New filing on ecourts re MB

Really? In a case with three defendants, SGF can’t propose to LK they’ll offer $$$ if she withdraws the entire suit against all defendants?

SGF would not be completely out of the mess until the whole case was dismissed, despite their monetary offer, correct? If the trial went ahead, the jury could still assess damages against them.


I thought it was $10.


It is somewhat frustrating that the forum reset seems to have upset the ignore function.
FMB it was lovely not to have to wade through so much toxic waste.
Back on you go!


Agree. Which also means people have to stop tagging them.


OK, it’s official. Responding to or tagging CH, HH, JK or KK (or IM, since we never know for sure who is using that one) is a $10 donation.

(please don’t make me start a spreadsheet. :wink: )


I already donated to cover this, so I just want to clarify this.

No. SGF cannot propose that Lauren Kanarek withdraw her suit against defendants that are not SGF. They have no standing. They can ask for it and have it mean as much as if you asked her to do so.

They also cannot insist that Michael Barisone go along with it, and once his CounterClaim was filed, Lauren Kanarek could not dismiss her suit without Michael Barisone’s agreement.

SGF and Lauren Kanarek’s agreement stands alone, as does Lauren Kanarek’s agreement with Ruth Cox.

If Michael Barisone had continued on to trial, on his own, the only place those settlements would have mattered would have been IF a the jury had awarded damages against MB, he could have/would have argued for credits in whatever those amounts were.

But no, If SGF and RC settled, the jury absolutely could not have awarded damages against them.


I switched to the app and things got weird. Especially when refreshing, I think.

I’m still baffled by some of the arrogance demonstrated here. I just can’t get on that level! Also, the art of being obtuse. I’m in awe at times.

Sometimes you’ve just got to be entertained by it. If you take it too seriously you’ll give yourself an aneurysm!


I spy with my little eye a possible Wednesday Morning Manifesto coming…



I know!

I’m here for the jokes!

Don’t disappoint Inigo!


A fan



Read LO’s update one more time and this time pay attention.

She says…“if we eventually did win the counterclaim, what would we really be able to collect?”

That was the thinking of everybody on both sides. Once the defendants with insurance settled what was the point of continuing lawsuits against two likely judgement proof parties.

You see, the lawyers involved are all smart, [edit]

I’m so sorry you won’t have these matters to entertain you any longer. So get back to your so called life.


Thank you for this post.

If you don’t mind, I am going to emphasize it… for those who are slightly thick in the head and still don’t get it…

LK’s attorney approached MB’s team and said, “Please please please - pretty please - let my client out of the legal mousetrap she has gotten herself into with this civil suit.”

MBs side thought long and hard, weighed possible outcomes, and decided it made sense to walk away from the whole thing.

We can all talk about who was scared of what… but again… it is almost certain that practical financial considerations drove the decisions for both sides.

So what does that mean? What might those practical financial considerations have been? :thinking:

  1. LKs side probably decided the risks of them losing money were too high to continue. Hmmmm. Think about that one people. Her house was protected by Florida law. If she really has a trust that provides her with virtually unlimited cash flow, that would have been protected too. Supposedly her lawyer was working on some sort of contingency arrangement. So excessive legal fees weren’t really what she feared. So what exactly in terms of personal financial losses was she concerned about. Hmmmm. I will refrain from stating the obvious for the umpteenth time.

  2. MBs side must have decided that even if they “won” on their counterclaims… the financial aspect might not make “winning” worthwhile, and it might be better to just walk away now. Hmmmm. My guess is that MBs side already has a VERY good idea of what assets LK might have, and the likelihood of her ever making good on a judgement. Soooo, I think we can rationally surmise that they saw a very real risk in this situation, that they could conceivably pay legal bills and go to trial and “win” … and get awarded attorneys fees and maybe even some sort of judgement… but there was an obvious risk that LK would not ever make good on any judgement. I think MBs lawyers were worried about this, because they are aware that in the real world - she actually has very little in the way of assets. That’s the actual truth behind all the noise about having unlimited means. Someone else pays Lollypop’s bills. But Lollypop herself? She doesn’t have much to garnish.

So when the usual suspects come on these threads now, a day after the news of the end of the civil suit goes public… and the usual suspects start babbling about long cruises, million dollar judgements, equestrian estates, etc …. give me a break. LK is a grifter. She’s a materialistic sham who is DESPERATE to be seen as “belonging” in a certain set of society. She doesn’t belong. She and her family aren’t even “new money.” There is something else going on with them. Something seedy. And everyone can see it now. The fact that the usual suspects are CONTINUING to talk about money now, even in the aftermath of all this? And desperately trying to pretend that Lollypop has her own? It just reinforces the impressions that she is a money hungry grifter. It’s all transparent and pathetic.

Do yourself a favor Lollypop. And just STOP already. Go ride your horses and move on with your life.


Sounds like @Inigo-montoya is a little grumpy this morning. No need to be so nasty Jonathan!

We all know it sucks when you are found out for what you truly are, but hey, when you scheme to destroy innocent people, you might expect some karmic kickback!





Like a certain Dressage horse she co-owned?

1 Like

So @Inigo-montoya, is Lauren using some of her settlement monies to get you some really slick hearing aids? You know, because of your limited retirement income and all.


Does anyone think that the real life Jonathan Kanarek is actually continuing to argue with a bunch of lifelong horsewomen on the COTH forums about a civil suit that his daughter backed out of?

Yeah. Me neither.


Wouldn’t the civil trial have been the perfect place to play that audio?

Hell, if that audio exists, why not just play it here now???

You won’t because it does not exist. Move on to your next excuse!


You know that this never happened and you have no recording of it. If you did MB would have been charged with premeditated murder.


The desperation to make this sound like a win for the family runs strong.

What’s the opposite of “winner winner chicken dinner”?

Can’t let sweet little CupCake sit for a deposition because they were quaking in their boots. She’s not smart enough to play this chess game, so they pulled the plug.

Fade away, into the depths of irrelevancy… byeeeeee


How about we stop tagging and responding to IM