Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

if by “destroy you” you mean “really want you to have your horses on a nutritional program that doesn’t result in them looking skinny, unthrifty, and otherwise appearing like they are failing to thrive”, then yes.

If you have so much time to hang around on the internet, you have no room to claim that “soandso” employee of yours you pay to do a job hasn’t been doing the job since you clearly have enough time to check in and supervise that the job is being completed to satisfaction.
Log off. Go check on your horses.


Of all the dumb excuses that have been thrown out there, this is the dumbest. And that’s saying something. Plus, if it really is possible to show emaciated horses with dull coats and dead eyes looking fine and fit by picking the right angle, she’d have picked that angle to photograph her own. :roll_eyes:

Especially true as we’ve now had two veterinary professionals tell us it’s almost impossible to get animals seized even when they are in desperate shape and the place is under investigation with multiple re-visits. I trust their info and experience more than ‘animal control thought it was a joke’. No way to verify that so it’s useless info.




Years ago a multi-breed breeder moved here from Ocala and over the Fall and Winter…ran out of either money or help or both and her mares and young horses looked terrible. She was standing 8 or 9 stallions at the time and had an absolute herd of mares and youngsters. Those mares and young horses looked terrible.

One day I bumped into a fellow who lives about 5-6 miles from me and on the other side of Miss Ocala. He and I aren’t pals, we just know each other a little via horses. Honestly i didn’t care much for him. Apropos of nothing, he asked if I’d noticed the mares. I had. He grew very animated and shared that he was really worried about them, and had even thrown hay to them a few times he was so bothered about their condition. Changed my opinion of him completely.

So, point being- we aren’t a bully-club of mean girls and boys. We’re just a bunch of horse people trying to get you to realize your horses look like hammered ****, and to please do something about it.


Jaysus, and now the dogs also are cared for absentee and that help is also the worst and is fired immediately.

How can a grown, functioning adult not see that the same story over and over and over just makes them look bad and looks like a lie? @Kasheare make a simple Word table of all the times you’ve subcontracted the care of your animals. In the second column note the ones in which the ‘help’ let you down and you ‘fired them immediately’.

More than two = you are the problem. The number you claim just on here = most likely a lie.



I have a sneaking suspicion that it any one of us came out to your farm and had the same conclusion that we do now, that you wouldn’t admit it to anyone.

You have experienced breeders and hell, even hay farmers and lawyers on here telling you you’re wrong and you don’t care.

Your horses are skinny from every angle, stalls are filthy (or is it just a filter ;)), and everything is everyone else’s fault. [quote=“Kasheare, post:2295, topic:789934”]
I’ve posted those pics again!!! That horrible ribby black in the one pic….hmmmm amazing in the other. The one mare that red bagged was in a sales video that not a single one of you mentioned a thing on or screen shotted. The yearling now 2yo that you said oh terrible care in his videos and free jump not a peep. That’s what I’m saying you can try to pull from things as you want. I made it very clear that I was not in town when the mare aborted the chacco blue embryo but the vet had been there numerous times. Yes the stall had not been cleaned (hired the farm managers brother in law) and picture sent to me by farm manager. Brother in law was immediately fired. Mare had been pulled off to be fed strictly (all in vet records provided to owner) as vet thought she was getting too much sugar from the grass round bales.

I’ve been following this thread, er train wreck, since the very beginning and must have missed the good photos and video. Do you mind Re-sharing them so we can end this once and for all?



Guess you missed the part where absolutely nobody posting here is arguing. The consensus is that you should step back from horse ownership if you couldn’t be bothered to take care of them properly.


Where? Does anyone else have a post number for this one because I do not/did not see someone claim Kate’s mom had not passed.

I have no idea who this dog sitter is nor did I know this was even an issue. I was speaking about people on FB talking about how you not paid them for board/horse care/etc, along with one (?) person on COTH talking about braiding. All the above story tells me is… once again you apparently failed to find good help.

I do not have multiple stories; there is nothing I’m trying to keep straight. You have multiple stories to keep straight. Every single issue that you have, every criticism people tell you, it is always someone else’s fault.


No one here is arguing except you. We all agree that your horses are neglect cases that look like crap and need to be properly fed and cared for


Goodness adulting is hard. Part of adulting is accepting responsibility for your muck ups, learning from your mistakes, admitting that maybe,just maybe your aren’t all that and a bag of chips and that you can learn a thing along the way.

Nope, not you.

The photos I have seen of your horses are disgusting, plain and simple. They are unthrifty, malnourished, skinny, wormy looking and sad.

Prove us wrong, take a current photo with a date stamp on the photo, of the horses shown in this thread.


If you have ongoing issues with your animals being neglected when you can’t monitor them daily, shipping the one broodmare and the pony clear across the country seems like a really weird solution to that problem.


Yes. I don’t understand why these two have been shipped back to Arizona. Were they sold?


The pluralities are striking, and sound vaguely familiar. I don’t understand how mentioning unnamed multiples gives any weight to a position? It like saying “a million people can’t be wrong!” but yeah, they totally can be wrong.

Also, I do love the references to having the lawyers taking care of stuff, or saying it’s in court you can’t say anything. That’s such a canard; your lawyer, Lionel Hutz, is fine if you talk about it!


What’s the over under on how soon we’ll see a post about how awful the people taking care of those two are and how they were ‘fired immediately’?

Countdown clock anyone?:stopwatch:


My question is why (especially if you’re a breeder) would you post photos of your animals that weren’t amazing? Skinny foals, skinny broodmares, and that horrible shot of the aborted foal… why?

Also, just as a nit, I’ve never heard of someone who graduated “a semester early” from law school. Pray tell, which school allows this?


Arizona state university. Feel free to look up my entrance August 2009 and graduation date December 2011. Guess now you’ve heard it all. I took a heavy extra load to get through quicker.

Wow Kate, did you just give a straight answer to a straight question?

While you’re in the mood, how about the questions posed in this thread over and over? Are your horses now being properly fed? Do you have those current, time-stamped pics to shut us all up?


Go to my Facebook they are all on there yet you all fail to post all those pics lol!

And I’ve only given a straight truthful answer to everything. Inhave nothing to hide in my life. But you all take it and still create weird lies lol

Your horses, your photos.

Please post the pictures that contradict what “we all” have seen. And, please do answer the direct question which was are they now being adequately and nutritiously fed?

And, lastly, will you come to terms with the fact that this thread is not about you per se, and that no amount of blame shifting and excuses can ever absolve you from failing your responsibility toward them.