Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

This one has barely gotten started to get close to the record. Threads on Michael Barisone used to be shut down and new ones opened because this software started bogging down at about 10K posts. There were many on the old platform that went well over that.

ETA a missing word.


Then clearly you didnā€™t read because someone very clearly did ask about the falsity of the death of my mother on coth. Lol! How do you guys not even keep your own allegations straight?


And no idea who would say I owe them? The dog sitter I fired for despicable care and caught on cameras coming only once a day. Yes she didnā€™t get paid for those like 5 days and she refused to turn in my house key so I had to get my locks changed. Gotta love people. Other than that I donā€™t owe a single dime to any establishment except emco who we are negotiating with on issues. But thatā€™s ok if you donā€™t have your stories straight and rely on people to actually tell the truth. Itā€™s the one thing that anyone that actually knows me knowsā€¦ā€¦after the ridiculousness of what I went through after ny mothers passing is that Iā€™m very black and white and always tell the truth. And what got me seriously hated by braiders because I didnā€™t care about their ā€œunwritten rulesā€ and thought it was outrageous. Iā€™m ok being a target but only if the target you are hitting is with actual factual information which you are not

Would absolutely love to hear it! Never had any story but the truth. Did a group deal with a breeder in Oregon where she bought the mare and I bought the foal. California liquidation lady would only sell them together even though foal was weaned for months. Mare went to Oregon and was sold under saddle, filly came to me in az where she lived for a few months until I brought her to Florida. Legitimately not a single other thing is there at all so good luck with your story telling!

Good for you but I legitimately have no problem paying my bills so sorry you had to dance with a deceitful trainer but not me lol

@Kasheare, this is ridiculous. You have made every excuse in the book yet you have failed to acknowledge how awful your horses look in your OWN photos. Those donā€™t lie. Obviously you do.


You clearly have not read clearly then. I mean thatā€™s on you. Iā€™ve posted tons of photos and videos and many many are not mentioned. Anyone check out the black mare in the pic with the pony in Arizona? Instead of questioning the owners feed choice (not mine lol) of guess what two flakes of alfalfa morning and night, you guys attacked that there was in fact just two flakes per horse. You donā€™t realize thatā€™s the 18 yo broodmare you all said was abused and skinny got forbid I chased her to jump a truck? I mean this is how ridiculous itā€™s getting. All the videos of the babies and free jump of 2yo with close of pics and silence hereā€¦ā€¦just saying love how you pick and choose and if you canā€™t get me for one thing you all result to things like my footwear choice in which no one in the real world freaking cares (liability on me not anyone else). But hey ok! Iā€™ll continually answer questions with the truth 100% of the time and you guys can continually run yourselves in circles looking up every record ever in my life. Have at it guys

I could not care any less about your footwear or your life choices. Do whatever you want. But Iā€™m not just talking about your old broodmare. What about the mare in the disgusting stall with the aborted foal? What about all of your other ribby, unkempt horses?


Iā€™ve posted those pics again!!! That horrible ribby black in the one picā€¦.hmmmm amazing in the other. The one mare that red bagged was in a sales video that not a single one of you mentioned a thing on or screen shotted. The yearling now 2yo that you said oh terrible care in his videos and free jump not a peep. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying you can try to pull from things as you want. I made it very clear that I was not in town when the mare aborted the chacco blue embryo but the vet had been there numerous times. Yes the stall had not been cleaned (hired the farm managers brother in law) and picture sent to me by farm manager. Brother in law was immediately fired. Mare had been pulled off to be fed strictly (all in vet records provided to owner) as vet thought she was getting too much sugar from the grass round bales.

As I said I have been open and honest and provided everyone with every truth. You all keep coming and thatā€™s fine. Iā€™m fine sharing the truth. What annoys me greatly is how many on here donā€™t read and then spin off their own story and comment based on that. Like at least get the faces right before your opinion fake fact. I called the sheriff to make a report when I got home. A woman who I will not mention felt pressured because of her job to call animal control who strongly urged me to file harassment charges. Waste of his time was how the agent put it. So take it as you want. I just like checking in to see what new gossip/fake stories you all have come up with. I mean youā€™ve dissected my life completely so not sure whatā€™s left you all are going to try to ā€œtargetā€. But hey Iā€™m here to answer any of those questions

Oh myā€¦


You donā€™t seem to realize that most of us have no idea what you are talking about.

The condition of your horses is a concern (not to you obviously), the drama in your life and what has been posted by or about you on social media, is of no interest to me and not something I would remember.

I donā€™t do facebook so I have only seen photos and videos of your animals that were posted here by you, and others. I would be very happy to see recent photos of your sales horses since you are happy with their condition. Actual conformation photos, not video of them being chased around a paddock.
Educated buyers do look at conformation, and the dam line as well as the sire.

I hope that you are feeding them better than you were. I really do.


Thanks for this explanation. When my dairy farmer in law grew alfalfa, it was the greenest, richest stuff I had every seen, grown on fertilized ground, with so little stem the flakes would barely hold together.

Perfect for lactating dairy cars for maximum production of premium milk.

My horses would have foundered if they had even been next to the stuff.

ETA: My other vague recollection is that the protein was too high for horses, and would likely cause epiphysitis and OCD, and also, the calcium/phosphorus ration was wrong for horses. We were a fun crowd around the dinner table, the dairy farmers and me.


Reminds me of that time when Nick P came to ā€œanswer any questionsā€ and just trotted out the same old conspiracy stories instead, then got angry, said everyone was being mean, and flounced off to write minute rice recipes. He also complained about posting ā€œheaps of picturesā€ ā€œprovingā€ how good he was, but no one would give him any praise! Also moved multiple barns ā€œno fault of his, crazy BOs, bad feed (thatā€™s why the horse was thin), conspired against him, never his faultā€.

Same behaviour. Bluster, deny, blame others, avoid, and then attack the question-asker when caught in their own outright, baldfaced lies.


If we could just see some well fed animals. In good flesh, like yourself. Now I understand that you will say, ā€œif I was skinnyā€¦ā€ blah blah blah. How are you not haunted by that fetus and her poor mom in that stall. Truly horrific, but you still blame others. Why not do one thing or the other. Breed your dutchie doodles or braid. I heard through the grapevine, Aiken has a waiting list for you GREAT MINDED mutts with zero dam lineage.


Aikenn is already full of crazy! We donā€™t need anymore! Ughhhh.


Sorry, but anything that lightens the load of BSC here in Ocala is most welcome. There are many who will be happy to see the back door hit KS on her way out of town.



Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender


Donā€™t sit anywhere and watch anything. Go take care of all of your horses. Feed them. Get their hooves trimmed. Worm them. Come back here in 3 months with side-by-side before and after shots of all the equines in your care looking at a healthy weight with shiny coats. Take a brush or a curry to them and show them looking in good flesh. Work with the older ones to get a bit of topline muscle. That will shut down all the ā€˜hatersā€™. Plus, you sell horses as a business so the pics will be a boon to your sales process. Thatā€™s a win-win.

Please, get those poor creatures fed and shut us all down. I speak for everyone on here when I say weā€™d love nothing more.

PS: I donā€™t believe anyone doubts you graduated from some law school (though not one of the top ones where the firms come to you and you get flown back for interviews and get summer internships and then a post-grad job). We doubt you passed the bar exam and C&F and then just simply declined to be admitted to the bar. Thatā€™s what I doubt for sure.


This would definitely be the best outcome for the horses.