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I don’t know if this is supposed to happen, but it seems like when I come back to the current events page after being involuntarily logged out, I end up on an error page that said that the page cannot be found. Or something like that. And then once I get logged in automatically, the current events page appears. It seems odd.

I would guess this is because the CE section of the forum is not readable by a person who is not a signed in member of the forum (same with off topic). So when the forum does not know who you are, after the log out, before you log back in, it does not let you read it.

Current events is only viewable to those that are logged in, so getting an error page makes sense in that situation.

First off, I enjoy the new site. I find myself posting more, but it’s pretty much only in current events.

I notice that my posts don’t have the little heart button for ‘like’ lately. Just wondering what’s going on.

I’m on an all-in-one PC using Google Chrome as a browser. Tried to copy a previous post for an example, but couldn’t. Maybe this post will serve.


Do you mean you are not seeing them to like other people’s posts or that you are not seeing them on your own posts?

I can see one on your post. Here is a screen shot.

Edit to add, what I do not see is an option to like my own post. Which makes sense. If it gets a like I will see that.

how weird, thank you. yes only on my own posts. I can understand not allowing me to like my own post.

@swmorse I liked your post (two above). Can you see the heart now?

@trubandloki sorry for the late reply; I’m only on the computer when I eat breakfast and dinner.

Anyway, no I do not see the heart on my second post. but i do see the heart on my first post with the #2
and got the notice that you liked it.

first post :

second post:

I take it that the 1 sentence post above is not the one you ‘hearted’.

Correct. I liked the first post you did, the one that you see.

Just wanted to make sure the hearts show up for you once you get a like on the post.

(No worries about the delay!)

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Just as an update, I’ve begun to really enjoy the speed and functionality of the new site! The appearance did take some time to get used to, but I now appreciate the ease of editing and scrolling much more. The learning curve was steeper than with some other updates, but I think, like Eliza Dolittle, I’ve finally got it…


This is a minor inconvenience, but thought I’d report it anyway. I keep getting logged out frequently. I’ll be in the middle of reading a thread and get the “We see you’re enjoying reading but haven’t logged in” (paraphrased) message when I was logged in. This can happen multiple times during a visit.

Just FYI. Thanks.

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I can’t seem to use the “bookmark” function - I keep getting this error:

Are you accessing the site on a mobile device? We have had some reports of this happening with some iPhone users, so I wanted to check if that was a commonality.

Thanks for reporting it. I’ll check in for a status report on this issue.

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Yes, iPhone.

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@Moderator_1, I need my username fixed please, without the #1 in it. I’m not a new user. Any help would be appreciated. Also, is there any way to add to an existing username?

Hi there ~

Yes, we can definitely get your accounts sorted out for you. Please PM me with what email address you’d like to keep associated with your account, and then we’ll get them merged.

Sorry for the trouble!

I got this screen a little while ago, which seemed odd. There were certainly plenty of threads in that forum at the time.

@MHM you’re on the “new” tab. Threads are considered new when they’re created within the last two days and unread.

Click on the latest tab to see all of the threads.



under Preferences you can selection Notifications to alter that from one day to two weeks, or last visit plus some other selections but I set mine at one day