Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Never been banned anywhere. The person that assaulted me in November of 2022 is banned from many many places. But there you go again spitting out untruthful facts based on what you heard. The amount of falsities here just makes me laugh. All a bunch of piranha feeding off each other and running with it even if it is the complete opposite of the truth! :rofl::rofl:

If this baby wasnt overtracking, I would worry. His legs are long and his back is short. The baby is cute but he isnt a highly bred, upper level prospect.

Editing for clarification: this baby has legs longer than his back, at this point. That is why he overtracking. I am calling this out as what you are claiming victory for is really an expectation. Meaning if the baby wasnt doing it, I would be really concerned. Its not due to amazing conformation and athletic prowess.


Man none of you can agree! Long backed or short backed? Lol

Kate, I mean this as the most genuine question because I really do want to see where you are coming from. When there is a group of people, with consistency, coming at you and saying you’re wrong, does that ever make you want to step back for a moment and reevaluate why these people might be saying these things about your operation (regardless of if they are true or not)?


It’s not a group though. The group I listen to are the people that have been to the farm, that have their hands on my stock, that judge my foals, that are actively in the competitive market. Not people on here in which I’ve found most to not have any type of show background. So I absolutely listen to people that I should listen to not keyboard warriors especially about footwear, whether my mother actually died, whether I passed the bar, whether I even have the education I say I have or any of the other plethora of topics broached on here.

hopefully those people are pulling out their checkbooks to buy your mares and babies. The rest of us will just sit back and hope for the best for them. And hope they get better care than they are getting with you.


Actually many have asked for custom breedings.

The two pictures of the foals I posted upthread were the top foals from the 2020 Elite Oldenburg auction. Kate says her foals are better and have a better hind leg than some of the best Oldenburg foals produced in 2020. You know, from her harness mares.

I agree about the shoulder - IMO the humerus of Kate’s foal is much shorter than what you typically see in dressage lines. I’ve also found that the humerus in a foal can look deceptively long in a foal compared to when they’re fully grown so it may appear shorter when older.

I have one with De Niro in the second gen and he has a nice shoulder like De Niro. That’s typically what that line produces. I guess that’s the risk one takes when you cross such different horses - harness lines and a jumper line. I’ve crossed dressage and jumper lines but the conformation is consistent. Harness is so different. You can find successful Dutch crosses but going out and spending 6 figures as a “hobby” to breed them is a totally different story.


How many first premiums were your babies awarded at the keurings again?


Custom with what??? Your fine assortment of mares with unknown pedigree?? Did you take your meds today? :rofl: :rofl: :llama:


Yes, having a rock bottom reputation and being known as someone that starves their horses must be so thrilling and wonderful for you. Such hilarity.


Well, sh*t ladies and germs, I didn’t know that I was holding onto low-mid 5 figures gold based off of my horse’s hindlegs in a photo.

A quality canter is not only about how far the hindleg reaches underneath the body. I also don’t think we truly understand “sit” but maybe we can have a separate class on that.

I have no affiliation with this person and found these off of the Google. They were asking £7000 or best offer back in 2016. So that price would be raised nowadays, but not to mid 5’s. Anyway, here is a DeNiro foal with suspension, sit, push, power, and a great hind leg:


Kate I say this with as much candor as I can not to make you feel defensive. My thoughts about the quality of your breeding program do not matter.
Here’s my takeaway. If you CONTINUOUSLY have issues with every day upkeep and barn employees and facilities where you board. And. CONTINUOUSLY problems foaling your horses out. Please stop. It’s not normal. Just stop producing more.


Nice that you have no trouble feeding yourself.


Such a nice foal. Does it say the breeding?


Dreamboy x DeNiro


I’ll only give 2k! That colt lacks the proper ewe neck and breadbasket head I am looking for. I only buy the best for my stable!


There’s that. And then the string of lawsuits. And then all the drama on social media blaming anyone and everyone she has ever paid to care for her horses and dogs every time her animals are found to be in less than optimal condition. Oh… and the bar fight was the other guy’s fault too.

It’s really remarkable, wandering through life encountering so much trouble, and having that always be everyone else’s fault.


You know pile on or not ….who gives a crap about Shoe choice …or . Dissecting the breeding philosophy… it’s all really secondary. It’s her horses’ welfare that’s paramount. And obviously according to her …there have been a myriad of bad barns, bad workers, bad friends, and bad vets/service providers. So the answer seems to be to stop. Problem solved.


All of the foals that Kate produces seem to me to be a waste of semen from high-quality stallions, what a shame. My mare is not perfect (the black filly in a much earlier photo at her inspection that I posted on this thread), but I can guarantee she would throw something nicer than these foals if bred to De Niro!