New filing on ecourts re MB

Just ignore her. She’s having a hard time accepting that she’s a two time loser.


Heck, you’d think that Jonathan and Kirby would have GLADLY turned them (and their transcripts) over instead of playing around with the subpoenas for those very items for 8 months before the suit went away. Alas, that did not happen.

(Also, a jury of 12 determined there was no premeditation or intent. Too bad the prosecution didn’t have and use those audios.).


How about you refrain from telling me how to post as I do not do that to you? Thank you!


I think both sides considered exactly the same practical financial considerations. As IM said, once the two defendants covered by insurance settled with monetary awards, what is to be gained by proceeding against either MB or LK? Nothing. There was a lot of effort and expense to be wasted.

I think LK is capable of moving on with her life, having survived the shooting, and the criminal trial, and settled the civil suit.

Can you, Eggbutt and KnightsMom move on with your life? Do you have a life? A life beyond indulging in the pleasure of hate on the internet?


We keep hearing so much about these recordings and they’ve been a big nothing burger thus far?

I mean, it’s just getting old.

I don’t understand it. If the recordings say what they allegedly say and are such a “bombshell” why weren’t they of more use during the case(s)?


Yes, what, exactly is the hold up to releasing the audios now? LK promised she’d personally release them if they weren’t used in the criminal trial. I have the screenshot.


I listened to a podcast a week or so ago, about a cyberstalker.

The victim is admin on I think it was a Harry Potter fan page. It is her work.

The cyberstalker is in another country. I am thinking New Zealand, however, I could have remembered incorrectly.

Totally unhinged posts. Both female. Threats of raping her etc. Hours of written posts.

It ended up on a desk at the FBI. There is an agent who works with cyberstalking. Charges have been laid. The cyberstalker will be arrested, if she ever sets foot in the victims country. Things like that.

I believe it was on the GRIMM podcasts. I only listen to that and CRIMINAL, so far, so it was one of them.


Interesting! I’m watching the pastures coming in strong this spring, and plan on listening to some new podcasts while mowing. This sounds like a good one!


I, for one, had been enjoying this thread while it was off the merry-go-round. We are letting IM put us back on.


Methinks someone may be nursing a nasty hangover from all those 5pm cocktails from last night.




There is no earthly reason to continue tagging and poking IM with a stick. You are never going to get anything useful from that besides your own amusement at arguing with a brick wall and you could possibly get this thread closed. This thread was going great when everyone agreed to ignore them.


Then put me on ignore too! I am an adult, who can post as I like, just like you!


Not only that, I can’t help but think that MB himself just wants these barely-homosapiens to just disappear.

Stop making them relevant. What they crave most is attention. Starve them.


THIS. Stop making them relevant.


It’s quite fascinating to read the posts from IM back to back to see who the K’s attack and what they say, because it’s the clearest case of projection of weakness I think I’ve ever seen.

Just taking the latest snippets of whiny nonsense….

They put down those they (and we) can see are intelligent and who break down lies because it threatens their position, built on untruths and non existent evidence and they know they are weak. Bluster away!

They put down those with legal knowledge because theirs is so blatantly and woefully lacking. Those filings so obviously not penned by GAS (or any other blue chip top ten lawyer on speed dial)

They put down those with good grace and standing in the equestrian community, because they will never attain either and it’s laughable when they try to make out they are welcomed with open arms.

They put down accomplished riders because, well let’s face it those Olympic dreams of LaLa’s will forever remain just that.

They talk about about huuuuuge settlements, cool quarter millions, month long cruises which just makes them come across as classless grubby penny counting braggarts and grifters.

They lie and they lie, twist and obfuscate actual facts, make up fantastic scenarios, post about plots and schemes that are and always have been unproven, because…you know…evidence and all that.


I feel dirty just reading their posts.

But we’re the fools……ok then sweet cheeks, if you say so :rofl:


“I think LK is capable of moving on with her life, having survived the shooting, and the criminal trial, and settled the civil suit”…CH.

I don’t think settled means what you think it means. Let me help. The word you’re looking for is “dismissed “ As in LK asked that her civil suit be dismissed. And, poof, it was.


Excellent post.

Yeah, IM might want to cool it with the personal insults unless he wants to get banned

“Profanity, outright vulgarity, blatant personal insults or otherwise inappropriate statements will not be tolerated and will be dealt with at the discretion of the moderators.”

I’d say calling someone pathetic is a blatant personal insult.


Oh Hi Lauren! Using daddy’s login again?

Well, I’m not the one who for almost four long years screamed bombshells, the truth will be told but I just can’t right now, I was murdered, yadda, yadda, yadda. See, you have major tells…when things haven’t gone your way you attack here, generally me with your cute taunts and typical rhetoric.

No one here gives a rat’s back what you did or didn’t “win”. You approached Barisone to dismiss everything with no NDA. With that major blunder you are now free to post all the bombshells, recordings, videos, etc you dare to post. But, we, at least the great majority here and in the dressage world, know how you like to embellish, threaten, goad, lie, and simply can’t give up the obsession with attention of any kind.

As far as entertainment, I personally am looking forward to USEF/SS decisions regarding your weaponization of SS.

Gotta run now…WEG is calling. Too bad you aren’t here to select your next name on the door!


IMs posts have been eye-opening and I am going to answer my own question as I suspect that I will never get a truthful answer. The reason she didn’t move is that it was always all about the $$. Poor Poppity Pop needed $$. The recent gloating has made this obvious.

That cool quarter mil? Wont last long. Are LK and RG updating their resumes or looking for their next mark?

Personally, I look forward to posts from IM because you can’t make up the content that is posted. Its truly better than any Bravo show!