Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I would have to agree. Jill Lunsford has an excellent reputation in AZ and takes extremely good care of her horses. She has an aged show pony of mine that lives a fantastic life.


Thatā€™s the definition of ā€œbreeding for good mindsā€.


Thank you! I certainly think so, too. Life is much easier all around with easy, cooperative, good-minded ponies.


@fivestrideline @Montanas_Girl

Thanks for the input all. I stand corrected. As a one horse at a time owner, Iā€™ve always fed AND groomed my shiny horses, so assumed both were required to look as good as your group. :wink:


I am going to try to link to the actual complaint filed by Kateā€™s attorneys, and the answer plus counterclaim filed by the Lunsford attorneys. Neither are long. Both are a matter of public record.

I think the original comments at issue were in the Plaid Horse Thermal Classified group, but have long since been deleted. But the lawsuit has been moving along for quite awhile, and is scheduled for trial on April 30. Of course it might get settled before then, or the trial rescheduled. Those things can happen.

KShearer v Lunsford.pdf (933.8 KB)

Shearer v Lunsford Answer.pdf (177.7 KB)

Anywayā€¦ this goes to a relevant pattern of behavior. Someone bought a horse from Kate, there were issues, they went online to warn others about their experience, and very crazy hostility ensued. And a lawsuit.


The suit is about Kate complaining that JL defamed her and caused her emotional pain and suffering and financial losses as a result of a comment JL made in that group years ago. I donā€™t think there are any complaints about the way Jill cares for her animals though.

JL has a strong affirmative defense, and some counterclaims about Kateā€™s own online comments and conduct.

Againā€¦ the whole thing is interesting to read because there is definitely a pattern of behavior going on here.


If she keeps that bs up she wonā€™t be able to find anyone vet wise to care for her horses


Just goes to show how low the bar really is to have well maintained and healthy horses. A good grooming will turn a scruffy, but healthy, horse into something very nice to look at. A good grooming wonā€™t do jack for a neglected creature :confused:


I remember that exact post that Bethany made on Thermal Classifieds a couple years ago about Kate. Like the emaciated weanling post, numerous breeders, trainers, and riders chimed in on their negative experiences with Kate, including Jill. Kate seemed to have a bone to pick with Jill the most though, maybe because she is in AZ where Kate was at the time, and blasted Jill for being married to a murderer in prison. It was a wild post that only stayed up for a couple hours, but IMO nothing Jill posted was out of line or different than any of the other negative experiences people posted about Kate.

As to Paragraph 10 of Kateā€™s Complaint: lol


Bull crap. When the breeding farm that I worked at had a mare or foal die, it was rare and catastrophic. And we would foal out dozens of mares every year, including outside mares. Freak occurrences can and do happen, RARELY. In the hundreds of foals that were foaled out there, I can only remember losing one mare (red bag delivery), and one foal (donā€™t remember exactly what happened beyond infection that didnā€™t respond to intensive treatment)


It is absurd.

I find it interesting that she comes on this thread and claims everything was fine with her horses when she was in Arizona, and the problems started when she kept them in Oklahoma, and then in Florida. Andā€¦ itā€™s all blamed on unreliable people.

Ummmā€¦ it takes all of two seconds to learn that there is this lawsuit in Arizona, and it all came about from a social media post that involved a serious complaint about Kate and whatever happened with the sale, etc.None of that would have happened if everything was peachy keen in Arizonaā€¦


Iā€™m curious as to why KS has so many horses for sale in so many different states. I believe horses from at least 5 different states.

Why did KS leave Arizona, the magikal land of alfalfa?

I can think of a few reasons why someone would up and move to a far away, random state. Criminal behavior and a bad rep being one of them.


Her business model is parking broodmares in low rent boarding in low cost of living areas. I think her horses are fully consolidated in Florida now from what Iā€™ve seen on here and FB. But I think itā€™s pretty clear piecing things together that she got run out of Arizona (that would be the Plaid Horse debacle) and then Oklahoma over the course of a couple of years. And that all the stuff sheā€™s done in Florida and on this forum (skinny horses, dead horses, blaming everyone, threatening to sue, wierd drama, bluster and general weirdness) has been ongoing. It wasnā€™t until the threads started on COTH that enough people from different areas could pool information and get the full picture


Our Braider-Lawyerā€™s outfit, c/w variation on the flip-flops


That d/b/a (Doing Business As) does not say ā€œHobbyā€ to me.



Honestly, the fact that she made that particular comment on this thread, while this lawsuit (initiated by KS) is still hanging out there and might go to trial this spring?

Not smart.


Iā€™m confused about the hobby vs. business thing, too. Upthread, in regard to her horse breeding and selling endeavor, she said:

"Not everything is about money in this world. I do very well for myself and this is just my hobby/passion".

If itā€™s a hobby, rather than a business, how can one sue for monetary damages and nebulous physical maladies because someone made a disparaging comment online?

Say I have a hobby making widgets, and selling them at craft fairs. Then another widget maker makes an online claim that my widgets are actually doo-dads, and theyā€™re inferior doo-dads, too. Can I actually sue for monetary damages because my future craft fair sales of hobby widgets could be affected by those comments? :thinking:


One of the two firms representing action does not appear to practice in non-business tort. Maybe she is a business in one state, and a hobby in another?

Yeah I saw #10 too and that cracked me up


I donā€™t think you can do that, at least not as far as the IRS is concerned. I wish I knew someone there to drop a dime.