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Default notification preferences is to notify on first like and (I think) once a day thereafter. You can change that to notify at every like, and then, once you do that, you can go back and review who liked your posts from the notification page (the down arrow at the bottom of the list that appears when you click your avatar.)

Unless you’ve set your preferences to notify at every like, I don’t think you can get the details for every like.


That seems to be correct.

I know this has been brought up but … I just love how the @ feature now gives you list of people posting in the thread before you even start typing anything. Makes tagging someone so easy. That is one of the small but amazing features of this new platform!


Thanks very much for confirming–I changed that setting right off the bat, and it can be tough to remember the original behavior :joy:

Yes! SO handy when you can’t quite remember spelling

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Can’t quite remember spelling is me, totally me. I think they made this feature just for me.

To answer the question on the notifications of likes a little further. Just to see what happens I changed my notification setting so that I am told about every like.

Now my notification says SoandSo, ThatotherPerson, and four other people liked your post.

So, for those who were worried about people knowing if you liked things, even the person who gets the likes has no way to know who all of the likes came from.

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Pppffffft. I’m not shy about my likes. I look at that little heart as a way to let someone know I appreciated their post.


Has something been changed as far as the quote function settings? I just quoted one sentence of a post, however when it published, the quote was the entire post with the portion I was trying to quote shown as highlighted in yellow. When I go into the edit post screen, it still only shows the one sentence I quoted, not the whole thing. :thinking:

Edit: nevermind, I figured it out! The quote was expanded (probably by my fat fingers). Another function I didn’t know was there!


Yep, isn’t that slick? You can use the down arrow to expand the quote to see the whole post, or use the little up arrow to travel up in the thread to view that way. Lotsa options :grin:

Mod 1. please ? what in the world did I do wrong this time trying to get color in my post on the READING thread. tia

I played around with your post and it turned orange when I removed some of the hard returns/spacing in the text. Check out the post preview section on the right when you’re composing your message and it’ll show you what your post will look like before you post it.

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Hmmm, let’s take a look.

Okay this is not ideal, but multiple hard returns that yield a blank line inside the color tags break the color. Ah, so do asterix. :frowning:

The work around for this is to not have a blank line between lines, or to use \ to create a blank line. I’ll show you some examples below.

Or put your color tags on every line :-/

I don’t remember it working that way on the beta board–I think we checked specifically, didn’t we @Moderator_1?–so hopefully it’ll be fixable.

No multiple hard returns gives you this:

I have enjoyed three Fredrik Backman books.
Anxious People
A Man Called Ove

Which looks like this:

I have enjoyed three Fredrik Backman books.
Anxious People
A Man Called Ove

Or you can create the blank lines with \ :

I have enjoyed three Fredrik Backman books.

Anxious People

A Man Called Ove

Which looks like this:

I have enjoyed three Fredrik Backman books.
Anxious People
A Man Called Ove

Or you can use multiple sets of color tags:

I have enjoyed three Fredrik Backman books.

Anxious People

A Man Called Ove

Which looks like this:

[color=orange]I have enjoyed three Fredrik Backman books.[/color]

[color=orange]Anxious People[/color]

[color=orange]A Man Called Ove[/color]

Thank you MOD 1. … I do preview (on the right) … but could not ever get it to bring on the color.

I was able to post color on my Menagerie post

I guess it was my attempt at being ‘creative’ that caused the issue.

Again thank you … please know I’m just trying to ‘participate’ on Coth.


Thank you Simkie

  • that’s so much ‘construction’ to post my ‘intentions’ !!!
    I understand it was my ‘creativity’ that botched my efforts.
    Thank you for pointing out the kinks and showing the ‘way to go’

Please know I am not trying to cause issues or be bothersome

Simply trying to "participate’


I was in a thread and put in “Rudy” for a search. But the search string wasn’t long enough. Is that fixable?

Why do we need to type in colors?


@Joanne I just reduced the search minimum to 3 characters from 5. Not sure if the developers had increased to help with site functionality early on, but we’ll see if the world comes crashing down as a result. :innocent:

You don’t have to type in colors, but Zu Zu has always enjoyed adding a little pizazz to her posts. :grinning:


@Moderator_1 I am sure you know this, but in case you do not … COTH was not accessible for about an hour this morning.

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On the main COTH magazine page, the link to the forums on the drop down menu from the top bar also was missing, no way to get in.

I just assumed the thing either broke or I had been banned

went over to Horse & Hound they are using XenForo