Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I think this is the one with DeNiro?

This is what top breeders are producing for dressage:


My last post is not from December

Sometimes I wonder if KS is actually Helen Keller. lol.


Actually my “improper breeding foal” has a much better hind leg. I will have to find a shot at the trot but the reach at the canter is far more prevalent here in his “sit” than in the proper breeder picture you posted. If you can’t see what I’m talking about then you have no idea what a hind leg is.

You do not have any current pictures of these mares on your FB page:


Of course I do! Many have been posted!

Yup. That was her DeNiro colt.

The pictures of the two babies you shared show youngsters with functional conformation for dressage. They have freedom through the shoulder given their angles, and the fact that their neck does not tie in low. They also reach under with their hind ends.

KS does not seem to understand how her choice to use this Ulandro mare… who passes on very specific neck and shoulder conformation… limits performance potential in all of her offspring.

Picture of mare (she’s not stood up well in this picture, but you can easily identify that the neck and the way it ties in to the shoulder are NOT optimal for dressage)

Picture of the DeNiro colt KS bred (who is out of the big black mare) - again, he is not stood up well in this picture, but it’s still possible to evaluate his neck and shoulder conformation to some extent

And… picture of De Niro himself

From what I see, this colt got the mare’s front end. That’s NOT what people want for an upper level dressage prospect.



Here is a proper picture of sit. Might need to brush up on your conformation.


same person different clothes

That horse has a strong loin and good SI connection.

I think we get so distracted by the neck and shoulder on some of these youngsters, probably because the conformation problems are easily spotted in almost any photo, that we miss the issues involving a weak loin …

Sigh. I hope they truly do have nice brains so that they are good low level horses for someone.


Anyone that knows anything looks for hind end reach underneath a foal they want to see that back leg come up as close to the girth area as possible. Yes a piaffe sit is different. In the previous pics of the other deniro there is very little hind leg underneath the foal. Glad to educate your eye though

Different people completely lol

it looks like a goat


There was an epic thread on COTH a while ago involving a crazy person who bred an Akhal Teke mare with an Irish Draught , and hoped for upper level jumpers.

The conformation on the Teke x ID youngsters seemed really similar to some of the KS DHH x Warmblood youngsters.


ummmmm, that is a canter pirouette. lol.



because not only is it unprofessional to wear flip flops around horses, although at this point we should expect nothing less, it’s also kind of gross to wear them in stalls and around barns.


100% I wasn’t even paying attention I was multitasking and clearly not well here! Def pirouette. And absolutely let’s go down the road that I have no idea what I’m talking about now too! :slight_smile: enjoy. I’m tapping out. Early dinner reservations with clients. Enjoy all.

I have lost precious brain cells in this short exchange with you. Precious brain cells.


Are you in Ocala?

I’m glad you found a place to go out to eat. Rumor had it that you had been banned from a few establishments…