Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?



How much decent hay can you buy with what that zoom lense or that iPhone costs…


I mean, lots of riders fit those categories but aren’t great…

If they’re well fed they’ll look better, clip or not, than if they aren’t well fed.


Why does she seem to think it’s just the people on COTH who find her breeding and management practices deplorable? That initial post in November with the emaciated weanling had over 100 shares on Facebook and thousands of comments of disgust from numerous trainers, breeders and riders.


The thing is, it’s not your farm, you just board there, so whoever has been at the farm may have absolutely nothing to do with you. Your idea of a BNT is questionable. I don’t believe any “Olympians” have bought your young stock.


Whatever became of Shearer’s other Welsh ponies in Arizona?


Hopefully sold to people who will take good care of them.


Jaysus H, what is even going on here? This looks like it’s maybe at EMCO? TF are they doing with that poor goal? That mare is in deplorable condition. If the camera adds 10 pounds, she still needs an extra 200 at least.


can you IMAGINE this woman in the “hospitality” business? I’ve never heard a word more at odds with her personality


I’m trying to recall the full story here, but I remember being vividly disgusted by that mare’s condition. I think it was a red bag delivery.


Is it common for people like her to recognize malnourished horses in other situations, but not in their own barns?


Yes. Very, very common.


You mean the photos taken by the staff at EMCO with my suffering foal? I was not in nor taking them.

Mare didn’t die. She was drugged because of red bag. And that was the vet techs at equine medical center of ocala on the foal. No one I employed or knew! They were happy they had gotten it out so figure out your facts first before commenting lol

Why was that broodmare so thin?


You posted the photos on social media.


I would like to know the name of these two Olympians and 5* riders that have come and given thumbs up on what you are doing.


There will be some excuse why those BNTs and Olympians won’t reveal themselves, even though they are supposedly so very supportive of Shearers breeding program and young stock.

It’s easy to make claims, but references are more difficult to obtain.


She wasn’t. Here are the videos. She almost died as I paid for full boarding and foaling out. Person left town on vacation and had someone just stop in twice a day to feed. Had I not been on the camera I would have lost my mare too! Enjoy the video of a horrific experience with foaling out farm and vet(yes lawsuit and malpractice because of so many issues). But thank you everyone to continue to come at me btw this mare is the broodmare that was jumping in the jump chute last week on my fb. I have videos of her thrashing in the stall throwing herself down etc if you would like to see those too when I started making emergency calls as the foaling facility wasn’t doing their job. But hey you all know what’s best right? Please enjoy my nightmare even more since you love digging up so much supposed abuse :see_no_evil:

So many people have wanted to step forward because of this nonsense here but I won’t let them. You will then target them. Lawyers agreed. It’s not worth it. I can handle you. No one else needs coth shit