Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

It took… 47 seconds of my life.


Is that more or less time than it takes one to change their shoes?


Awh but all the comments over the days and months….it’s adorable

Mine don’t have laces, so I’m going with more. But it’s still less than one full minute, so I’m ok with it.


I do not get why people are so obsessed with my footwear! Like it’s the most ridiculous thing but not it cracks me up. There are as many or more comments about my flip flops than anything else! Heck they are famous by now!

XOXO back atcha, punkin.

My horses are fed and in good flesh, so I don’t need to block people from seeing videos of them. Weird.


Not obsessed with your footwear. It’s just so disgusting that you would legit walk around a arena like that. gross. and again, the main reason is that you did it at a respectable event.


You are the one who claimed to not have a second to change your shoes before leading your horse around.
That was not me.
I just thought it was funny after you complained about the time it took for someone to screen capture your video.
Come on, you laugh at everything, that is for sure laugh worthy.


I feel like your clients wouldn’t want you to be mentioning this on a public forum? But you do you.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pig2:

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I’m still waiting to hear what is so questionable about my barn’s training program that Kate remembers it from five years ago. Other than the unfounded allegations of questionable meds (which anyone who knows my trainer or our program knows we do not use) or mysterious “techniques” that she saw in the morning, when she wasn’t even in our barn in the morning, because my horse had not even been braided by her when I arrived. I had to hold my horse both mornings for Kate to braid. So, I’ll just keep waiting…


It’s a public page. I just love finding out identity of the cothers and they get blocked just to make it more difficult. They still end up finding it though but fun making it more challenging m. Keeping everyone occupied

The amount of people in flip flops at fei events is amazing. Guess you’re just not around enough to see it. I am and we all laugh.

How are you this dense. As a lawyer you should clearly see the inferences. We are on the show grounds all night. Your horse was not braided because surprise surprise is was atrocious and ill behaved! But yes we are in the barns all night. But I have never reported anyone and have held my secrets. I just know which trainers I would personally have a horse with and which ones I would not

Oh Kate, is that the best you can come up with? I really hoped with all your creativity you could do better than that. lol


The amount of trashy people I would guess. I have been to many events and never have I seen anybody in flip flops. Horse events no less. Unsafe and more than that, the overall cleanliness of your feet. :face_vomiting: You do you, boo. lol.


I don’t need to be creative. I’ve only ever in the past and now stated facts whether you all morph them into untruths or create your own. I never deviate from the truth. Please go back to work. Have to pay for your winning ride for your daughter after all

He is definitely ewe necked.


How come the only one worrying about my work is you? I suggest you worry about your own life and ponies. They are probably hungry, probably time to go throw them some of your magic alfalfa.


@Kasheare, I am not blocked from your FB. You have not posted any updates on your mares who you admitted were starved by “help.” Your last post is from December. In my opinion, your mares still look neglected and you know this which is why you refuse to provide a single picture of your mares.