripts? Will there be a burial at sea for the tapes?

I thought you had a place arranged?