Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

“Looks older” is different than “big” or “well-fed”. I can imagine that to someone who is used to foals with more delicate bone structure, that perhaps a photo of the foal in question could lead to questions about how old the foal is based on size of head, etc.

Edited to remove the screenshot


THis is totally unfair showing the buyers name.


Her age was never in queation.

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Her starvation was


No excusefor stavring a foal


Seriously. I can see that train a comin’ round the bend.


Fiona stop now as I know you will just delete all your comments like normal. Just stop while you’re behind here

How is size of an issue for being “older” becUse of size yet you claim she was starved and is malnourished. It just doesn’t add up Fiona smith.

She didn’t claim the filly was starved or malnourished. We (and all of FB) saw the photos ourselves. The filly was bones.


She did full on claim that above multiple times

Dear Kate,
I once was a CoTH straggler, and I am quite adorable, thank you.

I am now reformed and wizened, and it’s thanks to you that I have had my eyes opened to your astounding vision. I see your magikal plan and your superior knowledge, and I want in.

I am always sorry and saddened to hear of how the world misunderstands and mistreats you. You are an astute business woman who’s time is precious and why, why, why on earth should you spare five minutes of your time to take photos of your exceptionally well cared for mummas and babies? I mean, I’m quite willing to accept your invitation to come visit and see them for myself, despite my fear of flying over an ocean to get there.

Yours in lols
Pocket Rocket


My point is the filly was skeletal. I fail to see how her claims of starvation were misplaced. Did the filly have some health condition we all don’t know about?


And the photos sent by said owner same day were far different than Fiona’s pictures. These were sent by the owner! So anyone want to tell me how photos change so much of a horse like that in 24 hours??? And again these photos came from the owner (which came from Fiona).

Awh anytime you are welcome from overseas!

Ok so again….let’s comment on this from a no record made you all said was a feed pen pick, cheap buy, bottom of the barrel……can’t wait until next year when I can do the same with the others. But yes let’s just see this yet again about my “vision” of back yard breeding


Sorry @Kasheare this photo doesn’t lie.


So you are saying Fiona somehow doctored the photos of the filly to make her look skeletal? What about the photos of your other skinny horses? What about your post saying you accepted responsibility and that it was the fault of your barn help?


Again with the photos of the ramshackle, half-assed, decrepit jumping chute?? You really have zero understanding about marketing or business acumen or (obviously) presenting your youngsters at their best. Unfreakingbelievable.

You are lucky he did not get caught up in that mess and suffer a rotational fall. Although I am sure, as always, that would be Someone Else’s fault. Just as predictable as you refusing to acknowledge the condition of that poor filly - when under your care. Not after the new owner got a hold of her and actually - GASP! - started to feed her appropriately.




Honestly, he’s cute but his form isn’t that great in those particular photos.