Official Tokyo Olympic Eventing Thread

They certainly fit those riders like a glove. Orange is not my color, but it is my SO’s color (blaze orange though, hunters… :roll_eyes: hahaha). So, my XC colors are teal with the smallest bit of orange possible, to spark his (cough nonexistent cough) interest lol

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if you are taping on the NBC feeds, you will probably be disappointed. They DID run the dressage on NBCSP but it was about an hour later than advertised. If you have any way to watch the streamed version, you will see the whole thing, even the repeat.

Jonelle is so funny :joy: and Doug seems like a real leader. Getting excited :grimacing:

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I love how well he knows his mount and doesn’t change his “style.” I knew a really nice jumper like that - chipped everything. But damn if he didn’t win most times, too!


Yeah the chippers always get a distance! If they have tight knees they usually can skittle around pretty well lol


There have been a few scores that have been head scratchers for me, and that was definitely one of them. I thought the same.

  1. I think COTH is a lot quieter in general these days. Most conversation has moved to other social media platforms.

  2. I think because of how the games are being streamed, many of us are watching replays on our own time instead of catching the action live.


Honestly agreed… I haven’t watched much of the dressage dressage but the little bit I did see i was just like… this just isn’t for me!!! lol

Both the horse and hound and Eventing podcast talk a lot about the scoring and the marks and how the test scores… it’s really interesting and makes sense. Not a lot of marks so one mistake is very costly and a lot them scoring low were either behind the vertical or had not great changes and that effects the score quite a bit.


I know people are all up in arms about the dutch coats…count me in for them. I think they look fantastic.


I like them, too. I didn’t think I would when I had only read about them and hadn’t seen them yet. But now that I’ve seen them…wowza!


I did and I was :sob:.

The audio of cheering and clapping (from what sounds like tennis) while the tractor dragged the arena was cracking me up.


I like them well enough, but they really emphasize upper body movement if you aren’t dead quiet.

“Is farming now an Olympic sport?”–somebody’s teenage son


Bummer for Boyd :frowning:


Yes. Disappointing for him, I’m sure.

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Hopefully cross country will be very influential.

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I love me some Boyd but those judges must be his number one fans. That was an insanely generous score.


one judge for sure loved him … ranked 13th, 18th and 22nd (to date) by the three judges.