Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

because she is a pathological liar. I am sure she still has all the same trash and starving babies in that dump of a field.


My training program? Iā€™m not a trainer; Iā€™m an actual lawyer, licensed in two states. And as far as my riding, Iā€™m as adult ammy as they come.


Referring to the training program you are in. As I said keep on keeping on ammy!

Oh boy, I could use some entertainment, and Iā€™m sure my trainer could too! Please tell!


Especially considering my daughter was champion on both her horses this past weekend at Thermal!


Clearly you donā€™t read clearly. The entire farm was getting redone. Nothing is dumpy or trash. But hey I guess my trash is liked by a ton of people so must be decent trash.

Shouldnā€™t you be working? We all know Iā€™m off on Mondays but as a lawyer in two states donā€™t you have something more important to do than sit on coth and attack someone across the US from you? Just curious if this seems like normal sane behavior to you? What happens if people start talking about your daughter with all truths but things they donā€™t like about her. You would want to jump in on that and trash talk her as well as a keyboard warrior? This right here is why I do not have faith in humanity as a mother who is a lawyer should have better sense then to sit here for hours trash talking and keyboard warrioring. But hey as I said you keep doing you hun.

No, donā€™t deflect, Iā€™m still waiting to hear all about my horsesā€™ training programā€¦


Because I wasnā€™t in the ring and my flight from braiding was delayed so I got in at 2am and had to run straight to braid everyone elseā€™s horses there barely doing mine to run a few hours later back to the airport. Not disrespectful at all but hey if it is in your mind then so be it.

Went back to find where you got that one, and itā€™s the step before he transitions to a canter. He got big a couple times in the same circumstance.

Overall an average moving critter otherwise.


I said what I said. You can infer that I donā€™t approve of some of the techniques or meds I saw in the early morning hours before anyone was there as is the same in many barns Iā€™ve worked for but not my place to say a thing I just move on. But maybe you should check back in with work. Donā€™t want to get in trouble for trash talking on a horse forum instead of catering to your clients needs

not one minute to change into real shoes? lol. ok. HB Kate!


Not at all it was mid trot the entire way around. And again amazing considering heā€™s two inches higher in his butt than his withers currently. But hey thanks for saying heā€™s not exceptional. Many disagree but everyone has their own opinion.

Really Kate? Unfounded allegations? lol lol lol


Why? I braid in flip flops as do many other braiders. For some reason you are obsessed with my footwear which is insanely odd. No matter how many times you mention the flip flops it changes nothing for me or others. But hey you keep trying to go after footwear. If it makes you happy then all the more to it for you! :slight_smile: enjoy

Really. The secrets I hold for many many barns and trainers.

Oh yes, your legendary ā€œsecrets.ā€ Kate Shearer, righting the wrongs in the industry one barn at a time.


Hey, I for one am happy that this baby has found a new home.

I donā€™t personally get posting a video asking for inquiries like the baby is for sale, but if that is what you like to do, then go for it.
Just happy that this one is on the feed bill of someone who will hopefully take great care of it.



Wow that takes dedication and time to go screen record. Thanks for taking so much interest in my life and dedicating so much of your time to my life. Hope your life is fulfilling

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