Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

and hay!


My horses havenā€™t seen a grooming brush since before Christmas - but if you knock off the mud, thereā€™s a shiny, wooly but healthy coat under there.

Cause, ya know, they get fed :woman_shrugging:t3:


I have 18 horses on my property. All ages. Itā€™s in the 70s almost every day here in Florida - hotter when the filly was picked up and no one else has that coat. Iā€™m sticking with the vets analysis.


Haha, actually not much. Good coats come from good nutrition. Theyā€™ve had their feet picked daily, outside, and have since they were just a few weeks old. They get scratches and hands run over them, but living in the field they rarely see a curry or a brush until shedding.

Now that they are yearlings, they each come in the barn to eat once a day, and get 2 minutes in the aisle learning to cross tie and handle their feet. To teach them crossties are a good thing, I curry their itchy places (but not a full grooming, they donā€™t have patience for that yet in the aisle). Here in FL the sand polishes the horseā€™s coat, and when theyā€™re fed well, the field kept horses look super shiny all on their own.


That photo just proves that the problem this weanling was having before was a simple lack of enough feed, since she has filled out so nicely now that she is being fed.


Youā€™d be amazed what just plain old good nutrition will do to a coat. This is a photo of my yearling (well, technically a two year old now) taken last month. If you look very carefully at her withers, you can see that she wasnā€™t brushed at all for this photo:

Other than mane and tail maintenance, she gets minimal grooming. I will knock the worst of the mud off on the rare days that she needs to be blanketed, but thatā€™s about it.


This! 100%

Then why are you talking about your ā€œbusinessā€ and obviously trying to make money on your hobby? Thatā€™s a lot of semen, foals, etc for a hobby. Doesnā€™t add up


The Lunsfords? The nice little huntseat and lesson barn outside of Phoenix? For something said on the Plaid Horse forums? I think weā€™ve already seen how those kind of lawsuits turn out. As an example I offer N. Peronace v COTH.

This is the disconnect I see, too. She said upthread (paraphrasing) that she was attempting to breed the type of horse sheā€™d like to have ridden when she was younger, but couldnā€™t afford. Without going on about how types and purpose-bred horses have evolved over the years, I do understand the basic reasoning behind that goal. Thatā€™s why my mom bred Trakehners and Dutch horses, so my sister and I could have some fancy horses. (Of course we fed them well and did all the hands-on work, but again, another discussion). But if itā€™s a personal pursuit, and one doesnā€™t care about making money, then how can you sue for any sort of damages?

Wouldnā€™t that be like me presenting my gallery of mosaics to the public, which I do for a hobby, and then trying to sue someone for stating my designs were juvenile and lacked artistic merit? Sure, my feelings might be hurt. And I might contemplate tossing out my supplies and finding a new hobby. But in the end, Iā€™m making my mosaics as a personal pursuit, not for the admiration of others or the benefit of mankind.


This is what completely loses me, too. Ignoring the questionable breeding and poor care for a moment. How is a $25k weanling that will need tens of thousands of dollars in board/vet/training/etc and multiple years before it is considered ā€œmadeā€ the economical option?


Nice youngster!

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Thank you! Her dam is Al Marah bred, and her sire is Varian. I canā€™t wait for her to grow up and get going on cattle! I have high hopes for this one.


Iā€™ll take either fugly #1 or fugly #3 please. PM me and Iā€™ll send my address. :grinning:

Wow, what quality babies- all of them!



KS has many similarities to many other well known controversial COTH personalities and topics.

At least she hadnā€™t acquired a stallion yet. Because thatā€™s how some of these situations go to the next level of whackadoodle.

The lawsuit is bananas. There is a countersuit involved as well. Kate should probably get that one wrapped up before she starts more legal actionsā€¦


She wrote elsewhere that she has a Welsh stallion. I hope he was sold long ago to a good home.

ETA: Upon further reflection, maybe she had access to one. At any rate, I hope that is no longer the case.


Oh boy.

Well at least it seems like he did move on before a herd of hungry ponies began to growā€¦

So from what I can make out, KS is entering her fourth breeding season and the foof about disbanding her operation was not followed up on.

Itā€™s clear sheā€™s basically been run out of two low cost of living areas in the South (her home state of Arizona and then Oklahoma) leaving the same pattern of neglected horses, dead horses, abysmal care, and all kinds of deflection and anger at everyone else. Now sheā€™s in Florida in a horsey area, so thereā€™s even more eyes on her, and sheā€™s got national attention on her shtshow.


I first read this and thought wtf she/ks is now breeding cattle?? :rofl::rofl:


Haha. Just keeping you on your toes! :stuck_out_tongue:


Is there a link somewhere to the PH comments? The Lunsfords are such horsepeople I canā€™t imagine them wrapped up in her craziness.