Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

You have no idea. The screenshots I could share but won’t would blow your mind about her opinion of the military, military mothers and her attack of people we should be respecting. But we just want this to stop. This filly is doing great. Now. She really needs to stop her bullying and threats. Yeah, she looked awful, you took responsibility. Shit happens. Your acid response isn’t helping.


I would say that I am a hobbyist as regards horses.

It never struck me that I could sue for losses and damages to my interests/hobbies; I’d really love to know how this works, please.


Shearer would like people to believe that COTH members are ignorant about the breeding, nutrition and development of horses. As you can see by the posts on this thread by breeders, she couldn’t be more mistaken. :wink:


I’m so curious but I also feel like I have wasted enough brainpower on her BS :rofl:


Still ongoing for me. Lol


I suggest you block her on whetever social media you can. You can put her on ignore here if you want to.

Rest assured, as you can see, she won’t get away unchallenged with any of her ridiculous postings here.

Good for you to not post her bilge about Service members here. Don’t sink to her level. It won’t make you feel better.


I have blocked her. I just always worry people here believe her shit. And I respect this place. So I respond here when I know I shouldn’t bother. People on FB can see my horses everyday.


She sued Jill Lunsford in Maricopa County over comments made in a Plaid Horse group. It’s scheduled to go trial at the end of April of 2024.

People can go look up the complaint if they are curious.

I don’t know how her claims on this thread that breeding and selling horses is a hobby will square with her claims regarding alleged damages in that complaint though. If it ever goes to trial.

It seems like the sort of thing that might get settled before trial. But who knows.


I understand the impulse to respond, but truly, don’t bother. Everyone here knows her lengthy and awful history.


Nobody that has any knowledge or value believes a word she is saying. Besides the horses in her care, we are here to put a stop to this ridiculousness, named Kate Shearer.


You really did the right thing by posting the photo of the emaciated weanling. People need to know with whom they are dealing and, while people on the COTH forums have known about Kate Shearer’s mismanagement of horses for a few years now, the rest of the world (Facebook) that isn’t here, needs to know as well.


I am the one that should be suing. She has lost this one. But I won’t. I’ll have a hell of a counter suit if she tries though.


really happy with her progress.

Hair is still an issue but the vet said that worms is not an issue anymore and malnutrition will develop that thick coat. She will lose it come spring.


One thing that law adjacent whackadoodles do is run around threatening to sue everyone in terms that scare many lay people, especially less sophisticated ones, but nothing ever comes of it. We saw that over and over with another recent trainwreck thread

A bit more troubling if the whackadoodle has the skills they can file frivolous law suits or claims or small claims or what not. If they are doing the work it’s just a hobby to them and they don’t care if they win or lose. Because their target has to cough up cash for a lawyer even if the thing is ultimately dismissed.

Finally whackadoodles do lie to lawyers and can sometimes buy actual legal help by misrepresenting a situation no sane lawyer would take on. Also lawyers are often willing to do the first step of rattling sabres and shooting across the bow even when they say the case is likely unwinnable and not worth pursuing.


This. Yup.

She’s probably barking up the wrong tree with any number of vet hospitals though. That’s different than the bizarre social media lawsuit with Lunsford.


I’m not concerned. The truth is the best defense to defamation. And she is the one lying and defaming. Bring it.


I don’t even need to pay a lawyer to walk in, show proof against her trash and countersue for her lies and misrepresentation. Silly woman keeps putting it all in text.


Looks like as soon as she was given adequate food, she put on weight. Shocker! Horses need to be fed.


Most judges have no patience with people who play that game, and award the victims of nuisance litigants attorney fees and court costs, thus making the game not quite as fun after awhile, for the litigious nuisances.


Another difference with yours is that they’ve obviously encountered their fair share of grooming brushes.