Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Well, that is because you would actually call the vet if there was a problem. I am not so sure KS would do that.


I disagree and think the quality of the bales looks really good. If that’s what you actually got is another factor.

Interesting! It looks really stemmy to my eye, but I don’t feed a ton of alfalfa and have admittedly always been lucky to live in/near an area that grows really lovely alfalfa (CA Central Valley). The bales I pick up are usually a lot
leafier looking, I suppose. I wouldn’t call myself an alfalfa aficionado so I will defer!

Agreed, however, re: the question of whether what you get is what you were shown in her pics.

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Pretty sure she ran out of places in Arizona to take advantage of people. There are 7 that I know of

  • She had her weanling filly in with her 2yo stud colt and then blamed the property owner for it. She didn’t want to pay to have them in separate areas. Them being together resulted in a HUGE hematoma and damage to the neck muscle.
  • She had majority of her horses at a boarding facility where she refused to pay for the appropriate amount of feed. A stillborn foal was born at that location. Her youngstock she had there was very skinny, her broodmares were starting to show loss of groceries. They only got their feet done once upon their arrival. She blamed the facility owner and threatened to sue her. She paid a lot of money out of her own pocket to try and keep them appropriately cared for.
  • She went to another place where all she had to do was pay for feed. She accused them of stealing her hay because they refused to only feed whatever flakes broke off, and 2ea for each broodmare. She wanted her foals trained but refused to pay for that. Told them it was customary for training to be paid for when the foal sold, as they would get a commission. She threatened to sue them for breach of contract. Made nasty FB posts about them. Her horses were fat and plump so she couldn’t go after them for not getting fed.
  • One of her babies was sent to a BNT halter trainer. I do not know 100% the facts on this one, but she claims the trainer crippled it and it had to be put to sleep. The trainer, who is well respected, and a lot of people associated with him said that the horse had visible issues before it showed up at his facility for training.
  • She took them all to another private barn. At the time the lady was working part time. When she took on a full time position at a show horse barn she gave Kate 30 days notice that she would not be able to care for her horses like she had been. Kate lost her mind and attacked her on FB, blocking her of course so she couldnt defend herself. She posted pictures of her property saying how much of a dump it was and how unsafe it was for anyone to have their horses there. She tried to get her fired from her new job at the show horse barn. This lady is the nicest lady and she takes excellent care of any and all animals in her care. Her animals will eat before her if it ever came to that.
  • She ended up at a fairly well known trainer’s facility. This is only place I know of that she actually paid for services regularly. This was the last place I know of her having been before she went to OK. She accused this trainer (not publicly), only in private messages, of not feeding her horses.
  • In OK she never paid those people for the care of her horses. She had hay brought there and expected it to last all winter. That winter was one of the worse in OK in a long time. The hay was not enough to adequately feed broodmares for that length of time, let alone in an OK winter. She owes them tens of thousands for their time there as they paid to get feed for them. They begged her to take them away multiple times because they couldnt afford to get quality hay and the horses were suffering. She threatened them with lawsuits and FB blasted them. Due to this she lost at least 2 broodmares (I want to say it was actually 3 or 4) and several foals.

And now in Florida.

She believes horses are fed by flakes not by weight. She will only let her help feed 2 flakes of whatever size breaks off, not weight. She then accuses them of stealing because she is going through more hay than she thinks she should be, when the accurate amount is being fed to maintain very large broodmares.

She will take care of her horses when they first arrive, get their feet done and everything and blame the last place she had them as why they are in such poor condition.

She starts out paying her bills for the first couple of months and then stops. There is no way she is paying $33/hr for stall cleaners when she refused to pay other help that were charging $12/hr or when she felt that service was owed to her, even though she was not paying for that service.


Bahahaha this is comical! Never boarded at 7 facilities in my entire life! Also Oklahoma bought horses from me and owed me 20k so board was paid by them repaying their debt. But I do absolutely love your list! And indeed my horses 20lbs of hay meaning 1/5th approx bale of hay. Making up a new profile just to come on here to show how false you really are is comical. :see_no_evil: But please do keep it coming. It is entertaining

So you feed your pregnant and nursing mares 20lbs of alfalfa per day? Do you adjust at all for size? Or is it just 2 flakes/horse, estimating that each flake is 5lbs?

That wouldn’t be adequate to feed my geldings in work. I’m on the west coast, btw. The breeding facilities I know here frequently have their broodmares on at least 20lbs of alfalfa AND free choice, high quality, grass hay.

Also BTW, this is what an actual jumper bred KWPN (Heartbreaker/Grannus/Argentinus, jumped to 1.30s) can look like with adequate food. He’s in minimal work. And he still gets more food than yours do. And is woolly and covered in mud and literally hasn’t gotten a bath since 2022 and still looks better than yours do.


The only part of this situation that is comical and entertaining is that you won’t shut up. Every time you open your mouth you make it worse. The horses in your care aren’t laughing. The fact that you think any of this is funny is a huge indicator. I hear you are moving back to Arizona? Good riddance.



It was said in the dressage thread that she is looking for a place in Aiken.

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Weren’t you required by the owner to stop with social media? I mean that’s why you continue to delete your posts right?

No one “required” me to do anything. I did what I have out of respect for the owner. Im sorry, I don’t think I was referencing the filly? Are you now saying with all your legal prowess that you can bully me into not having an opinion on anything?


We’ve seen photos of your emaciated horses (most of them provided by you) and have read and seen examples of your lack of knowledge and husbandry (most of them provided by you.)

I don’t think you are in any position to be criticizing anyone at this point in time.


Don’t take the bait @DWBFL


Im taking your advice.


I hope that your friend is not intimidated, however, there is no need for either of you to engage with this woman on social media. There are enough internet pointers to this thread, that no defense is necessary on the part of the owner, or from you.

The photos, and Shearer’s words, speak for themselves.

The facts are clear to all of us, there is no need for either of you to personally respond to Shearer.


I really appreciate that. This has been bothering me greatly, I was just helping a friend, goes against my grain to be quiet. But you are totally right


I’m considering it for sleep.

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I understand how frustrating it must be. Just don’t do it.


She’s not worth getting banned over. Everyone who has read this thread knows who she is.


More important - thanks to Kate herself, everyone knows WHAT she is