Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I’ve been so freaking busy I truthfully haven’t had time to deal with the crazy cothers. And as many are at the farm you can easily ask anyone tagged on my fb about the well being of said horses. Just come on out and check them! Seriously!!!

Not posting anything that isn’t record. You asked for confirmation about the horse being too big/too old. There it is Fiona. It came from you. Everyone knows who the owner of the filly is now because of you. So you are the one that started this. I’m posting nothing that violates a single thing.

Hmmm, those were sent by the owner. Not me. Your point?


I’ll trust the people with lovely well fed, well trained horses with decades of experience. And the other braiders and barn staff. You do you. You’re obviously very entrenched in your own beliefs. Again. I hope your horses on the ground all find wonderful homes.


You have pocketed 25K from this owner plus boarding fees. You really shouldn’t be blasting her name online. Do you have any discretion?


You posted everything and made it public where her name was exposed everywhere. Not me Fiona. You asked that I show you proof of things. I did so. This is on you hun.

So true. The CONSTANT trying to fight, or sue you, or just act like a little vindictive teenager is so immature. I am actually shocked she even graduated from high school. seriously. Plus, always too busy to post pictures of her shitty, starving stock. “I don’t have anything to prove” yeah, right.


Not true Kate. I had a different idea of you at first. You accepted responsibility and owned this. I respected and understood that. Sometimes people go through hard times. Then it turned into a cluster everyone is lying and noone cant be trusted…


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Do you know what running a large business in multiple states is like? I’m sorry that taking pics of everyone for coth only is imperative. No one else seems to care just those stragglers here on coth which is absolutely adorable

Again, all those were from the buyer. Your point?


Clearly she does feel like she has something to prove, since she set up a jump chute in a dilapidated paddock again, and chased another youngster through it, took photos, and then came and posted them here to convince us all that she is a brilliant breeder.

I believe this was an August 2022 colt. So he’s not yet 2.

Also… I believe this is the colt she has left intact, because she believes he is a stallion prospect. Sigh.


Jeez girl. I’ve worked for Google and YouTube in capacity of Marketing Strategy for YEARS. And still run the farm. Please.


My point is you asked me to show proof that the size of said filly was an issue. How can she be “older” because she’s so big but also malnourished and small from you?

So this is the only first premium of all the foals you’ve bred. If you are advertizing using that photograph, the condition of that jump chute will call into question your husbandry.

The rest of your foals are second premium.

Second Premium from KWPN;

Meets Breed Standard. Some faults or lack of quality in type, conformation, and/ or movement. (Is equal to studbook status in the studbook inspection.)"**

This is not what a good breeder wants to produce and is an obvious indication that your breeding “program” is not going in the right direction.

What “yhs” path is the colt going down? Are you taking him to a 2 year old Keuring?
Are you re-presenting any of your other stock?


No. You were going to provide proof I dont like Chacco Blue. Im not seeing that.


I guess barn staple south is a dilapidated paddock and you should contact them about your displeasure with their set up :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Seriously. Like… what exactly does this screenshot prove?

I’m so confused.

And didn’t Kate go to law school? She doesn’t seem to be able to make a coherent argument about this, nor has she proven her point.

So weird.


The yhs program for the colt and yes submitted him for Kwpn stallion approval. You all can be as against it as possible but you are but a small tiny few that mean nothing. Just thought I would pop on by to show pics from today of one of them. If you want to see everyone else just stop by my fb page

Bahaha you wanted proof of size of filly. But yes now I will get you your proof of your spiteful words of the sire. Don’t you worry hun