Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I have no skin in this game, just following for amusement. But these two babies are just gob smackingly gorgeous!!! The one on the left is really absolutely stunning, but wouldn’t say no to the one on the right any day!!! It’s too bad Christmas is over.


And a well-fed mama!!


Except you NEVER get it right on the facilities you use to board and feed your horses or foal out your mares. AND you have to go on SM with all your ‘I own this but it was their fault’ drama posts and then people attack you and you attack back.

You enjoy that? Over and over and over again?

If that’s ‘enjoying life’, count me out. That is one thing I would never try.


Yes, most people would have at least attempted to learn the basics about their horse breeding “hobby”, their claimed “passion”, by now.

Again, the issue I have is with the poor husbandry, I mean the repeated basic lack of care and nutrition of breeding stock.

Ms. Shearer can try to “lol” about her “great life” all the way to her bank, and that seems to be the modus operandi. The horses she uses, and the people she sells them to, are obviously not high up on the list of importance to her.

It’s too bad that people care so much about white socks that they can be blind to the horse beneath the color. Of course there are people that do breed for color and conformation as well as performance, and they take what they are given color-wise. No well educated breeders breed for color over conformation, and color over conformation is what seems to be happening here.

The “important-well-known-sport-horse-Olympians-that-love-my-stock-whom-I-can’t mention-because-they-will be-picked-upon-by-COTH-members” line, is as ridiculous as it sounds.


Perhaps it has already been answered somewhere up thread, but are any of the youngsters in this breeding program of an age to have been started under saddle, and are any of them old enough to be actively competing under saddle?


She has a video on her facebook page of one her breeding being ridden by its ammy owner. KS is very proud of it. It does not mention competing yet.


This is what my teenager says when she doesn’t want to be transparent.


Just post the current condition of the horses and shut everyone up.


Yes, snarky teens love the ‘that’s a you problem’ rejoinder. All mouth and no trousers, as we say.

The behaviour here is so utterly unprofessional from a person who wants to make her living braiding and breeding horses. A simple reply with professional photos of healthy, well-fed horses is all it would have taken to shut this thread down ages ago.

But those pictures don’t exist and that’s why it hasn’t happened.

All the rest is just snake oil and regular old bald face lying.

It would be laughable and pathetic if there weren’t starved mares and babies and aborted fetuses and dead mares.

This person is cruel, and that’s the real truth from which she
tragically never deviates.

@Kasheare - feed your horses. Do it now before you treat yourself to another dinner out.

That you have not died of the shame of the state of those poor animals is all anyone needs to know about your character.

I don’t give a flying focaccia about the conformation of your babies. Could not possibly care less.

Feed. Your. Damn. Animals. Now.


Wait, what? :thinking:

The Sushi place’s owner I assume is who is being talked about.

Here is the conversation.

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I was pointing out the idiocy of stating she’s not a fan of the place, but still goes there often.


She said every so often.

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I have just caught up on the latest, so am behind a bit. I watched, and rewatched that black colt. Years ago, I went looking for a weanling/yearling as that was what I could afford. I watched a LOT of babies running around. I watched a million videos.

Admittedly, I look for dressage suitability. But this colt, cute as he is, doesn’t have it. At that wonderful trot (s) that KS loves, his hocks are way out behind. As a result, there is no push and his front feet land just under his shoulder, in spite of the toe pointing. And I just dislike the canter immensely. He cannot use his neck properly to work over his back at all and just boings around like a cartoon horse.

All that to say, maybe he will get better with age, maturity, strength and proper training. But he is starting from behind the 8-ball with that head/neck/shoulder. Watching babies is somewhat of a crapshoot by itself because you don’t know what maturity will do. Unless of course, the parents are proven and accomplished…then it’s less of a gamble.


This says so much. It is sad. she is truly sick and needs help. It will never happen. The animals all suffer because of her. She will never see it. I know we need to stop beating a dead horse, literally in her case… I will never get past the aborted fetus and the poor mare, nor the very sick looking grey mare which we were corrected by her it was bred at 17, not 18. wow. Cuz you know darn well, that mare looked just like that last year. :sleepy:


yup. and she thinks that is amazing movement. :disappointed_relieved:


@Kasheare I am curious as to your thoughts on what being a responsible breeder means. Will you help the owner resell? Will you buy back or take back any baby you have brought into the world if it needs a soft place to land?


I’m not sure KS’s place would be a soft place to land unless her program gets a massive upgrade.


But the alfalfa. It’s from Arizona!


When I said I’d be embarrassed and ashamed to bring foals in that condition to a keuring, she retorted that nope, she didn’t feel either of those emotions. It’s obvious she thinks they looked hunky dory.

Then she claims she listens to “people who… are actively in the competitive market. Not people on here in which I’ve found most to not have any type of show background.”

Oh, really?

For the first time on this thread, I feel an authentic LOL is warranted.


Yup. It’s baffling that someone can be this naive and incapable of reading a room. There are some excellent and very experienced horse people participating in and reading this forum.

The good news is that this thread alone has almost 40k views. Before these threads, I didn’t know KS existed and I’m sure it’s the same for many. At least more people are informed now. The viral FB post helped inform people as to who KS is as well.