Except with Gov DeSantis - sorry, not trying to be political but the situation certainly came to mind!
Of course, except this time there will also be a bus for the press! This hearing needs to be public and in the news for sure!
What is the chance that Judge T will be visited by 3 ghosts and decide to accept the jury verdict and follow HIPAA?
And CRIPA too while he is at it. Might as well throw in proper treatment.
He would probably welcome the ghosts to a round of golf. I wonder if JK is playing with Taylor today and tomorrow?! That was the first thought I had when he said he was golfing Thurs and Fri!
Can we chip in and send Taylor on a cruise so another judge can handle the hearing?
I wonder. I wonder if Judge Taylor is enjoying his golf game today.
What is CRIPA?
So which lawyers will be involved with MB for the hearing on the 25th? Just so we can get the Starbucks order right.
Mr D and Mr B I think. They might need a shot of hooch in their coffee to get them through it.
It is my understanding that it is a violation of CRIPA not to provide proper treatment to institutionalized people.
Edit to add - I believe in the first Krol hearing Dr. Simring said that Greystone did not provide the individual treatment that MB needs. Judge T sent MB to Greystone anyway so he is denying access to the recommended treatment that MB needs. MB could have received that treatment through a private facility.
That’s what I figured. I’m sorry Mr. S will miss out on the Starbucks order after all the entertainment he provided for us.
Maybe we could have eggbutt swing by his office with the big EIM bus so we could drop it off.
There is a person in my area that has a personal protection dog, a Belgian Malinois. The dog cost $65,000 and has continued training with the trainer working with the owner and dog. I got to watch once and it was awesome to see the dog work. I would not want to be on the wrong side of it.
Maybe when MB is out, a personal protection dog would be a good fit. It could be another GFM.
Just out of curiosity, who generally has use for a $65,000 personal protection dog?
I can imagine it could be helpful for MB, but I feel like his situation is fairly unusual.
This person is a business person who travels a lot. I don’t know if the dog stays with the family while they travel or goes with them.
I do have to say, kudos to the owner that appears to have responsibly got a very well-bred, well-trained dog for a specific purpose and kept up with its training, with the trainer. I’ve seen too many people get Malinois and NOT use a good trainer. They assume they can do it all themselves and it doesn’t work out the way they thought it would. Sounds expensive AF, but effective.
I have a question. Since Michael Barisone was 40% of SGF, when Laurent settled with SGR, that means MB got 40% of what she offered to settle, right?