Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

These horses look like they’ve been out on the range all winter and have been brought in to run through an auction.

Is that alfalfa the stuff she has been bragging about?


They just look unthrifty.

I mean my rising 3 year old basically lives out a majority of the time and it’s COLD here. He has free choice hay that isn’t straight alfalfa and is groomed 2 to 3 times a week. His coat still shines, and he looks good. He actually looks too good, in that he’s fat.

Yeah, you have easy keepers and hard keepers too, but you figure out their needs and meet them.


So she threw them some hay so she could take their pictures. How about throwing them hay because they NEED it to support growing fetuses or their own growing bodies?

Does anyone know if the adult horses are all recip mares? Does she just underfeed the recip mares but gives her own mares more nutrition? Either way, it doesn’t excuse her underfeeding the youngsters.


I think it’s hilarious that Kate keeps saying how she doesn’t care what people say about her and only reads COTH for entertainment, but then repeatedly comes back to defend herself. Kate, don’t forget that you repeatedly texted my trainer to tattle on me about these threads last year. Clearly, you are very bothered by what people are saying. Maybe take some of the comments to heart, and do better for your horses. And yes, my trainer and I still have a good laugh over your antics. lol


Are the two grey horses in these photos the same mare? If so, I would like to know how far apart in time those photos were taken. She is in much better condition in the second photo.

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And pregnant it appears

What I find makes my heart hurt the most is that Kate wants to recoup her outlay as everything she does is outsourced. Every breeder I know is hands on with their horses as breeding is a labor of love. Not line items in a spreadsheet. KG Kennels and Sporthorses is nothing more than a production line of uteruses.


Really Kate?
That is shockingly low, even for you, Kate.


OMG. :crazy_face:


Right?! Shades of LK when she or a “friend” emailed a COTH member’s trainer and boss to complain to them about their postings on here.


I mean at least they have hay in front of them. I guess.

Those horses in the pictures look unkept and underfed. Even my barely groomed horses shine under the mud.

Wouldn’t take much to get them bright and shiny, a couple months of good feed and a proper worming.


I was thinking the same thing. Birds of a feather be flockin’ together, I suppose.


These photos look like they were taken specifically for AC. Each horse head down…each one with that bit of majickal Arizona alfalfa right there in front of them. “Look, they’re being fed!”


These photos were right after Fiona published the other picture. They were taken for no other reason lol. So that’s two months ago now for goodness sakes

No shade meant at all. Just a complete precaution Kate. Get some mats. Or mats and nets Florida sand is insidious especially with alfalfa and the fine leaves.


I hope they look better now than they did then.


Well, the photos of the horses eating Alfalfa on what is essentially sand confirms my statement earlier, in reference to watching her run Horses around in a space that uses trucks for fencing. That whole situation immediately called into question Kate’s horse keeping abilities, general horsemanship, feeding, everything. And now here we are.


Yes I have instituted slow feeder nets! Still learning about Florida sand as Arizona we did not battle it. Plus started chia seed daily for everyone.


I’m an ammie and have never lived where there is sand, and even I know not to feed on sand. 🤦


At one of the barns where I board, an older mare just had a bad colic and was at Tufts for several days. She’s full of sand. Our regular vet is doing some procedure to suck out the sand. Poor mare is full of ulcers, too. Note the sand ingestion happened at her previous barn, where she was being fed chopped hay on a sandy surface.

I do not even want to think about the bill from Tufts. Oof.