Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Not sure what more you want seen. You all have access to my public Facebook and I constantly post pictures of them. Obviously they are well fed. You all have created these crazy stories that are comical. You go be the judge on the photos all over Facebook. I keep it public for a reason as I have nothing to hide

And this thread and the other are completely about me. Starting with the “doodles” I breed that are far from that. People don’t like someone that does things differently. Now ridiculing about the hay but I see some on here buying the damn hay from my person in Aiken. It’s literally comical!!!

I went to your facebook as requested. I saw one post with two super blurry shots of two very young youngsters trotting in fields and one of the youngsters jumping WAY higher than anyone in my breed society would ever have a pony that age jumping. Like, literally if someone saw you pushing a horse that young to jump, let alone that big a jump, they would pass your stock over for being pushed too far too soon.

Nothing in that post counters anything discussed here.

Look at the pics in this thread and tell us the horses are well fed. Pictures don’t lie.


Is this you admitting that you can’t tell what a well fed horse looks like?


The young horse series requires 2 year olds to jump 1.10m. I think my 2ft oxer is well under that. Lol. But hey you know everything!

Not in the least. You just choose to post the old mare with a health problem and then attack all the others with nonsensical things. I’m fine with it.

@Kasheare, you could help your cause by posting those pics here. Not everyone does FB or wants to take the time to dig through your page.

And while you are at it, please post timestamps for the photos (and be honest).

It would be very interesting to see pics of your fat and sassy broodmares and young stock.


I don’t know anything about this breed and never suggested I did.

What I did say was:

  • I looked at your facebook
  • I see super blurry pics of 2 young horses
  • you have a 2 YO jumping much higher than anyone in my breed society would condone

Period. I say nothing about me knowing ‘everything’. That’s you making crap up to deflect. Please use whatever cut-rate legal education you got to read for comprehension. See above bullet points for what I actually did post. I claim no knowledge of your breed standard. However, I will note, many more experienced people on these two threads have pointed out that your understanding of the breed(s) you’re dabbling in is less than solid.

Since you’re happy to keep taking pot shots here, please tell me why so many of your horses are underfed to the point, in several cases, of their being emaciated.

I’ve asked many times. Since you’re crowing about how you give ‘a straight truthful answer to everything’, please answer that. Tell us why all the horses pictured just on this thread are in the conditions they are in.



Ok I’ll bite. Here are the pictures most recently available on public FB. If these are the ones you think bolster your case that you have healthy well fed animals then I’m not sure anyone could convince you otherwise.

IMG_1680 IMG_1678 IMG_1675 IMG_1674 IMG_1673 IMG_1672 IMG_4632


She thinks these pictures showcase her breeding program ??


Who the heck knows.


There’s much in common between these people, NP, KS, LK, that D Hub woman


Holy crapola, the mature horses in these pictures look like a bunch of worn out ancient rescues just picked up and having a first meal, the youngsters look pot bellied, rough coated and wormy
This is Shearer’s idea of showing her breeding stock in great condition ??? :flushed:


I just don’t understand
 she’s trying to sell her horses now
 at the very least, groom them and present them well if/when posting public pictures online.


No, we don’t. You block people who point out things like “the mare didn’t jump over the truck.”


YOU let someone sit on that mare with the health problem and YOU posted a picture of it on the internet. That alone is very telling. It’s abhorrent.


Please please stop feeding that alfalfa directly on the sand!


Probably because you have half the world blocked


No, obviously they aren’t well fed. The most recent photos posted in this thread still show thin, wormy , poorly cared for animals. Spines should not be sticking up


Isn’t it something!!! Looks like they have NEVER been groomed plus the conformation of these skinny mares is basically heinous. We have still yet seen any dam lines posted. hmmmm. Just a basic effort of grooming and mane trimming can do wonders. You will never fix that horrid flat croup, but
 oh well. A pig is a pig, is a pig. She will never change. That personality never does. Fueled by ego and delusion.