New filing on ecourts re MB

I am disappointed that we may never know the answer to the question - why didnt she leave? @Inigo-montoya dont leave us hanging.


100 posts later, but saw the Ruger post as well. (Also saw a post about LK only needing 3 bullets.) Now I have to figure out how to pay GFM since this is an indirect answer to CH.


Then thereā€™s the Crazy Crayola Trainer


Iā€™m still really, really puzzled about something. If LK wasnā€™t paying any attorney out of pocket, why on earth would she rush to dismiss? Why not continue on draining Barisone of all he had simply to Finish the Bastard? No, I donā€™t buy that explanation from IM/LK for a second. She was scared manureless about what would be presented at trial, plus the hot water her sweet parents were in for conspiring to destroy a successful man. What sensationalists these Ks are!


The court case was dismissed because all of the parties reached a settlement out of court and withdrew their suits.

Thatā€™s what ā€œsettling a caseā€ means.

This is why itā€™s a fools errand to try to convince you of anything, Sillyhorse. You refuse to believe the case was settled even after itā€™s happened.


G.O.A.T. in my opinion. What a trip!


And some umbrella policies will insist on outside policies for possible torts. My umbrella policy insists I carry liability on my horse should he ever escape his paddock and cause damage. I imagine some would insist on a separate policy for a gun. But when they do that, the umbrella policy kicks in where the outside policy leaves off.

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Why would she bother going to trial if she was offered in settlement by SGF an amount equivalent to what she could hope to be awarded after a trial?

This is the reason most civil cases settle without going to trial. You go through discovery to see what each side has to work with, figure out what you think the jury might go, then settle among yourselves. This is clearly better ā€” more efficient ā€” thsn going to trial. You reduce legal expenses, save time, and, most important, reduce the risk of a wild jury award.

Are you now criticizing LK for declining to continue to bleed MB for legal expenses.

This is clearly the best outcome that MB could have hoped for. The cash settlement comes from the insurance company from GSF snd RCs insurance, he is assessed no monetary payment, but just has to drop his counter suit, his lawyers can now concentrate on the Krol process, and the civil trial is off his mind.

Seriously, how could there be a better outcome for MB?


A review of LOā€™s GFM update yesterday, in case anyone missed it.


LOL, your Google law degree is worth exactly what you paid for it.

If I were you, at this point Iā€™d be too embarrassed to post any further. But as always, you do you.


I think I chose peach as my color!


My interpretation is that the settlement proposed by SGF provided a sizable monetary payment to LK, plus the provision that she and MB both withdraw (dismiss) their suits. I think it would not be fully over for SGF until the whole case was dismissed.

Thus to accept the settlement offer from SGF, plaintiffs attorney would need to approach Barisoneā€™s attorney to see if he would agree to withdraw his suit.

I consider this whole agreement among all parties a ā€œsettlementā€ even though no money is going from MB to LK.

LO may not consider this a ā€œsettlementā€, but she also labeled MBs NGRI verdict a ā€œvindicationā€. She and I use words very differently.


I have no law degree, Google or otherwise.

Was MBs NGRI verdict a ā€œvindicationā€ just because his girlfriend tried to spin it that way?

If you want to take everything LO says at face value, fine. I donā€™t.


Your interpretation is wrong. SGF has ABSOLUTELY ZERO legal standing to agree or insist or propose such thing at all. You can let that movie run in your head all day long but it didnā€™t happen because it cannot happen.


How about we reinstate the $5 donation. Iā€™m sure Michael could still use the funds.

There is no reason to continue to argue w people desperate to spin this as a huge win.


On my way over there right now.


Me neither though sister in law considered them extended shopping and drinking trips.
My dream cruise would go something like this: seafood lunch in Baltimore, depart the inner harbor, dinner in front of the window or on the balcony of our stateroom, same with dinner and back before lunch.

I could totally do a freeform train trip around Europe though.

Yes $5000 to $75000 for 33 days


I had hoped that some would just have packed it up and left now that the civil suits are over but the need to spin it as another ā€œwinā€ is strong, wrong, and should be ignored.


What say you all? Should we add the Ks to the donation fund?


Yes, Please letā€™s ignore the


Just a Horse of course.