Nooo, one of my favorite horses got hurt - Grumpy Small Mouth :(

Hello, I have “Grumpy Small Mouth” now aka “Dallas”. I’ve had him about a about 1.5 yrs.

Lots of vet bills trying to figure out where his pain stems from, now I’m getting ready in invest in a horse Chiropractor, uuhhhgggg. He needs a day or two to rehab from our rides, he excessively favors his front legs, always lifting them, as if he is in pain. He is extremely spoiled and loved … He is a spitfire goes from zero to 60 without any reasons… LOL … except his own of course.

Thankfully I am an advanced rider and I can stay on him. My daughter calls him “Diablo” as his 2nd name when he is being a %#^$# …

Mostly just ride him in my arena and a few times on the trail but it always turns into a fiasco because he is “pinned” on the way home… If I didn’t love him so much I would have found him a better home with better terrain and less car traffic to deal with (I live in South Orange County, California, Saddleback Mountain area) we don’t have much flat land and we have a million mountain bikers and pedestrians out on our trails which light him up when a mountain biker goes by lol…

He loves bath time and being loved, gives the biggest kisses and hugs ever!

I’m trying to find the race everyone is referring too in which he got hurt, it would help me isolate his pain and even maybe fix it, although we have come a long way, he was on “bedrest” for about 5 months and it really helped, but I would still like to keep improving and reducing his pain.

We are going to try sorting some cows next and maybe that will take his mind off being a turd and he might have fun, need him to focus and work!




Why are you riding the horse? Please stop until you have him diagnosed by a vet. If your vet doesn’t know what is wrong, take him to the nearest big equine hospital for a work up.


Hi, Well thank you for the kind statement. He had 5 months of bed rest and he is doing great now but still seems in pain, I ride him very lightly and he is always begging to go out with the other horses. I would never hurt him. I have had 2 vets look at him, done Xrays and MRIs, thousands of dollars, just looking to locate the injury he might have sustained and watch the video! Thanks for being so helpful thou.

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What a beautiful horse! Best of luck identifying the cause of his lameness.


GSM’s last recorded race was at Los Al 12/3/17.

From Equibase.

The chart says vied from the inside, failed to match strides around the turn and tired in the final furlong. His trainer of record was Jesus Nunez so maybe try contacting him (or Jairo Vital Renteria who was the owner of record at the time).

He definitely is good looking.

I had linked to the race where he was vanned off earlier in this thread:…16&cy=USA&rn=6
He actually won and was pulled up after, so I don’t know if a video would show it.

However, he returned a year later and raced several more times, including winning twice. Whatever happened in 2016 was not a career ending injury.


Dallas is gorgeous, he looks great. I am glad he is being so well cared for and that you are doing everything to get to the bottom of his pain. Though I do agree I wouldn’t ride a horse in pain and it could be the reason he seems to have changed so much from what his past owner posted about him on page two:

“To those that are interested he is 9 yrs old and sound. He is the sweetest most “chill” horse I’ve known. He trail rides, western and english. Rides bareback in just a halter. He is now learning showmanship. He has been so wonderful with my timid riding son and given him confidence. He must be naturally a good guy because from what I’ve heard they aren’t big teachers of manners at the race track, and he is beyond polite and careful.”

Do you know if this is the person you bought him from and have you talked to her about him. It really sounds like a huge change in his temperament under saddle. Also, sorting is very hard on a horse, especially the front end.

Thank you for posting and I truly wish you and Dallas the best.


This is a quarter-horse, right?

He is a thoroughbred grandson of Storm Cat according to the pedigree linked in post #3.

OTTB. :slight_smile:

Grumpy Small Mouth (CA)



I can’t even tell you how much this breaks my heart. Race horse owners and trainers tend to get a bad rap but I for one never raced a sore horse nor would I ride a sore horse. He is telling you he is in pain by both his favoring his legs and his behavior and your solution is to take him sorting?! Please stay off this horses until he is sound.




I’m not sure this is the same horse. If you look at his pedigreequery photo he’s got one white sock just on the left hind, and the white stops below the fetlock. (I’ll admit to spending way too much time on this)


I call troll. Clearly this person not a horse person:

“He has had five months of bed rest”
“excessively favors his front legs”
“Thankfully I am an advanced rider”

Amongst other things. There’s no way that horse looks as good as that picture if she’s riding it.


That’s a pretty common phenotype for a TB once they’re matured and grown – it’s actually almost verbatim what I expect most Giants Causeway horses to look like, but maybe a bit more bling.

I put together a really quick IMGUR album that shows one of my TBs going through the same thing - photos are newest, with the bottom photo being the oldest (when he was fresh off track):

I agree with the others, it sounds like he needs a different vet work up stat. Being sore after a day of riding is not normal at all. Hope you can get to the bottom of it… How are his feet, OP? Pics look ok, is that a recent one?

I see a lot of that verbiage in new[er] riders. Don’t go on any OTTB FB group, lol.


As most people here with a clue know, asking for advice about riding a horse WHEN it is in pain, the origin of which has not been diagnosed and treated, is asinine.

I’m surprised to see so many “oh isn’t he pretty” responses to an “I’m-riding-a-horse-that-is-in-pain-and-I wonder-what-it -could-be-because-vet-doesn’t-know-can-you-tell-me?” post.:cool:


Mine was one of them. I also said he should not be ridden.
If it’s a legitimate post, I was trying not to alienate her and trying to help the horse. And in the pic he looks to be quite handsome.
Flies and honey…

Though I acknowledge that sometimes people need a 2 x 4 upside the head.


I still think the quarters, cut-in below POB to thigh/gaskin and the stifle looks very QH.
Could be picture angle? Background clutter? Also the belly tuck-up suggests mare.
A better picture would help.

It’s quintessentially dirt racer anatomy to me. Could be picture angle isn’t helping. These are some sires from SC, although a few of them are starting (or have) to make a name for themselves in turf too…


Most people do think the twiggy race-fit TBs they see at 2 and 3 is how they look at 10. I included two pictures of GC above because he really has such a prominent type.


[ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: AA2910F0-0A12-44B1-A177-3EF00F8E784B.jpeg Views: 0 Size: 21.4 KB ID: 10716644”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“10716644”,“data-size”:“medium”}[/ATTACH] Damn tough crowd !! sooo I’m not a troll. I’m not from the race or show industry, Grew up on a Morgan horse ranch, never owned a thoroughbred before. Over the past week I’ve had a couple trainers out and they are OTTB experts … it’s been awesome getting to know more about the breed and what it takes to transform a OTTB. Chiropractor came out & said he is doing great and people on this forum are rude, so thank you for your help. There is a lot to learn about these horses and I thought this forum would have been full of helpful people who support people who want to help OTTBs.
so I guess I can’t say “bed rest” lol, it was just a term of giving him R&R… I found some good people to help me! Pic of him from a couple weeks ago! Won’
