Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Hey, a couple more pockets and that would make a dandy grooming accessory. I used an apron. It kept me reasonably clean once I had my show clothes on. I never had anyone to groom for me so in between classes I donned my apron.


Donā€™t worry they will be doing the yhs series. And yes the dogs hit the show road with professional handlers and my third generation bitch did exceptionally well getting her championship and two majors of her grand championship in the span of a month. But thatā€™s ok you continue to sit and judge my life on your keyboard and Iā€™ll keep living it

Well I paid for and had delivered pallets of suchā€¦ā€¦but why I pulled from those facilities and have everything set up for this year. But Iā€™m sure no matter how perfect something is I post there will be comments.

That is great that your dog is doing so well. I hope you paid the handler the bonus that was in the contract for those wins.

Fingers crossed that this year you hired better people. With your long history of only being able to hire people that fail you, the chances are not good. But hopefully this time things will work out, for the sake of the mares and foals that have had to deal with bad situations in the past.




The only person ā€œjudgingā€ your life and making claims and accusations all over the placeā€¦ is you. Backed up by your own evidence and constant whining about how everyone/anyone else is responsible for anything that goes wrong in that life you keep living.

Will you pay some decent handler to present and show your horses at the YHS? I hope so. Or will they do a a good job only to be blamed by you for ā€¦ whateverā€¦ wheneverā€¦ :roll_eyes:



7 yr old child
on a horse that always went up.

Either - thatā€™s one fantastic piece of fiction

Or -

Your parents and your trainer should have been put up on charges of child endangerment.


Serious black stallion thing going on with the junior riding career here.

Throwaway horse that sent multiple trainers to the hospital was fixed by little 15 year old me who was the only person who owned a crop. But I still got tossed every day. Is this the heart horse Anish harness superstar jumper?

I know many of us start out at the low end of horses as juniors, without decent trainers or appropriate horses. I did, too. I learned a lot. But first, this story is excessively bad even for feral teens on spoiled horses with idiot adults (wonā€™t elevate them to trainers). And second, I donā€™t brag about any fail moments that I experienced or witnessed as examples of good horsemanship.

All of this makes KS horse sense look worse and worse. Most of us go out entire lives without seeing or even hearing about a horse in our real life world going over backwards.

I missed that she said 7. I must have assumed 17. Either way letting any child or junior on a horse that repeatedly rears that badly is major negligence.


Interesting. Did they happen to say why?

I mean, obviously foaling on shavings can be done and can go just fine, but I was always taught that straw was best for a few reasons.


I have been wondering about this as well.

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At YHS the host provides handlers. Youā€™re not allowed to show your own horse or bring your own handler. They are running some clinics for people who learn how to handle but they have not announced any rules stating that you can handle your own.


you took the words right out of my mouth!!! A 7 year old on an always rearing OTTB!!! That whole paragraph was laughable. Christ on a cracker! Have we added pathological liar to the list?


Wellā€¦ I will repeat this one :smirk:


A rearing, bucking, throne of lies!!!


No no! 7 year old KS handled the rearing beast. And then rode it down the beach bare back. With no hands!


uh oh, looks like she dropped her bad girl crop.


And they won all the things!


ā€œWith the love of a horse, Much more than mere toy.ā€

Emphasis on a horse being much more than a mere toy partā€¦ā€¦


OMG. That was a hilariously classic part of that movie. The dramatic retellingā€¦ :joy:

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Why donā€™t you post something that looks perfect and let us see