Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Professional foaling facility. She made a whole thing out of it on Facebook…


Eyeroll to the max

I can smell the bull from here


Any Bubba and his wife could be offering “foaling out” services at their backyard barn, because you know, they used to breed Spotted Saddle Horses in Backwater, Missouri and therefore have foaling experience.

So by charging other folks for foaling out their mares, they can call themselves a “professional facility.” :roll_eyes:



But KS claims to be a knowledgeable top tier breeder, apparently had 9 foals in 2023 and is asking $25,000 for some of them…

And yet…

She is posting multiple pictures of brand new babies lying in dirty shavings, and seriously thin recip mares.

It makes me wonder/worry about what we aren’t seeing.


My goodness people! Height is not the only indicator I was merely saying that is what she produces. There is a place in this world for those big horses.

How are you so dense and do not read. No I bought the offspring on their talent then sought out to find the mare. I was shocked when I did due to her being nothing like her offspring but I knew what she produced so I purchased her. How is that hard to understand. It’s how I’ve gotten all my mares. Purchased offspring first then the mare.

And again how many freaking times do you need the same information provided for you. I paid for all my mares to be foaled out at facilities and by people that are not myself. This is what I have always done. If you are so dense you cannot understand this then that’s ok you.

Round and round you go. Why don’t you come on out to the farm see for yourself like so many others have! If not then just be done with your keyboard commentating. The same stuff every day is getting you absolutely nowhere. It’s just ridiculous looking on all your behalf.

This does not answer the question so I am not sure why you are so angry.

Is the place you pay to foal out your mares a professional breeding facility or just some back yard barn that happens to say they can pop out your foals for you?
Or are you calling where you rent dry stalls, and pay someone, but can’t keep a good employee per you, you having your mares at a foaling facility?
The stalls the mares are kept in makes it sound like the second option, not the first.


You seriously paid money to have your mares foaled out on dirty shavings?

How did you select the place you did for your mares?


:unamused: Okay, The Maestro has the COTH Bathrobes.
What attire suits this Wannabe Maestress?
Judging by the state of her foaling facilities, the Yiddish Shmata seems apt.

2Dogs retires to pop some corn & uncork the cardbordeaux…

ETA Shmata example


I know, right?

If I am paying a reputable breeding facility to foal out my mare, I kind of expect clean straw for foaling.

Again, I did see one mare foal on shavings due to the mare having an allergy and couldn’t tolerate straw. She had one foal and it went fine, but the bedding was still ample and cleaned regularly.


Couldn’t agree more. If I paid somebody to foal out my most fabulous dutchiedoodles, I would be hopping mad if I saw that. #puppymillmentality


LOL! Growing up, being told one’s attire was a shmata (as in “That was some shmata she was wearing!”) was all one needed to head back to the closet for a change of clothes. For the uninitiated, shmata means rag.


I don’t know if that’s a dedicated foaling stall or if it’s permanent residence for the mare and foal. If the latter, the gaps between the bars on those grates are the perfect size for baby legs to get hung up in.


Post some current pics.


Tumeric. /s

As far as shavings go - there are some types that are a darker color - I have seen peat moss mixes like that. Still not ideal - as a responsible, professional breeder would know. I do a layer of shavings under a thick layer of straw. No bare, slippery mats showing for foals to struggle with. Thick, warm beds are best for both mare and foal. It is not rocket science and yet apparently… ??

I have never foaled out a mare - for my BO or anyone else - who looked as bad as some of Kate’s mares have (and she thinks that is okay!!!) - but I keep forgetting it is always the fault of bad staff that she excels in hiring… or maybe a full moon… or maybe an evil conspiracy by other braiders… or maybe an impending asteroid or >> insert excuse of your choice << . I find it odd that a mare and the Welsh pony (who I love and would develop into an amazing driving pony) were shipped to AZ when Kate is apparently looking to relocate to Aiken and is currently in FL (?). Whatever - I am hoping they found a good home as opposed to being used as photo ops or accessories - which is exactly what the trainer I had to deal with did. Over and over again.

At least her accessories were not thin and scruffy at times. They always looked good - that much she managed to get right thanks to the barn staff (including me) that she constantly bitched about.

Maybe… just maybe… you (KS) have too many pans in the fire. Magical jumper breeding and moving horses all over the place… and GSPs who are all likely also magical… and braiding… and a hay dealer… and carrying on endless battles with those who do not see the magic and are concerned. No concern permitted! No insight from experienced breeders wanted!!

Everything is not always - ALWAYS - someone else’s fault and yet that is what you adhere to…

As someone upthread noted… that is sad.

I would love to see a couple of your youngsters properly prepped for show/evaluation - gleaming coats, braids, perfect weight… presented as horses to be proud of… with good conformation photos.


I paid two individuals who said they had experience and competence in foaling out. It was not a vet clinic. I never had an issue in the past with people professing to foal out and not being capable.

Even the foaling vet clinics foal on shavings not straw that I interviewed in ocala.

Clean shavings I would assume, ample clean shavings. Not messy or minimal shavings.