Hello, I have “Grumpy Small Mouth” now aka “Dallas”. I’ve had him about a about 1.5 yrs.
Lots of vet bills trying to figure out where his pain stems from, now I’m getting ready in invest in a horse Chiropractor, uuhhhgggg. He needs a day or two to rehab from our rides, he excessively favors his front legs, always lifting them, as if he is in pain. He is extremely spoiled and loved … He is a spitfire goes from zero to 60 without any reasons… LOL … except his own of course.
Thankfully I am an advanced rider and I can stay on him. My daughter calls him “Diablo” as his 2nd name when he is being a %#^$# …
Mostly just ride him in my arena and a few times on the trail but it always turns into a fiasco because he is “pinned” on the way home… If I didn’t love him so much I would have found him a better home with better terrain and less car traffic to deal with (I live in South Orange County, California, Saddleback Mountain area) we don’t have much flat land and we have a million mountain bikers and pedestrians out on our trails which light him up when a mountain biker goes by lol…
He loves bath time and being loved, gives the biggest kisses and hugs ever!
I’m trying to find the race everyone is referring too in which he got hurt, it would help me isolate his pain and even maybe fix it, although we have come a long way, he was on “bedrest” for about 5 months and it really helped, but I would still like to keep improving and reducing his pain.
We are going to try sorting some cows next and maybe that will take his mind off being a turd and he might have fun, need him to focus and work!