Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Haha nope wec sells it! Ask them where they get their alfalfa from and their value statistics lol! Oh people it’s getting comical

Here is an easy-to-understand summary of what RFV does (and doesn’t) tell you about a hay:


I’m just curious, what is the record number of replies to a thread on COTH? This seems to be the on that just keeps on giving…


No one cares about what WEC feeds. What they care about is your obvious obscuration of the condition of your horses. No one cares if you feed them, fruity pebbles, and magical manna from the fields of heaven… What matters is their body condition. Which is crap.


I have been wondering this, as well. How can she not see it?


Because you are not the vet, county animal control or anyone else that has been seeing my horses. Because it does not exist. We are not putting down the old mare as she’s happy. And none of you post/comment on all the “good” photos you take weird angles. Heck the vets been out to microchip and do coggins and other things on different occasions, farrier as well, even animal control thought the call was a joke. So yes I can sit here and know that you all can break down everything in my life, including if I lied about my mother dying horrifically from ovarian cancer in 2005, and still continue on functioning successfully with amazing animals and amazing business opportunities. That’s the difference here people. Everyone here saying how dare I not get a gate….well shit it was fun. I give the barn owner time to re-do things. People here saying I can’t pay my bills……well that’s public record and damn sure I don’t owe anyone. People here questioning if I graduated law school or took the bar check results from ube in July 2012 (graduated law school a semester early in Dec 2011). I mean it’s just silly. So I sit back and watch you all argue over my life. Hey better you than me. I have a great life! I hope you all can say the same!

You really think that the difference in the condition of your thin horses compared to horses in good flesh on this thread, is a matter of photo angles?

I realize that you have no good explanation for the condition of your horses, there is no explanation and no excuse, so instead you talk about your “great life”, of which, I have not the slightest bit of interest.

Too bad that your horses aren’t having as great of a time as you. That is what matters, the condition of your animals, and the fact that they weren’t seized is hardly something to brag about.


Much of which is spent here making a fool of yourself. So, so great.


They laughed at the complain and asked if I wanted to file a harassment charge against the person that made it. I actually reached out and spoke to said person and we had a great conversation. In addition do you not think that when vets and farriers are there weekly checking on different things one would say hey this isn’t great? Or the plethora of people that come to look at things asking about custom breeding or purchasing. Inknow shocking to you all but alas the truth. But please keep pushing on here. Love the flip flop comments!!! When not a single person who has been to the farm has come out and said a single thing don’t you have to question where you are getting information from? I mean I can take some seriously bad still shots from things people post. Even an attorney has sent me some ridiculous pics. Nope all normal. You all just really want to try to destroy me. Why not sure but that’s fine. Keep on keeping on.

So anyhow, after a couple of years of watching KS jump on COTH in defensive posture, and then getting the other side reported by numerous other posters? I just do not believe any given thing she says unless independently verified. Now very often her claims do have a kernel of truth. She is using Big Name jumper stallion semen to breed her foals (though the mares are unproven harness horses and the mares and foals are significantly underfed). She is hawking Arizona alfalfa by the truck load on FB and may store some sales hay at her barn (but it’s obvious her horses are consistently underfed and have been for years). She always has a reason why a given barn done her wrong (but the scenario keeps repeating across the US South, with the only common denominator being KS herself).

As far as any subjective or retrospective account of drama or he said/she said, every time we’ve had any corroboration from other people, the version given is very very different from what KS says she remembers.

So yeah. I believe AC attended and I expect that KS could have been able to talk her way out of that by pointing to her sales.hay. Because AC would rather not seize 2O plus skinny horses and have to get medical care and feed into them. But I don’t believe the rest of this story, based on past observation of KS.

And it’s obvious she’s been starving horses all.along.


You appear to be doing a bangup job of that all on your own.


Toppy pressured me to find an angle that made him look skinny.

He was not successful in his quest.


You said earlier that you called animal control, so there is another one of your prevarications.

I have no desire to “destroy” you. I want you to feed your animals so they aren’t so thin, and to stop breeding horses until you learn how to do it properly.

Your have no excuse for your underfed animals or your terrible management. I’m not blind, I see the photos and the horses don’t look so underfed because of “camera angles”. Your horses are not properly cared for.

I really hope that you will begin a proper feeding program but I don’t hold out much hope, since you can’t even see that you have a problem.


Sydney would love to believe that it’s just my camera angle making her look like a hippo here. :joy: She’s not due to foal until April - and she’s a maiden!


No one is doing that.

No one did that. Absolutely no one has said “I don’t think Kate’s mom died.”

I’m sure they’re great.

You do not have amazing business opportunities. Multiple people here and on FB have specifically mentioned that they will not employ you, having done so previously, because of your general conduct (both online and offline).

??? Are you saying that people here do not have an amazing life with amazing animals? There are many people on this board who are considered professional in their own spheres. There are also many people just going through life at some run-of-the-mill job who enjoy horses. I’m assuming you mean everyone here is a bunch of bitter ol’ haters because we (general) are “being mean”. Real throwin’ stones at glass houses considering your behavior on Facebook, but ok.

Still not safe so not the flex you think it is. “I told them to make it safe, but they didn’t, so I just half-assed something to make it equally as unsafe.”

Multiple people on FB (and I think one person here?) have claimed you didn’t pay them and/or they had to get creative to get paid. And yeah, its all public record since this and your FB are all public. Oh, did you mean public record as in it be in the court system somewhere? Lol, no. Horse people are notorious for not taking the legal route. Boarder ran up a $2k bill and skipped town? Welp, BO is just glad they’re gone so not gonna bother with small claims since Boarder has no money.

You actively participate in this thread AND get messy on your own FB. This is not the epic gatcha you think it is!

I can <3


Same. One of my good friends was in the AZ horse scene when Kate was. She laughed when I explained the drama around the Welsh pony because she remembers when Kate got it. Story is very different than what Kate now claims.


@MHM You are correct. There are lots to braid!! I think each week, we are busy scrambling to get all horses covered. There are some barns who “just need someone”, so I suspect that’s where her clientele come from. The Heritage Farms, Beacon Hills, west coast–Balmoral, Brookway types–along with many, many others–all are covered without worry.

There are still many crappy barns who skip out on braid bills (for a while, or forever), and other foibles, who have to scramble to find a braider. :slight_smile:


Classic projection. Aside from that, the comedic aspect has been added by… ~ drumroll ~… you.
The ever changing stories and accusations and how nothing is ever your fault. Adding LOLs does not fix that. As I have said before - just own your sh-stuff.

No vet would think the condition of those horses was okay and pat you on the head and tell you what a great job you are doing… lol…lol… lol. Ditto for animal control.

Everyone here saying how dare I not get a gate….well shit it was fun. I give the barn owner time to re-do things.

Uh huh. Always, ALWAYS someone else’s fault. Who gives a rip about safety. Cool.

People here saying I can’t pay my bills……well that’s public record and damn sure I don’t owe anyone.

Almost a Freudian slip there? :wink:

The only person messing things up and making you look bad - is you. And yet somehow, some way, that will also always be someone else’s fault.

I had to work with a trainer who had the same MO - and also blamed everyone else. Those of us who knew her well and knew about her endless issues tried to warn others - but they swallowed her bait and ignored us. For a while.

Poor trainer - the vet was wrong and the farrier was wrong and those past clients of hers were wrong and yet another vet was wrong and the hay guy was wrong and the barn staff were wrong and the judges at the National show were wrong… and the meanie poopiehead (that would be my BO and boss) who turfed her out of that great facility with a big covered arena, excellent turnout, great access to trails and a well insulated, huge barn… was also wrong and simply could not see how amazing said trainer was.

That trainer finally ran out of people who believed her contrary to all the evidence… most of which she happily and loudly provided as proof of how mean/stupid Everyone Else was.

So been there, done that. Danced that dance.


Actually you and the entire situation is very sad. Especially for the horses.


this photo reminds me of the horse in the old Bugs Bunny cartoon where they do the Wagner Opera and Bugs rides on it’s butt.