New filing on ecourts re MB

My professional liability would not cover this at all


I would think she would have to have some sort of extra policy for liability added especially for the gun.

ETA my above thought is that in order to have gun coverage there would have to have been another policy added on purpose. Not that she must have had insurance. My sentence was a bit unclear in rereading it.

Well lucky her, then. If insurance was declared and her representatives were insurance attorneys. Were they?

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It’s my experience that the reputation of the person calling matters.
If MHG and MB didn’t have stellar reputations, those calls warning people about a boarder would fall flat.
That they didn’t say quite a bit.


I just did a quick Google search and there are a few companies that market insurance for those with concealed carry. They do cover liability for stolen and lost guns.

So it is possible that she had insurance. But in my opinion somewhat unlikely since it is just not all that common. Although possibly as a person who has professional liability it was something she searched out. I am not trying to disparage her at all.
I just find this whole focus on insurance somewhat interesting. Just points out to me that some people are just looking for a reason to sue. Oh insurance
then someone will have to pay kind of philosophy. Not caring how that has changed the insurance industry.

I am not sure we would know which lawyers were insurance lawyers.


I am actually agreeing with you. You may not have read it that way. I was a bit unclear.

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Some homeowners policies will cover liability for guns though the wise thing would be to have umbrella liability coverage over that.




Maybe RC was a member of the NRA and the NRA provides some small coverage to their members.


Major insurers don’t offer standalone gun liability policies, and I don’t think that a homeowners policy would cover something like this since her gun wasn’t stolen (she admitted giving it to MB). So it was likely an umbrella policy - which should be carried by people with assets to protect, esp. if the value of those assets exceeds the liability coverage limits of their regular homeowners or renters insurance.


I think it is just as likely that there wasn’t a policy as it is that there was one. I just don’t think we have enough information to know. And probably will not have that information.


She may well have, yes. The settlement with SGF is confidential.

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Most homeowners insurance policies include a minimum of $300,000 in liability insurance.

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Meh. LK could’ve won billions for all I care or know (pretty sure she did not), but at the end of the day no matter how much she “has” in respect to material possessions, she still lacks in character. Just my personal opinion. The thing is, I can go the rest of my horse hobbying life without ever having to purposely cross paths with her or MB (he’s not my type of trainer). So in the grand scheme of things, in my nobody world, none of it matters. The fact that some people here are so materialistic, is sad. Or just shows how little depth you have, but I guess that depends on what type of person you are and your values.

I dunno. We all value different things, and some people don’t grasp that. Someone bragging about 5 horses, or a new big horse trailer with luxury living quarters, or owning an Equestrian estate, or even owning a certain type of car means nothing to some people. Some of my “high value” items are of little to no value to others. It’s all relative. So waving things in people’s faces is often an exercise in futility, but this seems to be so beyond some people. Then again, spend your time and energy as you wish if it’s of no harm to others!

Instead of focusing on the monitary value, I’d like for all parties to move on and LEARN from their experience(s). Maybe even grow? It should’ve been a life altering experience? Or so I would think. It would certainly change my mindset and outlook.


She may not have. The settlement with SGF is confidential.


(Paid in advance) She may just as well have not. It’s time to put your fantasies to bed, once and for all. No one cares about them, and – I can’t believe I have to say this – you have failed from day one to convince anyone of anything.


I’m not trying to convince you of anything, @SillyHorse. That would be a fool’s errand.

However, if you’ve paid attention, you would have noticed that much of that I’ve said has turned out to be true — such as my prediction that the case would be settled rather than go to trial.


However, if you’ve paid attention, you would have noticed that much of that I’ve said has turned out to be true — such as my prediction that the case would be settled rather than go to trial.

But it wasn’t settled, it was dismissed. So, there’s that.

Next prediction that turned out to be true?


I do find this convo entertaining “LK might have gotten millions” or “might be buying an Equestrian estate” or whatever. I mean, LK might’ve also gotten billions and could be prepping to fly to the moon as we speak to place her own personalized LK flag on it. LK could be planning on buying the whole state of Florida!1! 11!! Next thing you know she’s got whatever famous horse in her stable on her Equestrian estate that she bought with her millions. I mean, who knows?!

That’s the thing, who bloody well knows.


All, if someone here has been trying to somewhat cryptically but not so cryptically tell you who they are

There are jokers are among us.

Edit: too many typos today. Packing my defunct keyboard and going home!