Official Tokyo Olympic Eventing Thread

The Swedish judge had him sub 30.

doesn’t look like anyone is going to come close to Britain’s team dressage score unless the final rider of those still to go, can score a 20

perhaps a couple of them can ??

The changes are slaughtering scores for otherwise very nice tests. And it’s not even like people are butchering their changes. A little tension in a change and bye bye 70%.

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Maybe Chipmunk?

I just can’t work up any enthusiasm for Piaffe and Passage and OMG, that was half this year’s straight dressage test.

It’s the plebian in me, I think. I like to see different TYPES of horses trying the same work. That is quite interesting to me.


What a beautiful test from the Terminator and Chipmunk!


Absolutely beautiful and flowing, pleasure to watch. So sad Ingrid isn’t here :frowning:


Team standings

:1st_place_medal:Great Britain
:3rd_place_medal:New Zealand

US in 8th

One or two XC issues can change everything though!


Team Scores: GB and Germany neck and neck (78 and 80). NZ in third(86). The next 6 teams (Japan, Sweden, Austrailia, China, US, and France) between 90 and 95.

It ain’t a dressage show folks.


That dressage test seems so short. The changes and reinback always get people, so I guess it’s tough to recover from that when you don’t really have many chances to do so.

I’m willing to bet alot will change with xc tomorrow. One of the commentators said one of the horses doesn’t like to jump?!

Yikes! That was a rough… I know it isn’t a dressage show & all but we didn’t have one “good” test. :disappointed_relieved:


Shame Tami is the reserve. She’d have been in the very top.


Well done Japan! Good position at the end of the first phase and they have developed into good xc riders. We might see an amazing result on the final day.


And I really liked the flow and design of the eventing test! And I like how short it is…,. Idk I think it’s also because it’s just what I know :joy:

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Just caught up and you’re not kidding…


You ain’t kidding. In my head I was scoring his test around a 37 after those major mistakes. Halo points for sure…but for the US, I’ll take them.

I hated that test. Too short, unbalanced, and unfair to established 4*/5* horses. If you horse didnt have amazing changes and a flowing half pass, you were screwed. The hp to shoulder in is awkward. Picking up the wrong lead to counter canter half a corner is dumb. No halt in the beginning is just weird at this level.

Not a test I would like to ride, especially on an experienced UL horse.


Last I checked, GB, Germany, NZ, etc., weren’t slouchy in the jumping department.

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No, but a handful of time penalties can easily close the gap. Time is supposed to be hard to make and it’s when people gun for time that mistakes tend to happen.

My only hope for xc today is that the US gets by with no jumping penalties. That’s literally all I want. And obviously to keep horse and rider falls to a minimum.


She probably got citizenship offers from other countries. “Hey Tami, come join our country! We’ll let you medal for us!”


One thing that was jarring to me: the lack of a halt and salute upon entering. Is that normal for UL eventing dressage?