Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

In fact they have not. You’ve missed quite a few my dear

Please post your facebook name so we can all see the videos, my dear.


That one is by the jumper Toronto. Douwe breeds both SP and TP types but doesn’t typically cross them.


Just search my name. Everyone here clearly has it. If you can’t find me it’s because I know your identity and have blocked the coth stalkers

The only recent image of your horses I see on Facebook since the video you shared of the grey mare wringing her tail while cantering and jumping with her hind end trailing, was a trotting video of your DeNiro colt.

He does look like a sweet young boy, but has a noticeable ewe neck and upright shoulder that seems to have come from the Ulandro mare you used over and over.

It’s hard to tell what is going on with his weight as he is fuzzy from winter, and there are lots of shadows. But… I will credit you and say he does look like he has decent energy and doesn’t look obviously wormy like prior videos.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ruh roh
somebody knows my identity!!!


There’s multiple profiles. One of them the last post is from December 4.

Another August 4 (2019)

Another a few hours ago. A screen shot:



OMG! :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Getting out my checkbook!!!


Not needed. He’s pending sale and a lovely moving horse. Anyone can grab an ugly screenshot just like here with all the ugly people. But hey I do, when I’m not horribly busy working, enjoying following you all obsessing over my life. It’s cute

I literally grabbed the first shot I could with the legs in a good trotting phase. I don’t have the time to find “a bad one”.


again, not your life. BUT you chose to post this fugly little pony. LOL Poor poor babies in your care. . And ftr, why would anyone where flip flops to a Keuring? You must have lovely feet! :rofl: :face_vomiting:


Wait, so Kate posts this for sale video for mid-fives and a mere 7 hours later it’s already pending sale? Dang, I want whatever she’s drinking!


Already had buyers waiting but been pouring rain. Sorry people that actually know what they are looking at recognize quality

Huge overstep and lovely suspension for a foal that’s 2 inches higher in the butt than withers currently. But you’re right you know everything lol

Do you think this shows better conformation than the other screen shot?


If you have buyers already waiting, why would you need to post a sale video?? :face_with_monocle:


This absolutely shows huge suspension and overstep from behind. He’s two inches higher in his butt than his whithers right now so for him to lift and be as smooth as his video shows he’s quite lovely. But then again it’s the people that have the eye for things that immediately messaged me. Not the coth people here that clearly don’t know what they are looking at

Updated video to see where he was now. Had buyers waiting the last two weeks but ocala weather and my work has been nuts. I mean you’ve bought a horse before right? Lol geeze the loonacy here

Well, I’ve never bought a horse from you. That would be “loonacy.” lol


I almost said something not nice about your training program but stopped myself and deleted it. Glad it works for you. Keep on keeping on with your horse and your choices